Page 61 of Finding Hope

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“It’s not true,” Claudia said in a small voice.

“Okay prove it.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Call him over and tell him you forgot to say something.” Tamara said.

“But I just left – “

“it’s your life- “Tamara said and left.

Claudia was frustrated and scared. She knew Tamara was right, but she bottled within herself. As if things couldn’t get more complicated the doorbell rang. Claudia yanked open the door ready to lash the poor unsuspecting soul on the other side. When she pulled it open there stood the core of all of the hubbub, Austin.


“Look I know we just left each other but I realized I didn’t say some things that needed to be said,” he began.

“If you can give Naomi a clean slate and recommend her to work with us, don’t you think that I deserve the same ne chance. I tried to be respectful and understanding. Don’t I deserve a chance?”

Claudia was listening to him ramble.

“Yes, you do deserve a chance,” she said calmly. He seemed taken back by her acquiesce.

“If I deserve a chance, you think maybe we deserve each other?”

“Yes, we do deserve a chance to be with each other,” Claudia said.

“I want to say that I didn’t think I deserved your distrust. I’ve always told you the truth. I don’t need any alternative motives. I want you for you Claudia. Do you think you could want me the same?”

“I could and I do.”

Austin’s mouth was open and then it closed.

“You could?”

Claudia nodded.

“I was on my way to come over to you to discuss us.”

Austin pulled her into his arms and gave her a bear hug that left her breathless.

“You could have stopped me at any time.”

“Why it all needed to be said and I like the way you say things better.”

“You know it won’t be smooth sailing because you don’t see things my way all the time, but I’ll never hurt you and I’ll never raise a hand to you. We’ll talk it out go for walks and use sno cones as our cool off snack. We’ll have to get a machine that does that after we marry because waiting for the sno cone man isn’t a great plan.”

“Married?” Claudia echoed. “AS in us two?”

Austin pulled back and looked into Claudia’s eyes.

“Yes, us two if you think you’re up to the challenge?”

Claudia smiled.

“You’re on!”

“By the way I love you Claudia

* * *
