Page 108 of One Night Together

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Cassie wiped her eyes, watching the car drive away. Why did she ever agree to this trip? She knew what her father wanted before they left London. His comments about her degree stung because she hadn’t accomplished as much as she had planned with her education. And the longer she worked outside her field, the more unhappy she’d become.

The car was in the distance now. The dust kicked up by the tires had settled. It was quiet again. A light breeze moved through the surrounding olivetrees.

Leo turned and walked toward her, and his body moved with strength and resolve. She didn’t wait for him to come to her. Instead, she ran to him.

When she got close, he rushed forward and wrapped his strong arms around her. She broke out in tears against his chest.

“Shh. He’ll get things back on track.”

“Then why do I feel so bad?” she said against his chest.

“Because he’s your father and you love him. It hurts to watch him struggle.”

“Was he awful to you?”

“He was pretty upset.” Leo brushed the hair from her face. “He’s a proud man. Things will get better.”

She nodded, feeling a little more hopeful. “I think you scored a few points with my mom.”

“I hope so.” Leo gave her a gentle smile. Without a word, he took her hand, returned to the house, and headed out to the patio.

He held her close as the two of them took in the view. The sun warmed her skin and the scent of the sea in the distance filled her senses and grounded her, allowing her to focus on the present moment and not the drama with her father. She closed her eyes, remembering the first time she came to Meraki. The work with Beatrice had been stimulating and kept her mind busy, but it had also been an escape to hide from her problems. Returning here, she felt inspired to chart a new path. A path no one else could control or take away from her. She took a deep breath, and the tension in her muscles receded.

“You belong here,” Leo said, stirring her from her thoughts.

She turned to Leo. His amber eyes glowed with emotion. He had sensed her connection to Meraki. “I’m comfortable here. I could live like a hermit. Give me a stack of books and I’d be in heaven.”

“It sounds like a lonely life. Is that what you want?” he asked in surprise, his face tense.

“It’s what I used to want.”

“What do you want now?” His lips curved into that sexy smile she adored.

Cassandra threw her arms around him. “You. In bed with me. Making all this drama with my father go away.”

He studied for a moment and shook his head. “It’s not a good idea right now. You’re upset.”

“Last night you told me whenever I wanted it, you’d give it to me. I need you.”

“I said it’s not a good idea right now, but I didn’t say ever. Come with me.” He took her hand. “Let’s take a walk around the property. I want to see all your favorite places.”

“Okay, but I’d rather see you naked in my favorite places.”

He let out a hearty laugh. “I can definitely arrange that. Later. Now, let’s go.”


She checked on the chicken stew warming on the stove that Irini had dropped off for them. It was a comforting dinner for tonight. Leo had wanted to help, but she needed some time to be with her thoughts. Instead, he headed back outside, saying he wanted to check out a few details of the landscape.

During their walk, Leo inquired about the weather, what services were available in the village below, and internet access. All logical questions, but these were also issues a developer would want to know. Would Leo change his mind and push her to develop the property? She didn’t think he would, but she’d have to ask him directly to find out.

Cassie set the table on the patio, the breeze lifting the hem of her skirt around her calves. She looked up to see Leo walking the perimeter of the property. He bent over and picked up a handful of soil, took a photo of it, then tossed it away. What was he doing? The niggling feeling re-surfaced that Leo might change his mind. He’d been consistent in supporting her decision against development, but if that was true, then why was he taking pictures of soil?

She swallowed a spoonful of stew and took a sip of wine. Still unsettled by her father’s rant and confused by Leo’s mysterious walkabout on the property, she’d lost her appetite. On the other hand, Leo was finishing a third helping and mopping up the bowl with the last of Irini’s fresh-baked bread.

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