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His defiance is really starting to piss me off. I know what’s best for my girl.

“Do as I say, and fucking bring her to me,” I growl into the phone. I need to lay eyes on her. I need her here… where she belongs. “Rush, call Dr. Poore. Make sure she brings blood bags and all the necessary supplies,” I demand. He pulls out his phone, hits a few buttons, then paces the room with his cell to his ear.

“Thiago is pretty good at keeping people alive if he needs to before the doctor gets here,” Lya chimes in, sharing a look with Thiago, who nods with concern and a flash of pain. I don’t know what the hell that’s about, but I don’t care, I’ll take it.

“Bring her here. Right fucking now, and I won’t ask you again,” I command.

“Okay, okay. We’re about five out. But I’m warning you. It’s bad. If she dies, that’s on you, Nix.”I ignore him and end the call, not fully taking in his words after how far out they are.

“Mariana!” I yell. She turns the corner from the kitchen, drying her hands on a green kitchen towel. “Yes, sir?”

“Get my room ready. Tara is coming home, and that’s where she’s staying.” No way in hell she’s staying anywhere but my bed.

“Of course,” Mariana gives a small, sad smile as she heads up the stairs to follow my command. I don’t have the heart to tell her how bad of shape Tara is in. I know they started getting close before Tara was gone, so she’ll be devastated.

Lya and Rush are talking among themselves, but I still haven’t heard a word from Reilly. I muster the courage to look at him and find him staring off into space like he’s seen a ghost. Maybe he’s in shock from realizing he’s going to see her again, or maybe he didn’t believe we were going to find her.

Fuck, this has completely broken him. I’ve never seen him so down. So destroyed.

Maybe having her back will fix him. If seeing her severely hurt doesn’t make it worse. I’m worried about how he’s going to react when she gets here. He will either be the Reilly we all love or spiral out of control.

It will either be his glue or his downfall.

* * *

Viper whipsthe white van up the driveway, with Dr. Poore pulling in right behind them. I knew we could get her here in record time. Money can buy you anything in this world.

I sprint for the back door of the van, where I can feel her presence without seeing her. Sliding it open, I find my worst nightmare.

My legs almost give out. Bile rises in my throat as guilt washes over me. I keep blinking, hoping I’m making this up. Praying I didn’t do this to her.

She’s wrapped in a bloody sheet that barely covers anything. A burst of rage runs through my body at the thought of Viper seeing her body like this—touching her. However, that’s quickly brushed away as I get a good look at her.

Fuck, this is worse than I imagined.

Bruised. Bloody. Her breaths are shallow. Her beautiful face is so swollen she’s barely recognizable. Her hair is greasy and matted. She looks so weak—the complete opposite of the Tara I saw last.

The heart I didn’t know I had until I met her shatters to pieces. My breath catches in my throat as I stare down at her.What the hell have I done?

A faint growl cuts through the tension. A small yellow dog, baring its teeth at me like it wants to rip my arms off, sits at Tara’s side. The mutt is disgusting and dirty and looks like it hasn’t eaten in a month. What the fuck are we going to do with it?

“If you don’t get a move on and get her out of there, then I will. Stop fucking staring at her and get her help,” Rush growls behind me, snapping me out of my daze.

“I’ve got it. Go find someone to take this dog,” I snap. Gently wrapping an arm around her waist and under her knees, I carefully pull her out of the van and carry her bridal style. She lets out a small pitiful whimper, the only indication she’s still breathing. Her arm limply falls to the side, and Reilly latches his pinky onto hers, getting as close as he can as I carry her up to my bed.

I softly lay her down and Reilly sits beside her with tears welling in his eyes. Emotions cover every inch of his face, revealing the pure and overwhelming devastation he’s feeling. When he catches me staring at him, he looks away, unwilling to let me see his pain. He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve, but I haven’t seen him like this since his parents were killed.

Looking behind me, I find Lya rushing in, taking her place beside Reilly, and grabbing Tara’s hand lightly. “Oh, Tar. I’m so sorry. I’m—fuck. I didn’t know. I should have seen this. I should have protected you from him,” she whispers, pain lacing her voice. Tara can’t hear her, but the words still cut the same. We’re all feeling guilty for not preventing this from happening.

Dr. Poore comes up to my right side. “Alright, everyone, back away so I can work,” she commands. As much as I hate being told what to do, I know she’s the only one who can save my wife right now. Facing the red-headed doctor I’ve known since I was little, I narrow my eyes on her. “You fucking save her. I don’t care what you have to do, but you keep her breathing. If you don’t, you’re as good as dead. That’s a promise,” I threaten.

I don’t even care that I just fucking threatened to kill someone. She better take my warning seriously, because if Tara doesn’t come out of this, I’ll burn everything in my path.

Dr. Poore is just how I always remembered—not scared of shit. Not even me. “That’s cute. I suggest you don’t threaten the person who has her life in their hands, Nix. That could end badly if you push me too far. If you threaten me like that again, I’ll shove the money you’re giving me up your privileged ass.”

I look at Lya, who has a shit-eating grin on her face. Tara would love this woman. She’s as hardheaded and fierce as she is.

“Now, get out of my way so I can see what I’m working with.” Her bright blue eyes challenge me and I back down.For Tara, of course.Holding my hands up in surrender, I step back, letting Dr. Poore take my place.
