Page 3 of Love in Sight

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As I finish my morning coffee and grab my suit jacket off the back of the chair, I can’t help but grin like a fool as I feel the aching reminder between my legs from this morning’s festivities.

“What’s that grin for?” Rian smirks at me, wiggling his eyebrows like he already knows what I’m thinking about. That cocky smirk makes my insides melt. Such a simple gesture, but he has no idea what it does to me.

I playfully hit his arm and throw a smirk right back. “I’m just thinking about how I could use a wake up call like that every morning for the rest of my life.” I move around the island until I’m standing in front of him. Pressing my chest to his, I rub my hands up and down his defined arms.

He’s wearing a deep gray suit that fits his lean, tall body to perfection. His shirt molds perfectly to his biceps, showing off every dip and curve. The sun streaming in the window hits his soft, wavy, brown hair just enough to make the red undertones shine through. My eyes connect with his gorgeous hazels as the sunlight reflects off of them—so tender and caring, but filled with mischievous desire for me.Damn, I could almost have another orgasm just from staring at this gorgeous man.

His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer to whisper in my ear, “Baby, I don’t think you could handle a wake up call like that every morning, but I’m willing to test it out... For science, of course.” His breath skates across my earlobe as he gently nibbles on it. “I mean, I could always go for round two if you’re up for it.” His tone is filled with humor, but those hazel eyes burn with lust. My body shivers with desire spreading through me, heating my already soaking core.

“If we didn’t have a business meeting in an hour, I’d let you take me right here on the counter.” I make sure to press deeper against his body, rubbing against him, feeling his impressive length growing beneath me. “What a shame we have to get going, though.” I flash him a mischievous smile.

He groans and pulls me in for a deep, maddening kiss. “Baby girl, you don’t fight fair, but don’t worry, I’ll have my way with you tonight.” He presses a softer, more intimate kiss to my lips, full of promises for the night to come. Now all I can think about is finishing this meeting and rushing my ass back home.I might need therapy for the amount of sex I think about daily.

Breaking our kiss, I put my mug in the sink just as Thiago and Zep come into the kitchen, both looking like sex on legs. Zep wears his typical black suit with a black button-up that’s tailored just for him. The suit that makes it hard for me to pay attention to anything besides the way his firm ass looks in those pants. His tattoos barely peek above his collar, giving just a hint of his bad boy complex.

Thiago’s navy blue suit hugs every part of his body in all the right places. I can even see his abs pressed against the soft, silky material.Is it possible to be jealous of a shirt?Biting my bottom lip, I look him up and down as he comes toward me, his natural swagger radiating off of him. Sneaking behind me, he wraps his tanned arms around my waist. He presses a kiss to my shoulder as he sweeps my hair to the side, the stubble scraping across my neck sending a signal straight to my pussy. “Mmm, I’ve missed you.”

“You literally just saw me twenty minutes ago.”

“Twenty minutes is an eternity away from you,meu amor.” He presses another kiss to my neck, slowly lining them along my jaw until our lips meet.Do I really need to go to this meeting?I’d rather stay home and let my men leave marks all over my body until I can no longer hold myself up.

Zep playfully pushes Thiago away, coming so close to me so I can smell his musky pine scent. He gently presses a kiss to my temple as he glides his fingers through my hair.

“Are you ready to go?” he murmurs. Nodding, I close the space between us, pushing up on my tippy-toes as he bends down. His kiss is fast and deep as our tongues dance with each other. God, I am the luckiest woman alive.We break apart, and I can tell my soft plum lipstick is already smudged from that sloppy devouring of face. He runs his finger across my bottom lip, smiling down at me, surely messing my lipstick up even more until he presses one last kiss to my lips.

After fixing the chaos of purple smeared across my face, we all head out to Rian’s sleek white G-Wagon. Zep takes the passenger seat, while Thiago and I slide into the back. He subconsciously places his hand on my exposed thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth. Heat travels deep inside of me and I can feel Thiago grinning beside me without even looking at him.How can these guys basically make me come with just the touch of their hands?

One could say that I have it all, but it wasn’t always like this. I didn’t always have three devilishly handsome men to keep me company. There was a time I lived on the wrong side of town with nothing to my name. I had a family—if you can call the dysfunction I lived with a family—but that family is no more. My home was filled with a twin sister and a mother, but after Lainey went missing, my mom decided to waste her life away and there was no hope I was going to get her back. I lost my sister and my mom within months of each other, even though both might very well still be alive.

Instead of falling into the cycle of drugs and despair like my mother, I decided I was going to get out and get answers. I worked my ass off in school to get where I needed to be. I might’ve had to do some shady things in order to leave it all behind me, but when you’re desperate to get away from the suffocating life of havoc and despair you do what it takes to survive.

I’m pulled from my trance as we finally arrive at VPAC Tech with only fifteen minutes to spare until the meeting. That’s the joy of being the boss—you can come and go as you please and no one can call you out for it.

The guys and I started VPAC Tech in our last year of college. It had always been my dream to start a tech company and the guys were on board from the beginning. We started out pretty small, working out of the home the guys and I rented. Didn’t have many connections, but that didn’t matter when people realized the amazing shit we could do. Thanks to word of mouth, our business really took off. Eventually, we’d established ourselves enough that we realized we couldn’t work out of home anymore, and decided that if we were going to seriously do this, we had to go big.

Thiago put some of the inheritance he’d received from his late grandfather towards the office space we wanted, as payment to secure the property. We chose a location in the heart of downtown Craibridge in the Arreguin building. Not only is it the tallest skyscraper in the city, but it houses some of the most prominent businesses in the area, making it an extremely desirable location. Our office is on the twentieth floor, giving us a beautiful view of Craibridge.

By the time we graduated, the business had grown so much that we’d already expanded our office twice and added thirty employees to the payroll.

Our company specializes in web design and app development, setting large companies up with everything they need to successfully promote their business. We create alluring websites that could have anyone hooked, even if they’re just selling two dollar flip-flops. Additionally, we create apps to go alongside those websites for easy consumer access on the go, which is crucial to a business in this technology-obsessed society.

With the four of us, we are unstoppable, which is how we rose to success so quickly. We are a force to be reckoned with and anyone who dare cross us might as well run while they still have time.

When it comes to the operations of the business, I’m the face of the company. I’m in control of managing all employees, meeting with new clients, and occasionally working on app development. Anything that our company is involved in has to be run through me first before any final decisions can be made.

Rian Priestly is our behind the scenes guy who helps develop the apps and tech that we need to operate smoothly, as well as the security system that keeps our company protected.

Thiago Alves is the business relations master who can charm the pants off of anyone who walks through the door. When it comes to making the most advantageous business deals, I’ve never met a person with even half of Thiago’s skill.He could probably con the Queen of England to give away her firstborn son’s right to the throne.

Zep Cunningham can intimidate the hell out of anyone thinking of crossing me and put the fear of God into any man who dares to let their gaze linger longer than needed. That’s the problem of being the leading female of a company—especially in the tech industry. Most men don’t give you the respect that you rightfully deserve, instead focusing more on your body, so sometimes you need backup to let them know who really runs the show.

Together, the four of us form VPAC Tech.Clever right?Who knew our last names would form a pretty cool, businesslike acronym. Opening a business with your lovers could seem like a risky move to most people, but not for us. This company has only strengthened our bond to each other—making us indestructible. All of us operate as one, working to make our business and relationship as strong as it can be.

There have been times that we don’t always see eye to eye on business deals, but what company does? We’ve gotten into heated arguments in front of the board members, screamed at each other after meetings, and stormed off furiously, but the best part about us owning the company together is that anytime we fight at work, it just counts as foreplay for the inevitable angry fuck later. I like to think of it as the best of both worlds. Unconventional? Maybe. Hot as fuck? Definitely.

Exiting the car, I smooth down my tight black pencil skirt and adjust my white silk V-neck tank. I shrug my black suit jacket on and perfect my game face, as we take the elevator up to the top floor. Looking down, I smile at my red-soled heels, feeling like the biggest lady boss in the world with these killer shoes.
