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He’s going to get me.

He’s going to kill me.

Don’t look back.

Be strong.

Instead of letting panic take me, I think about everything I have to live for.

Lya and her guys and sweet little Amelia.

Cohutta. My charming man is probably going crazy by this point.

Rush. Always so protective. I bet he hasn’t slept a second.

Fuck, even if I hate him with every fiber of my being, part of my broken heart still cares for Marnix. I know deep down that if he would’ve known what Zayan was indeed like, he would never have left me, but it still doesn’t negate the fact that he didn’t trust me. That he let his pride control any rationality he may have had, which ended with me here.

Maybe I should have spoken up in the moment and that would have saved me from the agony I’ve suffered. Although the fear of seeing Zayan and the pain I felt from Marnix not trusting me clouded any sort of common sense I had. It put me in shock, and the anger, pain, and fear I felt made it too hard for me to think clearly.

I’ve had so much time to think about everything. When Zayan left me alone, all I had were my thoughts. As much as I want to put it all on Marnix, I should have used my voice too. It definitely doesn’t forgive what he did, but I can’t put every ounce of blame on him. Even if he deserves it.

Focusing back on my surroundings, I push my body to the limit, continuing to sprint down the main road on the sidewalk. At least I think I’m sprinting, but in reality, I’m probably moving like a fucking turtle. A loud engine rumbles behind me, getting closer and closer, but my legs push me to move faster. I won’t go back. I can’t. I’d rather kill myself than be back in his clutches.

I continue to hear a dog barking around me, and when I look to my side, I see a little dirty yellow dog running beside me like this is a game. “Shoo pup, go away!” I try to focus back on the sidewalk in front of me, but the dog yips, continuing to jog by my feet. I look down at the clingy little thing and my heart drops. It seems like it hasn’t eaten in a while, like maybe it sees me as its next meal. However, it doesn’t look aggressive. Honestly, it looks happy to be running beside me.

Shaking my head, I forget about the dog. There is no time to be focusing on that when there are more pressing matters.

Every muscle aches, but I push it out of my mind. I have no energy, no strength left to give, but I’ll fight like hell to save myself. Loud boots echo behind me like they are running after me, as the engine seems to get further and further away. Whoever was behind me gave up on their car and started running.He’s chasing me.

He’s going to catch me.

I’m not sure how much longer I can do this. Every part of my body is screaming in pain. Maybe I should try to enter one of these homes. Maybe someone will see me and call for help. Maybe someone will save me.


Only I can save myself.

It’s only a matter of time before he catches up with me and takes me back. My head spins as I ponder the punishments I’ll receive for escaping. Was it worth it? Sure as hell won’t be if he captures me.

A loud, muffled voice booms behind me, but I can’t hear anything except the blood rushing through my ears and my heavy breathing. Stumbling over my cut-up and aching feet, I fall to the concrete, skinning my knees. The stinging shoots up my spine, my whole body giving out as I accept my torturous fate.

I try to push myself up, but I fall back down again. I’m unable to get a solid footing. Tears stream down my face realizing my fate is to die at the hands of Zayan. I still have to fight. If I can’t get away, I’ll make sure to beat the shit out of him while I can.

The dog is still on my heels but begins to growl loudly. Like it can sense the danger behind me. Then it does something I never expected. All the hair on its back stands up, and it takes a protective stance beside my body.

I blink a few times, wondering if I’m imagining this, but the dog is still there each time I open my eyes.Protecting me.My heart aches. This is a fight you won’t win, little one.

I can hear his rushed breathing behind me, pulling me from my thoughts of this strange dog. Before I can get up, a strong hand lands heavily on my shoulder. A second wind cracks through me as I quickly spin around, pushing up with all my might, swinging at his face with a scream. The dog rushes toward his legs, grabbing onto his jeans and growling. I land a blow against his nose, feeling satisfaction when his head snaps back, but the person in front of me makes me pause my attack.

“Z…Zep?” I blink a few times, recognizing the man in front of me as my friend, though he looks older. “Oh god, how…how long have I been gone? You’re…you’re old. Still hot, but old.” The man in front of me is tall, blond, and covered in black ink that wraps around every inch of skin. He looks exactly like Zep.

“Flattering,” he grunts. Something about his comment relieves a bit of pressure in my chest. After being in the darkness for what felt like forever, it feels good to feel a different emotion than despair and sadness.

“Wh—where’s Lya? Where are the other guys?” Part of me wonders if I’m dreaming again. Is this just another figment of my imagination? Before he has a chance to answer, the dog goes on the attack again and attempts to nip at his leg.

“Fuck, what is that thing? Fucking feisty for such a little mutt,” Zep growls, trying to shake the dog off.

Dizziness takes over as my limbs go numb and my legs buckle from beneath me. His hands shoot out, capturing me in an embrace before I fall. Surprisingly, his touch doesn’t make me recoil. It’s tender, safe, and comforting.

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