Page 69 of Ruthless Spring

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I shake my head. “No questions.”

“Okay, good, if you change her mind, I’m on Vito’s speed dial.” And with that she leaves the room, the door shutting silently behind her.

Silence cascades over the room and I have a sudden case of deja vu, thinking back to the day the cartel attacked me for the first time and I’d thought Giovanni was going to let me go. I’d quickly realized that that wasn’t going to be the case.

“How do you feel?” I’m not surprised that it’s Vito who asks the question, and I only find concern in his eyes when I look at him.

I take a gulp. “I feel as good as I expected to,” I tell him honestly.

“What happened?” Giovanni is no nonsense, straight to the point as he steps up next to Vito, glaring down at me like I’m scum on the bottom of his shoe.

It takes me a second to process his question and when I do, my blood runs a little cold. Because this is the moment of truth, the moment where I’ll need to lie believably enough that they won’t ask any further questions.

I can’t betray Amarie.

Because evidently, she’s the only person on my side.

“Enzo locked me in the office with a gun,” I tell them, keeping my face blank. I’m thankful that I’m lying down, and I make sure to keep my hands still.

“I heard footsteps when they entered the hall and I moved to the wall beside the door because I knew they wouldn’t look there first when they came into the room. I was right. They passed right by me when they burst into the room. I waited until they were both past the entrance and I shot the first one in the back of the head.”

The shiver comes naturally, and I figure it must add some depth to my story so I’m thankful for it.

“I went to shoot the second one, but he backhanded me before I could. The gun fell out of my hand and he kept hitting me and he banged my head into the desk.” I allow my finger to lightly graze the back of my head. “I managed to kick him in the dick and while he was down, I scrambled over to the gun. I picked it up and shot him. He went down but he was still moving, so I shot him again.”

No one says anything and it only racks my nerves as I wonder whether they believe me or not. But I don’t say anything, waiting for someone else to speak.

“You kicked him in the dick?” Giovanni asks slowly and I can tell it is a test.

But I don’t change my answer, simply nodding. “Yes, it was all that I could think to do to defend myself since I’d dropped the gun.”

“And what did you say you did to the first man?”

“I shot him in the back of the head.”

Giovanni peers at me, his eyes narrowing as he looks over my face.

He doesn’t believe me.

I feel it in my bones, but I don’t let it show on my face. Because everyone was right, it’s about time I toughen up, stop being such a pushover, and that moment begins now, with something as simple as a lie.

Finally, Giovanni leans back, giving a sharp nod. He looks at Vito.

“It adds up,” Vito says but there’s something off with his voice, and now he’s the one watching me. “We should let her finish resting,” he says after a moment.

“She’s already slept for nearly a day,” Giovanni says harshly, but despite his words, he’s already turning towards the door. He opens it, gliding out without another word.

Vito looks across the room to Maximo and Enzo, who haven’t moved. Maximo acts as if he’s oblivious to Vito’s gaze, moving close to my bed. He pauses, looking down at me. On reflex, I sit up.

“I was just about to ask if you were just going to lie there.”

He taps his fingers on the side of my face and I flinch back. He lets out a soft chuckle. “Shooting two men, maybe there’s hope for you yet, Little Mouse.”

“She needs her rest, Maximo,” Vito barks out and he’s not as hostile as he usually is with Maximo.

“Yes, so shouldn’t you be leaving then?” Maximo asks, looking up at Vito and raising a brow.

“I’ll leave when you do.”
