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His eyes widen, and his mouth falls partially open as his gaze travels over the tight bodice of my dress. I’m assuming this gown was chosen so Taranus can show me off, and while I’d felt uncomfortable putting it on, I’d be lying if I didn’t enjoy the way it made me feel like a woman.

A beautiful woman deserving of attention from the man before me.

Just as quickly as his reaction flashed over his face, it’s gone, and he’s glaring at me through iron bars. “What the hell are you doing down here?”

“Bringing you fruit.” I cross the distance and hold the pouch through the bars.


“Because you are hungry.” Opening the satchel, I hold it out and watch his nostrils flare at the sight of the plump grapes in my palm.

“It was stupid of you to come back down here. Especially after what you went through to get out.”

I glare at him. “Look, I don’t know what crawled up your asshole, but I need to get the hell out of here. The way I see it, you are my only way of doing that. So, I will be looking for the key, and as soon as I get it, we’ll both be going. You can either accept my help or not, I really don’t care. But I do know that I don’t want to die in this place, Rafferty.”

He stares up at me, golden eyes blazing with anger, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s going to tell me to go to hell. Honestly, he might. Especially given he was not overly fond of my plan to pretend he attacked me.

But escaping rests solely on his help because I have no damn clue what awaits me beyond these stone walls. Could be more murdering bastards; could be more big snakes; could be something worse than both. But I do know that I have to try because there is no way I am going to bed with Taranus or bearing him the children he seems to think I will.

Just as I’m about to pull my hand back, Rafferty gets to his feet and stalks across the cell. I’m frozen in place, pinned beneath his gaze as he reaches through the bars and grabs the fruit from my palm. The way his fingers sear my skin, the tendrils of desire flowing up my arm and into my body, is completely unexpected, and frankly, unwanted at this point.

Whether I die here or from my disease is yet to be seen. But the fact still remains. One day, very soon, I will cease to exist.

The last thing I want is to be given a reason to live when I already have one foot out the door.

“You look very—royal,” he finishes as he pops a grape into his mouth.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, even as I know that was not a compliment. “Apparently, there’s some ball tonight. Taranus wants to show me off.”

“How nice for you both.” His tone is dry, his expression blanketed with a complete lack of emotion. It’s such a stark contrast from the man I came to know during my time down here. Even as short as it was, he’d been tender, kind.

Which begs the question: Which version of him is real? The kind man who grieved the loss of Flora or the brute his younger brother paints him as?

I clench both hands into fists at my sides. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You are being stupid. You should be running, and instead, you’re acting like a foolish child.”

My temper flares. “A foolish—are you freaking kidding me, Rafferty?”

“I believe the word you’re looking for is fucking. As in, am I fucking kidding you.”

A snarl leaves my lips moments before something crashes upstairs. I know my time is running short, but the thought of leaving him down here—even when he is acting like a miserable ass—is not appealing at all. “This was our plan, Rafferty.”

“This was your plan, Ember. If you remember, I told you many times to run. To leave this place and not come back. To forget about me.”

“Not happening.”

“Why? Because we bonded in our misery?”

“No. Because I may be a lot of things, but a coward isn’t one of them. I won’t leave you to die, no matter how much of an ass you act like you are.” I run my hands down the front of my dress. “Now, I’m coming back for you, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me.”

He grips the bars and rests his forehead against them. “Please, Ember, I am begging you. Do us both a favor and slip out tonight while Taranus is drinking his weight in whiskey and likely sharing his bed with half a dozen willing fae women.”

He’s telling me to run, but all I’m hearing is what a perfect opportunity tonight will give me to get my hands on the one thing that will earn me my freedom.

“I’m going to go after that key tonight, Rafferty. You will have to decide whether you want to rot down here or help me escape.”

“I can’t suffer your death. Not when I’m destined to protect you.”

“You’ll get your chance. Once I get that key and free you.”Hopefully.
