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I honestly don’t know how I would be as a mother, but I know I would have loved him to the ends of the earth.

My sweet angel, Tarak.

“Fucking hell, dahlia. You milk my cock so good. You’re going to look so damn stunning carrying my baby.” A wave of sickness washes over me as I soak in his words and what that means for me.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He’s trying to get back what he destroyed.

He wants to anchor me to him using an innocent child. Zayan stills inside me, allowing his ragged breaths to slow as he comes down from his high. Once he’s back to reality, he pulls his flaccid cock out, plopping down on the bed to cuddle against my body.

Somehow being so empty, without him inside me, makes me feel whole again.

Zayan twirls a strand of my greasy hair around his finger. “I can’t believe you’re all mine now. I get to stare into your stunning green eyes for the rest of my life. Watch them fill with tears while I fuck your tight cunt. Watch them fill with the happiness I know you’ll have every time you see me.” His voice is so low and demonic it makes me wish I were dead.

I want out of here. Ineedto get out of here.

As much as I hate Marnix, I’d rather look at his traitorous face every day than be in Zayan’s presence for even a second more.

I don’t know how long we stay like this, but he eventually climbs off the bed and heads toward the door. “We’re going to make the most beautiful baby. It will be sweet just like you, my dahlia,” he purrs, blowing me a kiss before he walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Part of me wonders if he realizes how psychotic he is or if he thinks this is normal.

His words echo in my head and linger deep in my soul. There’s no way this man could ever love a child like it deserves. He doesn’t have a loving bone in his body. He’s pure fucking evil and straight from Hell. He only understands manipulation and power. None of that includes a drop of love.

I can’t count the number of times he’s fucked me since I’ve been trapped in this room, so there’s a good chance he’s already succeeded. My heart shatters at the thought of bringing a precious being into a world with an abusive monster as a father—a man who would use the child as a pawn to get what he wants.

Memories flood my body as I remember how helpless I felt when I saw those two pink lines seven years ago. The world was crashing down on me so hard I couldn’t even think straight. I didn’t even have the courage to run from him at that point. Maybe if the baby had survived, then I would’ve finally done it. To protect an innocent life.

No, no, no. No, I can’t let this happen. This is no world for a baby.

I can’t let someone else suffer the same fate I have.

I have to do whatever I can to ensure that doesn’t happen.

I need to be strong enough. My pain will be temporary for now. My child’s pain would be for a lifetime.

Warm tears stream down my face from the possibility of what I’m not even sure exists at the moment. I thrash my head against the lumpy pillow, but something on the floor catches my eye.

His boots.

He made a fucking mistake; one his calculating ass wouldn’t make if he didn’t already think he broke me. He still thinks I’m that meek girl he used to know. He thinks I’m falling back in love with him, that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.

Reaching over, I grab the knife and grip the cold metal tightly in my fist. This is the answer I was searching for. His mistake is a sign I need to end this, even if it causes me pain.

I can do this.

I am strong enough.

He won’t get what he wants.

Flipping the blade open in front of me, I stare at it longingly.Don’t back out now. He’ll take your life if you do.I run my finger across the cool metal before angling the handle so the sharp edge points down. My heart jackhammers in my chest, trying to psych myself up for what I have to do. No turning back now. I need to make sure he can never ruin another life.

If I don’t do this, he will. He’ll kill me eventually, and I don’t want to give him the power over me or anyone else. If I’m going to die, it’s going to be at my hands, not his.

Zayan Pravesh, you won’t get the chance to ruin me again.

With all my might, I slam the knife into my stomach, twisting it as deep as it will go, letting blood pool around the blade.Fuck. Fuck. It hurts so bad.A shocked gasp leaves my body as pain ricochets through me. Sucking in large gasps of air, I have to remind myself that the pain will stop eventually, that it’s temporary. Maybe it will allow me to drift off into bliss instead of consuming me, but at least he won’t be able to hurt another innocent life. The sick part of me can’t help but feel relieved by what I did. Warm blood pours down my sides, quickly escaping me, yet I smile. He won’t be able to hurt me or the possible little life growing inside me. I never want to hurt an innocent life, but it’s what must be done. It’s the only way to save us both.
