Page 43 of Savage Prince

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It feels fucking impossible to get Athena out of my head. The effort of breaking her has been deliciously pleasurable, from the punishments before she gave me her virginity to everything that’s come since then—figuratively and literally. She’s not broken in yet, not really—she still has the ridiculous idea in her head that she can keep me from winning, but that just makes it all the more fun. Especially in moments like last night, when she lost control and begged me for the pleasure that I could give her. She wants to pretend that she’s above it, that she doesn’t want it like we do, that she hates the punishments and the sex and the games.

But I know how much she wants it. She can’t hide her body’s reactions, and she can’t pretend all of the time. Seeing her lose control, chipping away at her sense of who she is, and making her realize that deep down, she really is just our pet, our little slut, is more delicious than I could possibly have anticipated.

Today, though, I have other things to think about. I frown as I walk out of my third class of the day, irritated at the reminder that I have that gala to go to with Winter Romero tonight, even though I’d rather do anything else. Specifically, I’d rather be at home finding some new way to twist Athena into knots—possibly literally—

And then, as I round the corner of the hall—speak of the devil.

I see Winter’s red hair, and at first, I think it might be some other red-headed slut, because Winter, or whoever it is, is way too close to Cayde, who is leaning up against the stone wall and grinning lasciviously down at the slender, well-dressed girl almost pressed up against him. Her hand is on his chest, her slim pale thighs visible under the short pink skirt she’s wearing, her white short-sleeved sweater preppy and sexy all at once with the way it clings to her narrow waist and small breasts.

And then I get a glimpse of her profile, and I see that it is Winter.

Hot anger washes over me, not because I care about her really, but because she supposedly wants me so badly that she roped me into going to this stupid fucking charity dinner tonight because her father and mine are so dead-set on her being my wife after graduation, and yet here she is nearly rubbing up on Cayde like she isn’t all but my promised fiancée.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I snap, striding towards them both, and Winter jerks back like a popped rubber band, teetering on her red-soled strappy sandals. She’s the very picture of wealth, exactly the kind of girl that is a dime a dozen here, with the diamond studs in her ears and the little diamond solitaire on a chain at her neck and her expensive preppy clothes. The only thing that keeps her from fading into the sea of rich blondes is her flame-red hair, and I’m surprised that her father hasn’t made her dye it. It’s unusual, and the last thing any of these girls want to be is unusual or unique.

Honestly, that’s the most attractive and infuriating thing about Athena all at once. She insists on being herself, dressing the way she wants, lifting weights at the gym, being dark-haired and wearing heavy makeup, and just generally everything that goes against what women who mingle with our class are expected to do and wear and look like.

“I was just talking to Cayde,” Winter says innocently, and Cayde smirks. Whatever she was saying, it’s left a considerable bulge in Cayde’s sweatpants, which just irritates the shit out of me. He’s already after Athena. Does he need to be after both of the women that are meant to belong to me?

“Sure. And that’s why he’s got a fucking hard-on.” I glare at them both. “Cayde, get the fuck out of here. I want to talk to Winter.”

“I don’t have to obey you yet,” Cayde growls, straightening up, and he cuts a glance sideways at Winter. “Besides, I’ve already been inside of her once, and it wasn’t all that fucking great.”

I narrow my eyes at her as he strides off. She’s flushed pink now, and I smirk, enjoying her discomfiture. “Is that true? Has he been inside of you? Because I don’t think I would want—and I’m sure my father would agree—to marry damaged goods.”

“No!” Winter turns red. “He’s lying. He’s an asshole.”

“An asshole that you were practically rubbing up against like a cat in heat.” I grab her elbow, yanking her around and shoving her up against the wall. “Maybe you should have him take you to that dinner tonight.”

“No.” Winter lifts her delicate pointed chin, her green eyes fixed on mine. “You’re the one our fathers have arranged for me. I had an interesting discussion with my father just last night, actually—”

“I don’t fucking care,” I tell her flatly. “Whatever the two of you talked about, if I need to know, I’m sure it’ll come my way.”

Winter’s lips thin. “Are you going to be this much of a dick when we’re married?”

I can’t help but laugh at that. “Winter, I’ll be whatever the fuck I want to be. And if you want to end up being my wife, you’ll quit fucking throwing yourself at Cayde. I know you’re not a virgin. I’m sure that slutty little hole has been stretched by half the football team since high school. If you intend for this engagement to happen, then you’ll keep your legs closed until I decide to spread them, and not before then.” I grab that pretty little chin, tilting her head up and squeezing so that she’s forced to look at me. “Am I understood?”

Winter wrenches her face free. “It’s not fair,” she pouts. “You get to fuck that little Goth slut that got chosen as the house pet, and I just have to wait. A girl has needs, you know.”

“I don’t care about your needs. Buy a fucking vibrator.”

“I wanted to be picked as the pet.” She looks up at me with those wide green eyes. “You would have won right off the bat, Dean. I would have gone right to you and asked you to fuck me. Not kept trying to fuck around, like Athena is doing, risking the game.”

“You have to be a virgin to be the sacrifice,” I say dryly. “And besides, Winter, being the pet means more than just fucking me. Athena has been caned, whipped, stripped naked, forced to suck our cocks and bend over for us to fuck her in both ends at once, humiliated and shaved, and forced to masturbate for our pleasure.” Fuck. I can feel myself getting hard just saying it aloud, my cock straining at the front of my pants. I need Athena’s mouth or her pussy, but neither of those is close by right now. “Would you want that, Winter? To be humiliated in front of Cayde and Jaxon and me? To be put on display, punished, hurt, fucked by more than one man at once? Forced to suck cocks and have cum all over your face?”

The idea of Winter being humiliated like that, her snobby, prissy face covered in the cum of multiple men, turns me on more than I thought it would. But she shakes her head vigorously, her face flushing.

“No!” she exclaims, but I can feel her squirm against the wall, and I know my dirty talk has turned her on. “I don’t want that. I just want you, Dean,” she whispers, trying to be seductive, but my mind is on a different track already.

“I think you’re lying.” I run my finger down her jaw. “Maybe after we’re married, I’ll wait until we’re having some important dinner at Blackmoor Estate, and then I’ll make you strip for my colleagues. Make you suck them under the table, take all their cum at once. You’ll be my wife; you can’t say no. Would you like that? Or would you rather I treasure you, keep you all for myself, and use Athena for my depraved desires?”

Winter jerks back, staring at me. “You can’t mean—” she looks horrified. “You’re going to keep fucking her? After we’re married?”

Now we’re making progress.I smile down at her coldly. “There’s the point I was trying to get to, Winter. Even once we’re married, I’ll continue doing whatever the fuck I want.” I don’t mention the conversation Athena and I had last night, about what she might do if she doesn’t want to be in my bed—it wouldn’t be helpful right now. And besides, if Athena refuses me, I can always find some other pet if I wish. “I’ll fuck who I want, and I’ll do what I want, and you’ll be silent about it as my wife, pleased to be married to me no matter what.” I grin down at her. “Or was that not part of the arrangement you thought dear daddy was making for you?”

Winter is pale now, making her red hair look even more vivid around her face, and I step back. She sags against the wall a little, swallowing hard, but she quickly recovers. “You’ll see,” she says sharply, lifting her chin. “You’ll see that little bitch’s true colors, and then you won’t want her anymore. You’ll want the kind of girl who was meant for you.”
