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I hand her both mugs and watch as she dips them in a silver tub full of soapy water. “Can I ask why you all stay here? If you’re not safe?”

“We have no choice.”

“Were your wings clipped?” I whisper loudly.

“Of course, not!” Annie says quickly. “But we’ve families to feed, and working here gives us enough gold to do just that.”

“You can’t find somewhere safer?”

“Honey, you’ve seen nothing but what’s within these walls. The things out there, they can be far more terrifying than twenty minutes with a man who can’t keep his hands to himself.”

It burns my soul to hear her mention it so callously. As though she’s forced to choose the lesser of two evils. “What of the rebels? Will they not take care of you?”

Bonny hurries across the room and covers my mouth with her hand. “Hush, will you! You’re going to get us all killed!”

“Uncover her mouth at once,” Annie orders.

Bonny hesitates, but then slowly pulls her hand back.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything.”

“You’re fine, dear. This is all new to you, yes?”

“You can say that.”

“How about you have a seat and we can get you some food. What do you like to eat?”

“Anything and everything,” I reply as I accept her offer and take a seat on a stool at one of the many counters.

“How about some biscuits, then? Some eggs?”

“That sounds wonderful, thank you.” My stomach chooses that exact moment to growl, and Annie laughs. Even Bonny and the third woman look far more relaxed. “I didn’t get your name?” I ask the woman kneading bread.

She wipes her floured hands off on an apron and offers me her hand, though she doesn’t speak.

“Her name is Petal. She cannot speak, though.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She releases my hand so I raise it and sign,It’s nice to meet you, Petal.

Her eyes light up in complete delight as she replies,You as well, Ember.

“You speak in signs, too?”

“I do. How did you learn it?” I ask, redirecting my attention to Petal.

My brother went to the human world to try to find a witch to heal me. When that didn’t work, he brought me back materials to teach me how to communicate.

“That was so kind of him.”

She nods as her eyes shimmer with tears.He died a year ago. Joined the rebels and was killed in a fight.

“I’m so sorry. What made him do that?”

“Petal, you’re going to get yourself killed!” Bonny scolds.

“I won’t say anything,” I assure them. “I’m not happy with how things are here.”

Petal swallows hard, then, after looking at Annie, who nods approvingly, she begins to tell me the story.I came to work here when it was run by the previous family. Fearghas the First and Heelean were so kind. But when Odhran took over the kingdom, things grew colder. Still, I worked, and all was well. Until Taranus was appointed king. Conary—she shuts her eyes tightly.When my brother learned what he’d done—what he continued to do—he tried to force me to leave, but I have family to care for. I refused, and he swore to get vengeance for me. Conary killed him in a fight. He told me about it during…She trails off, and Bonny wraps an arm around her shaking shoulders.
