Page 160 of Blood of the Saints

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He doesn’t know it, but I heard what he whispered to me before he carried me upstairs. I didn’t want to ruin the moment so I kept my eyes closed.

When he opened up to me last night, it completely shattered my heart. I could hear the pain in his voice while he told me about his traumatic past. He tried staying strong, but the agony slipped through as he re-lived it all over again. He’s been abused, used for drugs, and manipulated all the while saving Allie from enduring the worst parts of his childhood.

He’s protective, possessive, and domineering. He's the worst when something or someone threatens his family. He may be the scariest fucker to everyone else, but if he loves you, he’ll do everything he can to keep you safe.

That’s what I love about him.

I never thought I’d be saying I loved him either. Any of them.

Ace and I started off pushing each other's buttons any chance we got—it was my favorite part of the day, to piss him off, but the closer I got to him, the deeper that push and pull made me fall for him. It’s the raw tension and stubbornness that made me fall for him hard and fast without even realizing what was happening in the process.

The damn Acehole made me go and fall in love with his brooding self, like the demanding fucker he is.

Huffing, I throw the blanket off my naked body, the cool air causing goosebumps to line my skin. My feet hit the cold hardwood floor, instantly making me want to crawl back under the covers and sleep the day away, but I fight against the urge, heading to the en-suite bathroom instead.

With two amazing sex sessions, I need a shower. I turn the water to the hottest temperature, hoping to help my aching muscles. I’m fit, working out every day so that I could be in the best shape for my job as an agent, but there’s something about brutal sex with three savage, demanding alphas that no amount of training can prepare you for. Especially when I’ve been out of my routine for weeks now.

The water runs down my body, soothing the tension in my muscles, but a different kind of pressure builds between my thighs from the thoughts of them fucking me. I lather my shoulders with soap, moving my hands down to my breasts, the touch causing my nipples to harden. My fingers instinctively go to my sensitive nipples, pinching and rubbing them, sending tingles of pleasure straight to my core.

Keeping one hand on my breast, the other slides down my stomach until it finds my throbbing clit. My fingers spread my pussy, allowing me to find the perfect spot that guarantees a fast release. My mind travels to the way each guy eats my pussy like a champ. It’s like they can read my body and know the exact spot that sends me overboard.

Tommy was my first and he rarely ever went down on me or touched me down there for that matter, it was all about him. Fortunately, I’ve had a lot of sex since he died. It started as more of a revenge rampage, like a giant fuck you to him while he burns in hell or wherever in the world he is now. But it ended up being for me. I love sex and I needed to find myself, so that’s how I did it. It was freeing, empowering, being able to control what I wanted and needed. Probably not the best way, but it worked for me.

None of it matches up to the three psychos I’ve given my body to over the last few weeks. They might be forceful, leaving bruises and cuts on my body, but they know what I need at all times. Each of them, in their own way, is amazing, I’d be happy to fuck any of them, any day. But all of them together is pure magic.

I’ve never felt anything as exhilarating. I’m an adrenaline junkie, and they sure give that to me. I never know what they’re going to do next. Choke me. Whip me. Cut me. Rip me open with their cocks. Any of it, I’ll take with a fucking smile on my face.

The pressure in my core builds to an uncontrollable need to come. My fingers pick up their pace as I think about Blais’ beautiful tattooed body, Ace’s hand around my throat as he fucks me into oblivion, and Theon’s monster cock covered in my blood.


I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to come again without thinking about them. They’re the only source of spank bank material my body wants.

My breath hitches, stuck in my throat, as my body leans against the shower wall. My eyes clench shut while my head falls back as the explosion in my pussy erupts with a force strong enough to make my knees weak. My legs threaten to give out as I ride out my orgasm. The handon my breast flies out to the ledge in an attempt to keep me from falling, sending the shampoo bottle crashing to the floor with a loud bang.

The intensity lessens, but my pussy continues to pulse as my breath finally comes back. I lean against the wall for a few minutes, coming down from my high. Once I’m able to function again, I pick up the shampoo and finish my shower even though the water has run cold. Eventually I get out, drying my body and hair as much as I can with a towel. I miss having a damn hair dryer.

After tossing my damp towel into Ace’s hamper, I head into the room, finding a pair of jean shorts, white tank top, bra, and panties sitting on the corner of the dresser. One of the guys must’ve left them here for me. I slip on the soft panties, and opt for going without the bra. I’m sure they’ll love the little nipple show through the white material.

Once I’m dressed and ready, I head for the door, praying it’s unlocked. I’ve declared I’m theirs so there should be a new level of trust, but a part of me still thinks it’s all a dream I’m going to wake up from. My hand grips the cold metal knob and I hold my breath, waiting to see if things have really changed.

I bite the bullet, slowly turning the knob, my breath releasing with relief when it turns all the way and opens.

They trust me.

I open the door the rest of the way, a smile permanently etched on my face as I step to go downstairs.

My body slams into a wall of muscles. Large strong hands grip my shoulders to keep me from falling. I’m jolted from the impact, but even that doesn’t falter my smile. I’m met with the most handsome face staring back at me. Blais.

“Good morning, darling. I was just coming to get you.”

My eyes roam over his delicious body. His pink hair is messy like he just woke up, the small eyebrow piercings shining under the light, the black sweats he’s wearing hug his muscled legs perfectly, and the designs swirling out from under his black band tee makes me want to rip it off him and lick every single inch of ink on his skin.

“Good morning, Blais.” My voice is breathy, basically drooling at the sight of him.

His dark eyes stare at my bare legs, crawling up my body. “Nice outfit,” he says when his eyes catch on my hard nipples threatening to cut through my tank top. “Theon did a good job picking that out.”

“Well, I’ll have to thank Theon for that then.”
