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“She's my sister. She needed me.”

Letta did need her. I can see Ford coming out of the building holding her in his arms, as limp as Elena had been. He comes round to the passenger side and slips her onto the seat, belting her in place. Like a rag doll, he manoeuvres her where he needs her before shutting the door and heading back to the driver’s side.

“She… Is she okay?”

I don't know how to answer that. She was unconscious when we got here, and she hasn't woken yet. Whatever that bastard did to her, it's clear he really hurt her.

I don't want to lie to Elena and give her false hope, so instead I say, “We are going to get you both looked at.”

I snap my eyes to Ford. “The hospital. Fast.”

The sound of rubber squealing fills the air as he hits the accelerator. I pull my phone out with my free hand, the other I keep trailing over Elena's forehead, needing to feel her close. I dial Gemma. She doesn't pick up on the first attempt, so I call her back. It takes three attempts before she answers.

“I'm working—”

“Good. I'm coming in with Elena and another woman. Both are hurt and need immediate attention. I need you to take care of them, quietly.”

Because there is no way I can explain to the police why my wife has the word whore carved into her skin.

“Fine.” Gemma sounds irritated, but I don't care if I've annoyed her. I just need her to take care of my wife.

“We'll be there in five. Wait for us by the backdoors.”

I hang up, tucking my phone back away, and give my wife my attention. Elena's eyes are heavy and rolling, as if she is struggling to focus. I am furious at myself for allowing the situation to happen. If I hadn't been such a stubborn prick, my wife would be safe.

I ignore it all, focusing on the woman in my arms. It makes the shit we were arguing about seem so mundane. I should have let it go. I should have been the bigger person. I would do anything to make this right, but I'm not sure I can.

As soon as we pull up outside the hospital, I’m reaching for the door handle. My cousin is waiting just beyond the back door, two wheelchairs and another doctor with her.

I get out of the car and slowly tug Elena across the back seat until she is in my arms again. As I approach my cousin, my eyes dart to the man with her. “I thought I said we needed to do this discreetly. Who the fuck is this?”

Gemma grits her teeth. “You said there are two victims. I can only work on one person at a time. I trust Robert. He is a friend.”

The man, Robert, gives me a small smile that is meant to reassure me. If anything, it makes me want to stab him in the face. This is my family.

I place Elena in the wheelchair, and she sags back, barely able to hold up her own weight. Ford doesn't put Letta in the other chair, instead he keeps her in his arms. She would be unable to sit up anyway.

Gemma wheels Elena into the hospital and into a trauma room away from the main hustle of the emergency room. I help lift her onto the trolley and step back to give my cousin room to work. She gasps as she sees the carving on Elena’s skin.

“Who did this?” she demands, as if she cares. Gemma has made it clear she has nothing but disdain for my family.

“Just patch her up.”

Gemma moves to the side of the bed, grabbing some equipment and returning her attention to my wife. The entire time I watch her work, my heart feels like it's in my throat. I have never felt fear or pain like this. I have no idea how Elena got under my skin so quickly, but I realise in this instant the depth of my feelings for her. I don't care that she betrayed me, or intended to, because she actually didn't do anything. She refused to follow her father's orders, and considering her need for his approval, that says a lot about how she feels about me. I move towards the trolley, and through the railing, I grip Elena's hand. Her eyes flutter, opening for a moment. There is panic as her gaze rolls around the room, and then it settles on me. The trust shining back at me nearly drives me to my knees. This woman trusts me to keep her safe, and I have fucked that up.

I don’t know how to fix this, but I will spend a lifetime making sure no one ever touches her again.
