Page 105 of Blood of the Saints

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My thoughts and feelings surrounding her are confusing, but the fact that I want to hurt her while she begs me to stop and then be the one who tends to her wounds has me all sorts of messed up. Seeing her pain, her blood, and how strong she is makes me so fucking hard. She can take anything we give her, suffering both physically and mentally while still being the champion she is. I’m perpetually turned on just thinking about her.

In the beginning, it was easy to see we were playing her the exact same way she was playing us, but everything feels different now. It feels like we forgot we were playing a game and things became a reality. They’re becoming normal. The lines between control and lust are blurring quickly to the point where they are almost dissolved.

So in the grand scheme of things, we’re fucked. Completely, absolutely, and royally fucked. She’s got us so screwed that there’s no way we’re going to be able to stop our inevitable demise.

Leading her to the room, I quickly unlock the door, pulling her inside with me, making sure to lock it behind me. My grip drops from her arm, and I already miss the warmth of her skin against mine. The pads of my fingertips still feel her smooth skin beneath them, making me want to touch the rest of her body so I can remember what it feels like.

“I’m guessing you’re my chaperone tonight?” Her hip pops to the side in a defensive stance as she faces me with her arms crossed over her chest. The sass dripping from her tone sends a signal straight to my cock, inviting him to the party. She’s frustrating as hell, but fuck, she could make anything hot without even trying.

“Looks like it.” My shoulders bunch as I lean against the wall, watching her every move.

“Will I always need a babysitter?” Her body lands on the edge of the soft mattress as it dips beneath her. Her eyes remain steady on mine, making my pulse thump louder in my chest. The fierce accusations swarming in her eyes shows the defiance she tries to use to cover up her authentic self.

“Probably.” At this point, I feel like we’re sleeping with her just because we can, not because she needs to be watched. We removed as much from this room as possible to make it hard for her to have anything to escape with, but she’s a sly one, so you never know what she could come up with.Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

“Great.” She leans forward, grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head, leaving her in her shorts and a bra. Her calculated movements tempt me to do something, trying to see how strong my resolve is, but I won’t give in to the temptation.

She looks so fucking gorgeous right now. Her beautiful pale skin looks so damn tempting. The need to know what she tastes like is all consuming, but I can’t act on my desires. I can’t let her have me too, because once I let that happen, I won’t be able to come back from it. She will become the drug I need to survive, my dependency will be on her shoulders, and that’s something I’ll never allow.

“A picture would last longer.” She reminds me that I’m blatantly staring at her perky tits under the material of her bra and her toned stomach and curvy hips.

She gives me a wide grin, before standing to take her shorts off. She unbuttons them, pushing them down her sexy fucking hips, leaving her in tiny little panties that barely cover anything.

Fuck me.

Why couldn’t I have gotten her granny panties instead of the sexy satin material that leaves nothing to the imagination? What the hell was I thinking?

With her toned legs bare, she moves to where the clothes are piled on the chair, and bends over, giving me the perfect view of her plump ass. The ass I want to dig my fingers into and slap so hard that my hand is imprinted into her skin. All I can do right now is stare at her from across the room with a raging boner like a fucking creep.

After what feels like an eternity, her fingers clutch onto the shirt she was looking for, allowing me to exhale a breath, knowing this torture will soon be over. The thin material of her bra slides off her body, leaving only the delicious curve of her spine. The ache inside my jeans heightens seeing her like this, craving to taste every inch of her skin on my tongue.

While her beautiful backside is still toward me, my hand finds the growing bulge pressing against my zipper squeezing it for some relief, before I’m forced to look away. The soft material of her sleep shirt finally glides down her body covering her porcelain skin. As much as my entire body desires having her naked in that bed with me, I’m relieved to know I won’t have to suffer through the torture of having her that close and not being able to touch her.

Her small body slips under the black covers, while she leans against the headboard, staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes that are deeper than the ocean.

“You going to stare at me all night or are you going to join me?” She pats the spot next to her, inviting me to lie down. Her body barely takes up any space in the bed, but her entire being fills this room from corner to corner, making it hard to breathe.

How can someone so small be so confident that she’s not about to get destroyed? How can she hold all of our balls in the palm of her hand without even being fully aware of it?

Flipping off the light, I stalk toward the bed. The window, bare of curtains and blinds, allows light to flood into the room, still giving me a view of her perfect face.

My body drifts toward the opposite side from her while my eyes never leave hers. It feels like the predator’s hunting its prey, and I’m not sure which one I am in this situation. Her eyes are filled with hunger, ready to pounce on me at any moment, but if I were facing a mirror, the same would be shining in mine.

Reaching behind my neck, I clutch onto my shirt, pulling it over my head in one fell swoop. The soft hitch in her breath allows me the comfort of knowing I’m not the only one who’s affected in this room by the other.

Her gaze roams over every dip of my abs and sharp muscle on my torso, stopping right where my pants hang from my hips. But it’s not my tattooed stomach she’s staring at anymore. Ocean blue eyes are locked right where my cock is begging to be freed and shoved so far down her throat that it could make a home there.

“A picture would last longer.” Giving her the same exact words she gave me earlier feels satisfying. Her sassy mouth always finds a way to make each of us lose our shit, so maybe I can do the same back to her.

“Wow, good one. Come up with that all on your own?” The playful tease of her voice pulls my lips into a smirk.

“Can’t let you have all the fun around here.” My fingers latch onto the button on my jeans, allowing me to roll the zipper down, giving my dick momentary relief from the pressure begging to be released. The soft thump of material hits the ground, leaving me in only my boxers that are currently tented by my massive hard-on.

“Hmmm, looks like I’m not the only one who wants to have fun.” If she were staring any harder at my junk, I’m sure my boxers would be singed right off my body.

“It’s a natural reaction. Don’t flatter yourself too much.” The slight tremble in my tone makes me uneasy. Of course, I’m lying. This girl could be wearing a burlap sack and I’m sure my dick would still stand at attention.

She’s got a presence about her that could make any man weak in his knees, but she doesn’t need to know that. She doesn’t need to know that my fingers itch to touch her, my body desires to hurt her then make her pain go away under my control, or that all I want to do is chain her up to this bed and never let her go.
