Page 60 of Finding Hope

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Just then Austin felt the rap of a wooden spoon on his knuckles.

“Think positively about tonight. Also remember your life is not made or destroyed on one date. If it is then you should consider that maybe you two don’t have as much in common as you thought,” Sasha said.

“Did you want to stay?” Austin asked.

“No, I want to be a fly on the wall,” Sasha laughed. “Remember if you two don’t work out you’ve got me. Austin stop worrying. You are a prime catch in and out of the fashion world.”

“if only she would take it on your word and then this dinner would be incidental.”

“she knows who you are its why she’s coming here tonight. Now let me skedaddle and remember you are the man she is looking for.”

After Sasha had left Austin started to look through the place and tried to make sure it was all in place just the way Claudia had picked it. He had talked with his gran, and she had told him a woman can pick the furniture but when she comes to live in it, that’s when it becomes a home. If he didn’t get that feeling when Claudia came then she wasn’t the one. When the doorbell rang it was all he could do not to jump.

“Okay, it’s time to meet my future, “Austin said.

The dinner was a horrible, stilted affair. Austin couldn’t tell if anyone had enjoyed anything. They talked about the weather and fashion. At the end when coffee and tea were served it was more relaxed and they talked about the fashion. When that was over she stood and went home there wasn’t a kiss. There was a discussion. It was like the other person was waiting for the other one to bring up their relationship and then like that she was gone.

When she left Austin called Sasha.

“You are calling me now; this can’t be good. How did you mess this up?” Sasha asked.

“I didn’t do a thing. We never came up the food was great and – “

“What do you mean came up.? Austin, you know I love you like my son but sometimes. It’s not going to come up you need to bring it up.”

“I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or – “.

“So now you want to be chivalrous. Listen to me go to her”

“Okay tomorrow I’ll – “

“No Austin. Handle your business tonight because tomorrow it will be too late.”

With that Sasha hung up on him and Austin looked at the phone and held it against his head.

* * *

“Iblew it! He didn’t’bring up us once. I thought for sure he was a couple of time but then he just shut down,” Claudia moaned.

“Then you did what?” Tamara asked.

“I did? I couldn’t do a thing he wasn’t open to anything,” Claudia replied.

“Ah you mean you are still not ready to take a risk on that man?”” Tamara asked.

“I dd take a risk. I went to him, and I gave him the opportunity to - “

“”to what? Be psychic and understand what you want and how you wanted him to say it?”

Claudia shook her head and back away from Tamara.

“He knew why I was there. He could see where things could go if he wanted them to.”

“Oh, you should have told me with all of the amazing things that Austin can do mind reading, foretelling the future and general psychic was among his forte.”

“Tamara why are you acting like this? You are on my team remember!”

“I am on your team, that’s why I’m acting this way. You are going to let a good man go because you’re holding on to your past. It might be true that I don’t go out in the day but that is my choice. You are going to let Austin go because you’d rather hold on to the fear of the past than to open your hands and grab on to him.”
