Page 157 of One Night Together

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Tio Gilberto’s was closed on Mondays, but as a favor to Leo, Gilberto and Juliana opened for their private dinner. In addition to her parents and Alexander, they also invited Ben and Amanda’s family, Justin and Lucy’s family, as well as Zhara and Michael from her office.

They drank caipirinhas and sampled a tasting menu Gilberto had assembled. Dinner and dessert were over, numerous toasts given, and now the guests sat at the table surrounded by plates and glasses. The house band played mellow bossa nova music in the background. She took in the scene, and her heart swelled with love for everyone here.

Ben and Amanda, wrangling their boys, were starstruck by Justin’s stories about his many rock tours. Alexander and Melina, holding Grace in her arms, were having a spirited debate about the best Greek Island to vacation on. Cassie was tempted to barge in and tell Alexander that Mykonos didn’t stand a chance against her family’s support for Santorini.

Cassie sat with Michael, Zhara, and Lucy, immersed in conversation. Cassie held a squirming Sarah in her lap as they discussed the ethics of major museums accepting funding from dubious donors. She wore a light blue sheath dress, her hair loose down her back, and no glasses.

Leo sat at the other end of the table, talking to her father. They’d laughed during dinner, but now, their heads were close together, deep in conversation. Her father’s mood had become more subdued. Leo was doing most of the talking while her father nodded occasionally. Her father turned to her and broke out into a huge smile. He looked years younger. Her mother had joined in with the smiles and handshakes all around. What was going on?

Leo rose from the table and glanced over to Gilberto, who gave Leo a thumbs-up. The music stopped, talking around the table faded, and Amanda hushed the boys. Cassie lifted her eyes to his. Leo smiled and extended a hand to her. The table filled with excited whispers. She suspected she was about to find out what had transpired between Leo and her parents.

Cassie handed Sarah back to Lucy and walked to him. His eyes riveted on her gave her a thrill as much as the night they met. She came to his side, and he gave her a gentle kiss, brushing his fingers against her cheek.

“Please, everyone,” Leo said. “I’d like to say a few words.”

The table grew quiet, and everyone’s attention turned to Leo.

“This has been a big day for me. I appreciate all your good wishes and congratulations. Thank you to Gilberto and Juliana for this last-minute dinner party.” There was a round of applause for them. “The first person I want to acknowledge is Ben Kamau, my best friend, and new CFO. None of this would have been possible without you.” The table cheered, and Ben stood and took a bow. “And of course, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to my grandfather, Alexander Sutton, for believing in me. I love you, Gramps.” Alexander wiped his eyes, smiling when Melina hugged him.

“My father once made a proposition to his friend, Nikos Papadakis, to join him in a partnership. At the time, Nikos refused, and an intense rivalry began between Nikos and my father. With Nikos’s consent, I’m officially ending the rivalry between our two companies. Nikos has agreed to be my mentor, and if I have my way, he’ll become a partner. I’m excited to work with him as long as he wishes, or until Melina forces him to retire.” Laughter and cheers erupted around the patio.

“Tonight, we gather as friends and family to forge new ties and make new friends. I want to express appreciation to Justin and Lucy Hamilton for being good friends to Cassandra. I look forward to getting to know you and your beautiful daughters more. Also, I want to thank Zhara, a work colleague of Cassandra’s, who made her feel welcome in your office. And last, thank you to Michael Burke. I never had the opportunity to meet Beatrice, but I know Cassandra’s life will be forever changed by their friendship. I want you to know that Nikos and I will work together to create a research center in her honor on the grounds of Meraki.” There was more applause. Michael accepted a hug from Zhara, adjusted his bow tie, and got to his feet.

He must be ready to leave.

“Oh, Michael’s leaving. I better go say goodbye,” she said to Leo, taking a step away.

“Not so fast, Cassandra.” He grabbed her hand. “We have some unfinished business.”

What could be unfinished? He thanked everyone here, except for the children. Zhara tugged Michael back into his seat. Cassie scanned the patio and around the table, which had grown still with all eyes on her. What was he planning?

“I have something that belongs to you.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. “Something of mine?”

He reached into his pocket and removed the Cartier box. “You returned this once, so I’m going to ask you again.” He got down on one knee and took the ring from the box.

She covered her mouth with both hands, lightheaded with happiness. Her mind flashed back to the Kronos Hotel where couple after couple got engaged. And now, the same man she met at that hotel was on one knee, ready to propose.

“I love you, Cassandra Papadakis. I promise to worship you every day for the rest of my life, to help you achieve your dreams, and be your biggest fan when your book is a bestseller. Our hearts belong to one another forever. Will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She bit her lip and tried to answer but couldn’t because she was a blubbering mess.

Leo got to his feet and kissed her cheek, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. “Is that yes?” he whispered. “Because I’m getting a little nervous.”

“Yes,” she said, looking into his eyes and nodding. “Yes. Absolutely, yes.”

“She said, ‘Yes!’” Leo shouted to everyone on the patio and probably the surrounding neighborhood. He slid the ring onto her finger, cradled her face in his hands, and gave her a deep kiss.

The patio erupted in cheers, and Juliana and a waitress came from the restaurant carrying a bottle of champagne and glasses.

She and Leo were surrounded by everyone congratulating them at once.

The band started playing again. Leo held Cassandra in his arms, dancing slow and humming in her ear.

“I love you, Deusa. I meant every word I said.”

“Even the part about the bestseller I haven’t written yet?”

“Especially that part.” He gave her a carefree smile and twirled her around the dance floor.

Justin and Lucy joined them, dancing with the girls in their arms. Soon after, Ben and Amanda, her parents, including Zhara and a reluctant Michael, also joined them. Alexander stayed at the table with the boys, entertaining them with magic tricks.

Now she and Leo were like every other newly engaged couple she’d seen in Santorini. Except she was at a Brazilian restaurant in the heart of London surrounded by the people she loved. What began as one passionate night together had transformed into a future with an extraordinary man and a love that would last forever.
