Page 144 of If I Could

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“He did before he realized what was going on. After I told him, he offered to help with whatever we needed.” Hank gets his phone out and sends a text. “I told them it’s safe. They’ll be here in a minute.”

“What’s gonna happen now?” Cain asks me. “Is Dad coming back?”

“I’m not sure. But whatever happens, you’re going to be okay. I’ll be here. I’m not leaving you. I promise.”

A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. Hank answers and Sage comes running in.

“Kyle, are you okay?” she asks, hugging me.

“Yeah, I’m fine. They took him away.”

“I was so scared. I thought…” She doesn’t finish the thought as her eyes do a quick check of me to make sure I’m not hurt.

“Who’s Kyle?” Cain asks.

“That’s what she calls me,” I say. “This is Sage. Sage, this is my brother, Cain.”

“His name’s Jonathan,” Cain says to Sage, sounding annoyed that she didn’t use my real name.

She smiles and holds out her hand to him. “Hi Cain, it’s good to finally meet you.”

He doesn’t shake her hand. “Who are you?”

“I’m dating your brother.”

“She’s your girlfriend?” he asks me.

“Yeah.” I put my arm around her. “We met while I was away. She lives in Kansas, where I’ve been living.”

“You live together?” he asks.

I look at Sage. “No. Not yet.”

She smiles at me. “Maybe someday.”

“If she lives with you, and Dad doesn’t come back, where am I going to live?”

“You’ll live with us,” I say. “I told you, I’m not leaving you, even if I have to drag your butt to Kansas.”

Josh walks in. “I checked the perimeter. Everything looks good.”

“Hey, Josh,” I say. “Thanks for coming.”

“No problem.” He pats Hank on the back. “I couldn’t let the old man come here alone.”

“Who you calling old?” he says to Josh. “I beat you in basketball just last week.”

“He did?” I ask.

“Long story,” Josh says. He looks at Cain. “You Kyle’s brother?”

“His name’s Jonathan,” Cain says, sounding annoyed again.

“I’m Josh. Kyle—I mean, Jonathan—and I are friends.”

Friends.I never would’ve called us friends in the past. Acquaintances, maybe, but even that would be a stretch. But having Josh come all the way out here to help me? That definitely makes him a friend. Not many people would do that.

“You like sports?” Josh asks Cain.
