Page 52 of Finding Hope

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Chapter Eighteen

“What’s wrong Sasha?” Austin said as he walked into the garage seeing her sitting at the table.

“My sister is coming to see me here. She wants to see if you found any use for a washed-up person like me,” Sasha said in a low voice.

“then when she gets here, she is going to be surprised to find that I’m more grateful than ever that you haven’t decided to leave me.,” he said.

Just then Claudia walked in, and Austin waited to take cues from Sasha.

“Sasha are you okay?”

Sasha looked up at Claudia and laughed.

“I must not be as well put together as I though as you are the second person to ask me that today,” Sasha said.

“Come on Sasha, you know you are a gift and whatever comes we’ll address,” Austin said.

“Address what?”

Sasha smiled.

“What Austin is trying to be cryptic about is that my sister is coming to see her crippled sibling,” Sash said.

Austin saw Claudia’s gaze go between him and Sasha.

“Crippled? Who’s crippled?” Claudia asked confused.

Austin shook his head.

“Sasha isn’t crippled so let’s stop saying that. It appears that there is a misunderstanding, and we just need to work it out,” Austin said.

Sasha looked at him suspiciously.

“I hear you, but I don’t’ think my sister will.”

Claudia interrupted them both.

“Okay I need one or both of you to let me know what is going on.”

Sasha cleared her voice.

“Well, the tale is this. I and my sisters were the people you went to in the fashion world to see if you had the right cut and you were doing the right thing. Then I developed a type of palsy in my hands. They started to go numb and the short of it was I couldn’t cut or draw a straight line all of the time. As a result, people in the industry decided that I might not be a good authority to listen to. Not wanting to lose their cash they ditched a sister and forgot I existed. Then Austin came along and offered a has been a chance.”

“Before we start with the name calling let’s talk,” Austin said. “Your sister is on her way?”

Sasha grunted.

“Yes, the viper is on her way.”

“What is the problem? So, she comes and what?”

“The problem Claudia is if she comes and talks down about me and the garage it could kill the budding reputation we have,” Sasha said. “I think the best thing I can do is to leave and maybe she’ll follow and say how lucky you all were to get rid of me.”

“Well do you want to leave Sasha?” Austin asked.
