Page 51 of Finding Hope

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“Since we are friends with no secrets you have to know that Tamara is a part of my life as well. She takes care of Whisper and Smoke when I work. “

“I know. I’ve heard she’s a talented artist who only comes out at night if at all.”

“It’s true and then there’s Tanya who is the protector of us all.”

Austin laughed.

“I knew you were going to be a handful, but I have to admit I wasn’t aware of the entourage. Is there anyone else I should be aware of?” he asked with a smile.

“I think I can’t turn away from some one because I wouldn’t be where I am if others had turned from me.”

Austin listened and was amazed by her compassion despite what she had already gone through.

“I think this is the prep for something more,” Austin said.

Claudia sighed.

“It’s the beginning to tell you I may be getting a new member,” Claudia replied.

“A new member?”

“Her name is Naomi and things haven’t’ always been great between us but I won’t turn her away.”

“She’s done you wrong and still you would take her in,” Ausitn asked feeling the need to protect Claudia.

“We all have problems and life sends us down twists and turns we never thought we’d go to but what matters is that when its your turn to do the right thing you do it, “Claudia said.

“So, you’re saying she wasn’t mean to you?” Austing asked tensed.

“No, I’m not. I’m saying that we all need a second chance, and we can’t know what the other faces to make them to things that they do. We can only take them as they are now and help them where they are.”

Austin concentrated on his cone.

“Yup it sounds like you are going to give this Naomi a go,” he said resignedly.

“I will but that doesn’t mean I do it blindly. She will have to work on her trust with me, but I can’t just banish her and say she made a mistake and now off with her head.”

Austin looked at the woman he was sure that he loved and thought how hard it was going to be to let her be her but still be there to protect and care for her. He had to face that tying his heart to this woman meant being open to people again. When he went into fashion he learned to keep himself safe and not let others in. There was no way to love Claudia without being open to trust others again. Her experiences would not let her live a life half full. If he wanted to be a part of that life he would have to be open with her.

The rest of the day was filled with easy conversation and talk of how children enjoy without question. At the end of the day he took Claudia home and left her at the doorstep without kissing her. There was a moment when she turned to face Austin and perhaps she thought there was going to be a kiss, but Austin waved off and practically ran back to his car. It was time to think. Now that he knew what being with Claudia would mean he had to make sure he was ready to embrace it as well.
