Page 45 of Wolf Kiss

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“Good. I don’t like to share.”

At that moment, Brandy couldn’t imagine having anyone else standing shirtless in her bedroom with his hands, his lips on her. She hadn’twantedanyone. Not like this. Not like Reardon.

She unzipped his jeans and he pushed them down with his boxer briefs, stepping out of both and leaving them in a pile on the bedroom floor. His legs were as muscled as his torso and arms. If she hadn’t actually touched him, she’d have thought he was a hallucination brought on by the fact she hadn’t had sex in like forever. Men who looked this good didn’t actually exist, did they?

And it wasn’t that he was perfect because quite a few angry scars marked his body. A jagged, puckered one cut across his left side from under his arm across his ribs. Another one zipped from his waist down his right thigh. Smaller ones slashed his flesh here and there.

Battle scars.She didn’t ask about them. No need to bring up what had caused those scars. Not now. She had a feeling the stories wouldn’t be pleasant. But what circumstances, what weapons, caused scars like these? They looked as if he’d been cut with a sword.

Silly.Who fought with swords anymore? How about no one. Maybe Reardon was a mirage after all.

Brandy flattened her palm against Reardon’s exposed stomach and a small gasp escaped from her throat. Yep, he was real.

“What is it, lass?” He tipped her chin up so she had to meet his gaze.

“Just confirming you’re not a mirage.”

He chuckled softly. “If you are a mirage, I may weep.” He slid the other strap of her tank top off her shoulder. “You are a sight to behold, Brandy.”

Where had this guy come from?The Irish accent made him unique, but he also talked as if he weren’t from this time.A sight to behold?Men of today didn’t say things like that. She enjoyed hearing it though. Definitely.

“Want the whole picture?” She ran her index fingers along the waistband of her shorts.

“Aye. Please.” He sat on the end of her bed, lowered to lean back on his elbows, and lasered his full attention on her hands unbuttoning her shorts.

All that focus from those green-gold eyes made her giddy with anticipation. And all thumbs. She couldn’t get her damn shorts off fast enough.

When she finally succeeded in sliding her shorts down her legs, Reardon’s pupils zipped open, creating huge black pools rimmed with an almost glowing amber color.

Wait a minute.

Brandy stepped closer so she was standing between Reardon’s knees. “Your eyes…”

He immediately squeezed them closed and shook his head a little. When he opened his eyes, they were the beautiful green-gold color again.

“What was that?” She rested her palms on his knees and leaned forward, trying to get a better look at his eyes.

Reardon cleared his throat, averting her gaze. “What was what, lass?” He reached up and swatted playfully at her hair hanging over him.

“Your eyes looked as if they were… glowing.” Had she really seen that?

He let out a little breath. “Must be a trick of the lighting in here. The color of my eyes sometimes reflects light strangely.” He shrugged his left shoulder and sat up, his eyes opened wide. “Do they look normal now?”

“Yeah.” Brandy wasn’t sure what she’d seen, but something else had caught her attention now. Something large. Hard.


Reardon followed her gaze down to his arousal. “I’m a little excited by the way you look right now.”

“Hmm. What should we do about that?”

“I have some ideas.” He grabbed her wrist and tugged her back with him, draping her body over his then rolling so she was partially tucked under him. “We have to rid you of these first.” He pulled gently on the waistband of her panties—ones that miraculously matched her bra for once.

She angled herself slightly off the bed, allowing him to remove her panties then her bra. Watching him reverently place the lacey garments at the end of the bed made her chuckle.

“Very gentle hands even if they are huge.” She caught one and placed it on her stomach. “Massive, actually.”

He rubbed his palm back and forth, allowing his fingers to graze her breasts. Something sad filtered into his facial features, lowering his dark brows and turning his mouth into a stern line.
