Page 34 of If I Could

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“I didn’t say you could spend it flirting with our customers.”

“I wasn’t flirting. I was taking his information down for his account.”

“And playing nurse to him in the parking lot?” He folds his arms over his chest. “What the hell was that about?”

“He was bleeding, so I offered to bandage it up for him. I’d do it for anyone. It’s called being a nice person.”

“You wouldn’t do it for me.”

I sigh. “Yeah, actually I would. Now what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I need to know how long you’ll be sticking around. My dad’s not coming back until at least September and he wants to make sure the office staff isn’t quitting anytime soon. He doesn’t trust me with the office shit and finding help around here is damn near impossible.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be staying, but I’m sure I’ll be here the whole summer. I’m trying to save money. I can’t even afford to go back to school in September.”

“Maybe your rich boyfriend will give you the money, and then you’ll take off and I’ll be shit out of luck with no employee.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a rich boyfriend.”

“That guy who was here. The one you were falling all over?”

“He’s not my boyfriend. I just met him. And why do you think he’s rich?”

“I saw him checking his wallet while I was looking at his bike. He had a stack of hundreds. Crisp bills, like he’d just robbed a bank.”

“He didn’t rob a bank. He just likes paying for stuff in cash.”

“So do criminals. No paper trail. Makes it harder for the cops to track him down.”

Seriously, what is wrong with people? A new guy moves to town and everyone just assumes he’s up to no good?

“He said he’s from California,” Jesse says. “So what the hell’s he doing in Kansas?”

“I don’t know but it’s none of your business.”

“I bet he’s running from something. Hiding out. I’m gonna send Craig out there to check him out.”

Craig is one of the local cops. He went to high school with Jesse.

“The guy didn’t do anything and you’re sending the cops after him?”

“If he’s innocent, he has nothing to hide.”

“That’s completely ridiculous. Just leave the guy alone.” I go around him, heading back to the garage.

“Stay away from him, Sage,” I hear Jesse yell as I go back inside.

The rest of the day I avoid Jesse and he leaves me alone. He knows I’m angry and that if he keeps pushing, there’s not a chance in hell I’d ever date him. He doesn’t realize that even if he’s nice to me, I’m still not going to date him. I could tell him that a million times and he still wouldn’t accept it.

When I get home it’s after five and I hurry into the shower. The first thing I do when I get home from work every day is shower to get the garage smell off of me. Even hidden away in the office, I still end up smelling like grease and exhaust fumes.

My phone rings as I’m toweling off. It’s my mom. I answer while hurrying over to my closet to find something to wear. I don’t know if Kyle is someone who’s on time or shows up late, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s the former.

“Hi, honey, how is your week going?”

“Okay. How about yours?”

“Great! I’ve had this burst of energy and it’s fueling my creativity. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, I’ve only been sleeping a few hours a night. The rest of the time I’ve been spending in the studio.”
