Page 47 of Finding Hope

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Claudia let out a low sigh.

“He kissed me that’s all.”

“It seems like there is a lot of kissing going on between you two lately. Not that I’m keeping track or anything, but this seems like the second time you two have been kissing. That seems like a lot of kissing for people who aren’t in a relationship.

“We’re adults and it was nothing.,” Claudia said trying to use the desk as defense against Tanya’s probing questions and glare. “Besides if you must know he was kissing me. I wasn’t kissing him.”

Tanya smiled at Claudia.

“I don’t think that negates the kissing part. Besides I didn’t hear the resounding slap afterwards either. So, what are we saying here?”

“I’m not saying a thing. I’m just stating that I think people need a hobby,” Claudia said.

“Well gossip seems to be the life blood of a small town.”

“It’s nothing. We are just working our way through some things is all,” Claudia said in a low voice. “I can handle this.”

“What exactly are you handling?”

Claudia stopped and looked at Tanya.

“I don’t understand.”

Tanya took her feet off of the desk and leaned forward.

“It seems like he’s making his intentions clear, and I was wondering what yours was?”

“My intentions? I don’t have any. He’s not a good fit for me.”

Tanya nodded.

“I get that. So, what about him isn’t a good fit? He’ gives gifts? Is considerate of your wishes? I’m curious what isn’t a fit because I’ve seen the both of you on the stage and it certainly does seem like you two have something in common.”

“I thought you were warning me away from him not that long ago?”

“I don’t want you to be alone and I don’t want you to be taken advantage of. I admit I have some very heavy mama bear tendencies. You and Tamara bring out my more protective instincts. That being said I want you two to be happy. Right now, I’m not sure if you are running from your happiness or running from yourself?”

“I’m not running. I’m being cautious. I know when it sounds to good to be true that most of the times it is.”

“Cautious is good. I would just caution the line to being fearful is a kissing cousin. Now let’s go for lunch. Maybe you being seen with a friend will cool down some of the gossip?” Tanya suggested.

Claudia grabbed her purse and followed Tanya out. Claudia thought she was going to need a lot more than a lunch to make the gossip stop and to change Austin’s mind.

* * *

Caroline didn’t thinkthere would ever be a good time to talk with Jesse. She and Mark had decided they would of course welcome Jesse but with some grown up conditions. They had talked about it last night. How they would present this without it seeming like they were ganging up on her. Caroline had been practicing the whole time. They had decided to do it at the park bench in town where Jesse would feel comfortable. She and Mark were going to present a united front.

When she got there and saw Mark was already sitting with her Caroline tried not to get answer. When she walked up to them. Mark looked away sheepishly.

“I thought we were all meeting together,” she said giving Mark a kiss on the cheek and a smile to Jesse.

“Yes, well since we were meeting anyway, I asked dad if he would meet with me alone so we could have father daughter time before this talk, “Jesse said.

Caroline wanted to yell out how Jesse was just softening her dad up so he would agree with whatever she said.

“It’s no problem. You both know I think its great you spend so much time together,” Caroline said. “I thought it would be best if we talked about you coming back to town. We wanted to help you settle in and find a job.”

“A job?” Jesse said looking incredulously from her dad to Caroline. “I’m still pregnant.”
