Page 23 of Loving Winter

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“I’ve been thinking. What if I took a few of the newer club members and opened a sister chapter of the Devil’s Sons a bit north of here? We’re getting pretty full up, and it would make sense to expand. We could grow the business that way and have wider influence and resources. I feel like I’m up for the challenge and would still defer any major club decisions to you, but I could take on more responsibility. You know, generate more income and contribute more meaningfully than just unloading shipments and working in the shop.”

I force my hands to stay still as I present my case, but I’m tense with the possibility that he might say no. I’m aware of the fact that Mark had considered me third under Cage, his second in command before he was executed. Jaxon took his place, so he might be less inclined to agree since, for all intents and purposes, we don’t have a proper second. Still, I know he’s also been considering expanding the club, and he would need trusted men to open the new chapter.

Mark’s eyebrows drop into a frown. “I don’t know about that. I’m sure if you leave, you’ll end up taking most of the younger guys with you, and I don’t want all the young blood going. We need you as reinforcement, and a lot of the older guys can’t carry their weight like they used to. Besides, this chapter can’t thrive if all the young guys up and leave.”

“I won’t take all the young guys. We just brought on a whole slew of new recruits. I’m thinking I would start small. See if a few guys want to come with me and build from there.” I have to keep my tone steady to avoid sounding desperate. That won’t help my case at all.

Mark sighs heavily. “I think I know why you’re even considering it, and I don’t know that it’s going to matter much. You want to get Winter out of town before the Blackmoor heirs get ahold of her. But I hate to break it to you. It might be too late. Athena may have gotten wind that your girl is still alive. I’m supposed to meet with Jaxon this week, and if he says we need to hand her over, that’s what you’ll have to do.”

My stomach rolls at the thought of handing Winter over to them. I can’t, especially not now. I need to keep Winter safe. Swallowing hard, I face the fact that I may have to come up with an alternative solution, one where I don’t get to continue with the club.

Mark puts a hand on my shoulder in that fatherly way that makes me yearn for my own dad back. “Don’t think on it too hard. Let’s wait and see what Jaxon has to say. You may not need to leave town at all, and I don’t want to send you away unnecessarily. I’ll think on it a bit. Just be patient.”

I grind my teeth, trying to find an ounce of patience when I feel anything but. I’m trapped in a situation where it’s probably better to do nothing for the moment until I know the full scope of the danger Winter is in. Still, at the same time, I’ve never wanted to get her away from here more than I do now. I feel as though I might go insane with the stress of keeping her alive.Why didn’t I just take her away sooner? Why did I wait for someone to discover her? And how could I be the only one who seems bent on the concept of her safety?Even Winter has a definite lack of concern when it comes to her own well-being. She hitchhiked to a different town to get an abortion, for God’s sake.

Mark gives my shoulder a squeeze and then releases me. “I’ll let you know as soon as I do what’s going to happen with the Romero girl. Until then, my answer is no. It’s not the right time to open a new chapter. We have too much turmoil going on here as it is with the change in management, and I don’t want to ruffle any feathers.”

I’m so sick of hearing him say that. We’ve been pussyfooting around ever since the Blackmoor heirs slaughtered their families and some of our best guys in that basement. I’ve always trusted Mark and felt like he’s a good leader. He has his men’s best interests at heart, but this time, I’m starting to think he’s wrong. It might be time I strike out on my own anyhow. If he keeps rolling over and playing dead, there’s no chance the Devil’s Sons will survive the transition. Sure, we can get along and accept orders of business, but it feels like the looming threat of death or disobedience is hovering like a dark cloud over us now that we had to kill the brothers who hurt Athena. It’s as though we’re balancing on the edge of a knife to discover our fates. And for Winter and me, it does not look good.

But I push those thoughts aside. There’s no point in alienating or antagonizing Mark until I know my plan of action. Pulling myself together, I give a curt nod. “Thanks for your time,” I say and rise from the couch.

“Hey, Gabe?”

I turn to look Mark in the eye once more. His expression is solemn. “If it comes to it, I won’t lose you to save the Romero girl. And if it comes to the club, you know I can’t choose one over the good of the many.”

“I understand.” Turning, I leave before I say something rash.

Heading back through the double doors, I make my way across the room toward the hall.

“Dude, is everything all right?” Rico asks.

I pause and look their way. “Sure. Everything’s fine.”

“Really? Because you’ve been stomping around since we finished cleaning, and now your girl’s in your room crying loud enough for everyone to hear.”

I scowl. “It’s fine.” I turn away without another word.Why does it feel as though my world is suddenly collapsing around me?

I make it halfway down the hall before a thought occurs to me, and rather than entering the bedroom right away, I head further down the hall to the spare room that’s empty at the moment. Pulling out my phone, I search for nearby doctors and dial one that looks remote enough that people probably won’t recognize Winter. I don’t care what Winter says, she’s at least going to go to a doctor with me, so we discuss our options.



Pacing with anxiety and frustration,I track a line across the room, again and again, the same path I’ve been walking since Gabriel locked me in here. I hate feeling trapped, which seems to be his go-to whenever he doesn’t feel he can control me.But what gives him the right to control me anyhow?This is my life and my body. He doesn’t get to tell me Ihave tocarry this baby if I don’t want to. I don’t care what he says. If I want to go to the clinic, then that’s what I’ll do. It drives me up the wall that he thinks he owns me, that he gets to dictate where I go and what I do.

As I pace, I prepare what I’m going to say, repeating the words in my head and then revising them each time I doubt that it will do me any good. Telling him it’s my body won’t change his mind. Explaining why my revenge is so important to me won’t help. We’ve already gone over that until we’re blue in the face.Bargaining with him is going to be my best plan of action, but what can I bargain with?He holds all the power and support of his club, while I’m entirely alone with no authority or assets to offer up except my own body, which is what got me into this situation in the first place.

The soft click of the door unlocking makes me pause in my tracks, and I turn to watch it ease open. When Gabriel steps inside, he’s holding a sandwich and a glass of water. The gentle look on his face surprises me because of the way he left in such a mood.Where the hell did he go to regain his calm?I’m not sure I’m going to like what’s coming, and I watch him suspiciously as he closes the door behind him.

“I brought you something to eat,” he says, offering up the sandwich.

Despite myself, my stomach growls. Grudgingly, I accept the plate he hands me without a word of thanks and plop onto the bed to eat. I don’t know if it’s from all the throwing up I’ve been doing or if it’s because I’m pregnant, but I’m famished, and the peanut butter and jelly on Wonder bread tastes like heaven. Sighing as the hunger pains ease, I inhale the food.

Gabriel sinks down beside me, watching me closely. “I made you a doctor’s appointment for after New Year’s. I’ll go with you.”

I don’t respond, eating my sandwich to avoid saying what I want to say, which is that I won’t be going. I don’t care what he says.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, his tone tender as his hands reach for me.
