Page 129 of If I Could

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“Then you have no idea what Kyle was doing there. He could’ve just stopped there to use the bathroom.”

“Dammit, Sage.” He sits back. “When are you going to open your damn eyes and see that this guy isn’t who you think he is? He didn’t just happen to end up there. He went there looking for something. Drugs. A gun. Is that really the type of guy you want to be with?”

“Like you haven’t done drugs?” I give him a blank stare.

“Yeah, I smoke pot now and then, but that’s it. And I don’t have to drive two hours to find it. You can get that shit anywhere. Kyle purposely went to that town to get something and I’m guessing it’s a gun. The question is, why? He’s hiding something, Sage. He’s not who you think he is.”

I get up. “I’m not listening to this. I know you hate Kyle but making up stories about him is wrong. Have you been spreading this story around town?”

“No.” He stands up. “But I was gonna call up Josh and have him look into it.”

“There’s nothing to look into. Your stupid cousin saw Kyle go into a bar. That doesn’t prove anything.”

“It does, because nothing good happens at that bar. It’s a front for bad shit.”

“Then why don’t you tell Josh about the bar? Have him get the cops who have jurisdiction in that town to look into it.”

He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not getting involved in that shit. I don’t want people coming after me. I’m telling you this because I care about you, Sage. I always knew there was something not right with that guy and now I have proof.”

“You don’t have proof of anything. You’re just making assumptions.” I go to the door and open it. “You need to get back to work. And I need to go on break. Where’s Helen? Have you seen her?”

“She had a dentist appointment. She won’t be back for an hour.”

“That’s right. I forgot about that. But I still need to go on break.”

He walks up to me. “Are you going home to him tonight? Even after what I told you?”

“What you told me doesn’t matter. I love Kyle, and I know him a lot better than you.”

“He was there, Sage. He was at that bar. I’m not making it up.”

“But you have no idea what he was doing there.” I motion to the door. “Go. You have customers waiting.”

He shakes his head as he leaves. “Good luck on your trip. Hope you make it back.”

He seriously thinks Kyle’s going to do something to me? Like what? Kill me with the illegal gun he supposedly bought?

The rest of the afternoon I’m on edge, worrying if any of what Jesse said could be true, and if so, what it means. If Kyle really did go there to get a gun, what would he be using it for? Protection? Because he doesn’t feel safe living out in the middle of nowhere? If that were true, then why not get one legally? Is there a reason he can’t? Does he have some kind of criminal record?

In my heart, I don’t believe he’s done anything bad. Then again, I didn’t think my dad would scam people out of their life savings.

When I get home, I shower and change clothes, then go over to Kyle’s house.

“How was work?” he asks as he greets me at the door with a kiss.

“It was okay.” I go inside and set my purse down in the kitchen. “What do you want for dinner?” I ask, opening the fridge.

He comes over to me. “What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” I search the fridge, which is nearly empty since we’re going out of town.

“You’re acting strange.”

“No, I’m not.” Or am I? I was trying not to, but I guess I can’t hide it. What Jesse said is driving me crazy and I really want to ask Kyle about it.

“Hey.” He closes the fridge and leads me to the table to sit down. “What’s going on? Did something happen at work today?”

“Um…yeah, kind of.” I just need to say it. Otherwise I won’t be able to stop worrying and the trip I’ve been looking forward to for weeks will be ruined.
