Page 130 of Blood of the Saints

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“He told you who he was working with?” I’m in disbelief that it wasn’t Novak who killed her. Even if he wasn’t the one who took her life, he helped. He knew who did it and didn’t stop him. He deserved to die.

“Yeah, he told us alright. We’re going to burn the motherfucker to the ground before he even knows what hit him.” Blais smiles sadistically, letting me know nothing will stop us from destroying the man who took everything away from our world without a second thought.

He better run, because once we get ahold of him, he’ll be begging for an eternity in hell compared to the punishment we’ll give him.

Jesus, I can already feel the soreness forming in my core. Ace and Blais aren’t small by any means, but Theon—his dick is a monster. It hurt so fucking good when he was slamming deep inside me at a frantic pace. That man is wild and sure knows how to work my body.

It’s like I can still feel him rearranging my insides.

I might be tiny compared to him, but our bodies fit together perfectly. He was so deep inside me I wasn’t sure where he ended and I began. My pussy is already craving his thick cock again, itching to have him buried deep inside my walls.

For someone so fucking large, his touch is surprisingly a perfect mixture of authoritative and gentle. He’s got a possessive aura that blends with compassion.

Theon is amazing. Hell, they all are. I’m pretty sure they were all made for me. Even if they are complete fucking psychos, but I’m starting to think I am too.

I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have them all at the same time. Probably an incredibly sexy war of dominance over my body.

Theon fucked me into the best sleep I’ve had since I’ve been here. A smile pulls at my lips as I hug the fluffy pillow and sink further into my bed feeling just how relaxed my body is after that.

My bed. Did I really just call thismybed? Come to think of it, over the past few days, this place has started feeling less like a prison.

The thought of being comfortable makes my heart ache. I shouldn’t feel this way, after all they kidnapped me. They took me away from the closest thing I have to a family, ripping me from the world I know.

My heart flutters at the thought of my old life. What if Chief and Matt never find me? Or find out what happened to me after Ace, Blais, and Theon kill me. But do I want to be found?

My crazy ass would be hurt if something happened to the three assholes keeping me here. They’ve wormed their way into my heart somehow, and I’m not sure if I want to leave.

How sick does that make me?

They literally took away my freedom, they’ve hurt me, done vile things, but every part of my body calls to them. When they aren’t around, I crave their touch. I thrive in their presence and it’s fucking terrifying, knowing I’m just like them. I fit into their world like a glove.

My hand glides against the cold silk sheets where Theon’s large body should be. He left last night to check on the festivities down in the basement and I guess he didn’t come back. Sadness fills me at the thought of sleeping in this big bed all alone, but I know they had shit to do.

There’s no way they are still down there torturing him, right? Maybe something happened or they did end up killing him and are cleaning it up?

I wish Theon would walk through the door and tell me they beat all his secrets out of him before killing him. Maybe they got the information I needed out of him, but it looked like Ace had a one-track mind and wasn’t worrying about the information I needed. Fuck, even I couldn’t keep it together long enough to get what I needed from him.

Memories of my freak out last night take over my brain. I lost it when he started talking about Tommy. Calling me by that nickname that Tommy would use in a condescending way. My brain short circuited and my fists went crazy on his face. I should feel guilty that I fucked him up like that, but the sense of power and excitement that washed over me in putting marks all over his face was worth it.

Checking my hands, I survey the bruises and cuts coloring my knuckles. Flexing my fist, pain shoots through my battered skin as a cut on the knuckle of my index finger opens back up. Blood pools in the wound, but doesn’t spill over. I stare at it, lost in my thoughts.

How does he know about Tommy?

My palms run over my face, trying to figure out how Ross Novak, a man I only met undercover and talked to for an hour at most, knew intimate shit about my past.

He knew things that I never thought would get out. Things I didn’t think would ever come out of my mouth again. Obviously, the guys were skeptical about it being self-defense, but I never confirmed that it wasn’t, and there’s no way Novak would even know that either.

That was until I told Theon my darkest secrets last night. Theon and I had a deeper talk than we’ve ever had before. It’s like we tortured together, fucked together, then just spilled our souls together. After Theon opened up to me about Allie, I felt like I could trust him.

I hope I can. For all I know, he’s already told Ace that he was right the whole time; I’m indeed a murderer.

Knowing that Novak killed Ace’s sister has it all making sense now. They wanted to torture and kill him for revenge. I don’t blame them for wanting that. I know what it’s like to want to kill someone who deserves it.

I’ve seen them kill before, with Tony, but I’m starting to wonder if this is a regular occurrence. It seems like this is common, considering they have an entire setup in their basement, but maybe it’s not as bad as my gut is telling me.

Who all have they killed and why?

The pain drowning in Theon’s golden eyes made me want to storm back to the basement and torture Novak just for him, but that would give away Theon’s secret. He loved Allie deeply, and Ace has no clue. This is the kind of information I’ve been yearning for to take them down from the inside. But now, I’m not sure I want to use that against them. It feels like betrayal if I’d do that to Theon, which reminds me even more just how fucked I am.
