Page 48 of Finding Hope

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“Lots of women work until they deliver. Besides just staying home won’t be healthy for you or the baby,” Caroline persisted.

“I haven’t looked for a job. I don’t think I could find anything in this small town either. It’s not like it’s booming industry,” she said triumphantly.

“I agree,” Caroline said squeezing Marks hand. Caroline looked over at Mark and he looked green around the gills. “That’s why I think you should take a job at the town hall.”

Jesse looked between the both of them and then laughed.

“You’ve got to be joking right? I’d be working for her daddy? The pay is probably low as well. What is the point?”

“The point is your father is helping you by giving you a place to stay you still need pocket money. Besides you aren’t working for me. You are working for the town.”

“Daddy you’re going to let this happen?”

Mark reached out to Jesse and patted her hands.

“I don’t think it’s too bad. You have a place and a job. I think this will be a great learning experience for you.”

Jesse stood up and looked at them both.

“You know I always knew Caroline was more important than me, but I didn’t think she’d be more important than your grandchild too!”

With that Jesse stormed off and Caroline looked at Mark looking lost.

“Mark, we can back out of this if you want too,” Caroline said realizing this pregnancy was going to be a bear for them.

Mark shook his head.

“No, I’m not going to back down. I just can’t believe that we’re at this point.” Mark turned to Caroline.

“I want you to know that even though I wasn’t in love with her mother I never disrespected her. I was always present, and I didn’t leave anyone unless I had to travel for work.”

Caroline looked at Mark and wished she could do something to make this easier for him.

“I know Mark. I never doubted you for a moment.”

Mark covered her hands with his.

“Thank you for sticking with me Caroline.”

“How could I not stand with my best friend,” Caroline said with a smile.

Mark stood up and held his hand out.

“We’re in the park and it seems a waste to let this good weather go to waste. Will you take a walk with me?” Mark asked extending his hand to her.

“I would be honored,” Caroline. As they walked hand in hand she had hope. Maybe jessie wouldn’t be the fall of their relationship after all.
