Page 41 of Finding Hope

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“Are you serious? you're going to go be a cashier and a salesgirl.’

Naomi heard the derision in her mother's voice. Four moment she almost felt like folding and going back to Corey. Her mother was right in some things. She didn't know how she was going to get a job. She didn't have any connections all of those things had been controlled by Corey.

“I want to say thank you mom. I think you believe you're doing the best thing for me. I think I need to do what I think is the best thing for me now.”

“If you hang up this phone, I won't be able to help you.”

Naomi felt the tears rolling down her face. the heat of large sobs rolled in her chest.

“If I don't hang up this phone, I will be able to help me. goodbye mom and I love you.”

Naomi click the phone off and held the cell phone to her chest. It took a moment for her to realize the wracking sobs were coming from her. She was free and she was alone. She hoped tomorrow looked better but right now the world just look like a scary place, and she had to go figure it out all alone.

* * *

Cleaning up after theparty had given Claudia the space she needed to think about what she was going to do now that she and Austin had admitted there was something going on between them. She was in the back with Whisper when his ears perked up and he walked to the gate. Claudia wasn’t alarmed because Whisper hadn’t barked. It was someone Whisper knew. Then came the timid knock and Claudia opened the gate.

“Naomi?” Claudia asked. Naomi was the last person she expected to see and by the look of her face she had been crying. Claudia knew the old expression that focusing on someone else’s problem helped you to get your mind off of your own, but this was a bit much.

“I wasn’t sure I’d find anyone here. I saw the light int he back and the front was off and – “Claudia looked at her as she just rambled on. “I'm sorry and have anywhere else to go.”

Claudia sighed.

“Well come in. the party is over, and the food has been put up, but I can offer you a seat on the deck and a wet ball from whisper.”

Naomi smiled.

“I'd be real grateful.” Claudia watched Naomi come into her backyard and make it to the deck. This wasn't the confident woman who normally came to visit. Claudia remembered seeing Naomi at the restaurant. She had told Austin the truth when she said it takes a decision.

“Are you okay Naomi?”

“I don't know if I would call what I am okay, but what I can say is I'm free.”

Claudia nodded.

“A lot of people can't say that so congratulations. it seems odd to me that on what must be your first few days of freedom you find yourself on my doorstep.”

Naomi nodded and gave a brittle laugh.

“To be honest Claudia, I thought you would turn me away. It would be what I deserved.”

Claudia tapped her leg and Naomi looked into Claudia’s eyes.

“No one deserves to be alone. What happened.”

“I left the only life I’ve known for the last ten years. With it, it appears that I’ve lost my family and my husband had decided to block me from getting a job or moving on.”

Claudia nodded her head shocked at the words, but she knew this was an old story. “Do you need money?”

Naomi shook her head.

“Funny thing is I always kept my own money so I have enough to live on for about six months if need be. I mean it won’t go as far as it would have if I had my other things, but it will get me through.”

“I know you said you were alone but are you really? I know sometimes when you are in the midst of things you feel like you are alone or sometimes you feel ashamed that you came to this point but there are people who might be around you who would help,” Claudia said. “I turned away from reaching out to my sister when she would have come.”

Naomi looked at her incredulously.

“You didn’t call your sister?’
