Page 34 of Savage Prince

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I’m in so much fucking trouble.

I should never have volunteered for this. I don’t know what I was thinking. The sight of Athena lifting weights, not to mention working out on the bag, was hot enough. Being in the ring with her, watching her dogged concentration on the mitts, the muscles in her shoulders and arms and abs flexing as she danced back and forth and landed just about every hit?

Christ, all I want to do is fuck her right here and now.

I shouldn’t spar with her. Nothing good is going to come of it. At some point, she tied her tank top up in a knot, just under her breasts, so I can see the pale expanse of her abs, sweat glistening on her skin, and running down to the waistband of her yoga pants. Her ass looks so fucking good in them as she walks over to grab her water bottle, and I want to tell her to grab the ropes, to bend over, while I yank them down and sink myself to the hilt inside of her.

I could tell her to do it. And I bet she would.

I push the thought out of my head. I’m not here to fuck her. I’m here to help train her to fight, so the other guys will shut up about it. There’s absolutely no reason not to allow Athena in the gym, other than just being contrary, which is exactly what I know the guys are doing.

“What martial arts did you do?” I ask, watching her as she comes to join me in the center of the ring again. That cocky flash in her eyes, the grin when she said, let’s fucking go, it’s all driving me absolutely crazy. Athena is everything I could want in a girl—except the part where having her means having the town, too.

“Krav, some Muay Thai, a little BJJ.” She grins at that last, and I know she’s waiting for me to make some crack about BJs, but that’s low-hanging fruit, so I let it go. I’m not going to play into something that easy.

“Alright. We’ll go through some Krav moves.” I regret it as soon as it comes out of my mouth; there’s a lot of grappling in Krav. There’s always a full-contact element in any kind of fighting, and I quickly add, “We’ll start with strikes.” That, at least, is touching from a distance.

My hand shoots out, and Athena blocks it without any issue. Same from the left, same when I strike out with my left foot towards her leg. We do that for a little while, mixing it up, with me switching left to right and back again, sometimes the same direction twice, and Athena catches it every time. She blocks smoothly and easily, and I can tell she wasn’t lying when she said she used to train at this and be good at it.

She could be a hell of a fighter, which intrigues me in ways that are more than just sexual. It makes me wonder what she’d be like in a real fight, paired up against some other scrappy girl, with her name on a card for the underground fights. Just the thought sends a shiver of excitement down my spine.

“Are you ready for more?” I ask her, and she nods enthusiastically.

“Sure thing. Let’s go.” She flashes me another of those grins, her fists up, and I can tell that she’s having fun. This is the most relaxed I’ve ever seen Athena, and the happiest, other than maybe when I used to take her to class on my motorcycle or when we went on that long ride together. It’s been a long time since I’ve given her a ride, and I realize with a sharp pang that I miss it.

It’s good that I’ve kept my distance,I remind myself. It’s better this way, for her and for me, as well as everyone else.

I move towards her in a flash, my arm encircling her neck and spinning her around before she can react so that Athena’s back is to me as I pull her up against me, grasping her arm and twisting it behind her back.

Fuck. She feels way too good this close to me. Soft and warm, her full ass nestled into my groin, and I can smell her shampoo, the scent of warm soapy skin underneath the salt of her sweat. Her body is as yielding as mine is firm, even when she’s tense and flexed like this. For a brief, wild moment, all I want to do is grab her hips and grind into her, wrestle her down onto the ground and do whatever I want with her.

But then Athena twists, ducking out from under my arm and breaking my hold. In a flash, she’s grabbed my wrist, wrenching my arm around my back as she tries to sweep my legs. I sidestep her—and then we’re in it, doing the all too familiar dance of grappling as we dodge and grab, twist and kick. I get Athena into a headlock for a moment, but she wriggles her way out, slippery as an eel. I think that there’s no way she can take me down—trained or not, she’s out of practice—but she’s also just distracting enough that she can use that to her advantage. She circles me, and when I try to grab and spin her again, she manages to slip around me instead, and this time when she goes for my legs with a sweeping motion, she catches me off guard.

Hitting the mats with a cracked rib hurts way fucking worse than it does without. The air would get knocked out of me normally. Still, the pain that shoots through me is enough to steal all my breath for a second and then some. Before I can recover it, suddenly Athena is on top of me, pinning me to the mat as she straddles my hips, grabbing my wrists and shoving them down to the mat above my head.

That takes my breath away for a different reason altogether.

“Did I win?” she asks with a grin, her thighs squeezing me, but I notice she’s being careful not to put pressure on my side.

“Not yet. You know I can get out of this.” I look up at her, and I’m struck all over again by how beautiful she is. Some of her hair is coming loose, falling out around her sweaty face, and even flushed and red I think she’s the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.

Maybe even especially like this.

“Go ahead and try,” Athena says lightly, and I swear to fucking god she rocks her hips atop me, grinding down onto my half-hard dick as if she’s teasing me on purpose.

Something sizzles in my brain, a short-circuit maybe, because I’m finding it really fucking hard to remember why I’m not supposed to do this. Her hips rock again, her hands squeezing my wrists as she keeps them pinned down, and I’ve never been into bondage. For a hot second, I think I might let Athena pin me down anytime or even tie me up if it meant she’d keep rocking against my cock like that.

“I think you like this a little too much,” Athena says with a grin, and now I know she’s doing it on fucking purpose. I’m rock hard now, my thick cock filling out my workout shorts and pressing against the warmth between her thighs, that thin material of her yoga pants doing nothing to keep me from feeling the heat of her pussy against my dick.

“Maybe.” I look up at her, a challenge in my eyes. “Are you going to do something about it?”

Athena doesn’t look away from my gaze. “Are you?”

“You bet your ass I am.”

It doesn’t take much for me to roll her. She’s distracted at that moment, and I push up easily despite her grip on my wrists, my abs tightening as I throw my body weight to one side and tip her, rolling her onto her back. In half a second, I’m leaning over her, kneeling between her legs. Then I wrench my wrists free, my hands suddenly pinning hers over her head as I look down at her wide eyes and parted, panting mouth.
