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Ipace the floor for so long I’m sure I’m wearing a hole in it. The smell of antiseptics fills my nose, and the sterile corridors, painted in white so cold and clinical it offers no comfort. I hate the thought of Elena being stuck in this place, but Gemma is still working on my wife.

Seeing that shit carved into her stomach had gutted me in a way I can't put into words. Elena didn't deserve that. And her sister sure as fuck didn't deserve to be beaten into oblivion.

As far as I know, Letta still hasn't woken up, but it's been a while since I had an update from my cousin.

“She'll be okay,” Zeke tells me from the hardback chair where he is sitting. Lucas is next to him, his hands clasped between his parted legs.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, I called my brothers. I didn't want to face this alone, and not because I couldn't, but because they have always had my back and I needed that support. I don't how to handle whatever trauma Elena is going through. My brothers are better at this kind of thing.

I tear my fingers, trying to control the anxiety rolling through me. Surely, I should have heard something by now. Where the fuck is Gemma? “I need to know what's happening.”

Zeke stands, grabbing my arm and stopping me bursting through the double doors that lead to the treatment area. “Try not to get kicked out, Kane. Elena is going to need you.”

I explained to both of my brothers what I found at the house and what I did to Michael Maloney. It wouldn't be easy to make the death of the mayor's son disappear, considering his high-profile nature, but I don't give a shit about that in this moment. I put my trust in my brothers to make this problem go away, and I knew they had been talking to people on our payroll who could make that happen after they first arrived at the hospital.

“I need to see her.” The waiting is killing me. The uncertainty of what is happening is worse than anything else.

“Gemma will come and get us as soon as she's ready.” Lucas's assurance doesn't help the churning in my gut. I need to see her with my own eyes, because the last time I had, she looked terrible.

I continue to pace the floor, working myself into a state of frenzy. Walking in circles around and around the small waiting area until I drive myself crazy.

I glance up as the doors open, expecting to see my cousin. But it’s not. It’s Dex, Elena’s brother, who strides in with his father on his heels. I called Dex to let him know his sisters were in the hospital, but I didn't expect him to drag the bastard father with him. He's not getting near either one of them. He sold his daughters down the river without a care or thought for their wellbeing.

Anger floods me, and the urge to ram my fist into Hamish's face is overwhelming.

And not just because that fucking cunt came between me and my wife. He left Letta in the hands of a psychopath. He let my wife defend his daughter because he was too much of a cowardly bastard to step up and make Michael Maloney pay for touching his child.

Without stopping to consider the consequences, I grab Hamish by the front of his suit and slam him against the wall. The older man flares his eyes in surprise. He might be untouchable in his circles, but not in mine.

Dex tries to pull me off him, but my brothers are quick to rush to my defence. I ignore what is happening behind me and focus on Hamish, who I have pushed against the wall, my elbow pressed against his throat.

“You fucking bastard. Did you consider for a moment how much danger you were putting Elena in? Did you stop to think about what your little fucking scheme would do to our marriage? How could let your own daughters walk into the viper's nest and not protect them?”

Dex stops struggling against my brothers' holds. “What are you talking about?”

I twist to glance at Dex, seeing a lot of similarities between him and my wife. They have the same face shape, the same eyes, though Dex’s are as dark as my own. He should have protected his sisters better. He's not innocent in this either.

“Your father sent your sister into our marriage to spy. She refused to do it, but the fact he even allowed it tells me how little he cares about Elena.” I push my elbow deeper into his neck, making Hamish choke. “You know what we do to traitors, don't you? You're not stupid, Hamish. What did you think we were going to do to her if we found out she was selling secrets to you?”

“She told you.” He gasps out the words, struggling to get air around my hold on him.

“She's my wife.” I don't tell him the truth, that I overheard the conversation between them. I don't want him to think there are any cracks in our marriage. Presenting a united front keeps Elena safe, me too.

“She always was a disobedient little bitch,” Hamish snarls. “I could never get her to do anything I asked. Even as a kid. I was surprised she married you, to be honest. I fully expected her to do the whole runaway bride thing.”

Dex shrugs off my brothers and they let him go, keeping close in case they need to grab him again. “You did that to Elena?”

Hamish's eyes slide towards his son. “What would you have had me do? She was right there. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.”

Dex's jaw tightens and his eyes blaze. “You fucking piece of shit. This isn't a game. You could have got her killed.”

“That's not even the worst of it. You turn a blind eye to the fact your other daughter was taking a beating from that cunt you forced her to marry. Was some alliance really worth more than your daughter's life? He battered Letta. The doctors don't know if she'll wake up.”

Dex pushes me aside and slams his fist into his father's face. Hamish goes flying, crashing over a couple of chairs and into a small coffee table before sprawling onto the floor. “You stay away from both of them.”
