Page 104 of Ruthless Spring

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IhateMaddoxHawthorne more than anyone on this earth.

But I have to work with him if I want to protect the family.

My jaw grits in irritation as I look at his name in my contact list. The man who started the war that nearly took out the whole family is now my… ally.

Even in my thoughts the word tastes absolutely disgusting.

But I know I have no choice other than to work with, for the time being at least.

Just a few more months.

I try to push my anger aside as I click on his name, but when he answers the phone and I hear his voice, it comes flooding right back.

“Giovanni,” he says as if we’re best fucking friends.

“Dox.” I don’t know why I hate him a little more than usual today, but it takes a second for me to gather myself before I continue talking. “I need an update on how things are going with our situation.”

I’m careful of what I say on the phone. While I may have the police department completely in my pocket and the FBI partially in it, those things are always likely to change, especially with the fickle ass bureau.

Just like we tap them, I know they tap us, putting away collateral for a day when things aren’t as peaceful as they currently are for us.

“Everything is going well,” Dox says. “We’ve got a meet.”

My attention perks at that and so does the anger. Why the fuck didn’t he give me a call if he had a meet in place already?

I figured it wouldn’t be long before the word got back to Ramos and before they agree to a meeting with Maddox, but I also figured the old bastard would have the decency to give me a call.




Tonight won’t actually be the meet, but the go ahead for one of my men to meet with his to get information on the meet in a private location, where extra ears can’t possibly be lurking.

“Anything else?” I ask him.

“How’s that little piece of yours doing?”

Nasty fucker.

Of course, he’s going to fucking ask about Winter. Him and his bastard son are obsessed with her, and I have my sneaking suspicions why. He just has no idea that I’m onto them.

And that’s just how I need it to be.

“If you’re referring to Winter, she’s perfectly fine.”

“Heard you two had dinner at that little place of yours downtown the other night.”

“That has nothing to do with you.” I harshen my tone. “You know I don’t appreciate you and your son constantly taking interest in something that belongs to me. It makes me think you’re going to try to take it.” The line goes silent. “Are we going to have a problem, Dox?”

He doesn’t say anything for a moment, and I wonder if he’s actually debating on starting shit with me over Winter.

“No problem at all,” he says smoothly, but I know it’s a bold face lie. “We were just curious about her, she’s a change of pace for you, eh?” He doesn’t actually expect an answer. “We’ll back off.”

“Make sure you let your son know.”
