Page 42 of Finding Hope

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Claudia waved her off.

“It’s a long story. Do you have anyone to call?”

Naomi shook her head slowly.

“It’s funny if you had asked me this a couple of days ago, I would have said yes. However, it seems like money has more sway than blood. So, the short answer to your question is no I have no one.”

Just then Whisper brought her the ball and she threw it back for him to fetch it. She knew what she was going to do but she needed to do some prep work first.

“Have you looked in town for a job?”

“You mean like Cooper’s Sand? No, I’ve been in the town over but since I just signed a lease in Cooper’s Sand, I’ll begin that journey tomorrow,” Naomi said with a deep sigh.

“Listen maybe it won’t be as bad as you think. Why don’t you keep me in the loop, and I’ll ask around as well. I didn’t even ask you what you did.”

Naomi smiled shyly.

“I worked retail during college. I was going to change my major because I was good at it. I worked in a store every year I was in college and made my way to floor manager. I happen to like organizing stuff and selling it to people who would benefit from it, Naomi said with a smile.

“Fine, look around and let me know how it goes and if you don’t find anything I’ll ask some people I know to help us out.”

“You’d do that?”

Claudia looked at a tearing Naomi.

“Listen I haven’t done anything yet. Keep in touch okay?”

Naomi nodded and then hugged Claudia.

“Thank you because you didn’t’ have to.”

Claudia closed the gate and Whisper looked up at her with the ball in his mouth.

“Oh no we are off to bed. I’ve already done my good deed for night. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the rear.”

Chapter Fifteen
