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“Flora was a rebel. Do you know what the rebels would do to you if they got their hands on you?” When I don’t immediately respond, he continues. “You are the one who will make me the true king. A feared and beloved leader for this world. The Rebellion does not wish for me to be king.” He takes a step toward me and reaches up to brush a strand of hair from my cheek, “Do you see the problem with that?”

“You believe they would kill me?”

“No. No, I don’t think that. But they would use you to get to me. They would torture you, torment you—do things to you that would permanently alter the way you saw the world.”

Kind of like the way you did the same when you had Flora slaughtered in front of me.“They sound awful,” I choke out.

“They are. Rafferty is jealous of my status. He believed that, given his closeness to the first king, he has the right to my crown. But he doesn’t.”

“Jealous of his younger brother’s success,” I say dryly, hating myself for just saying the words. “I’ve heard that story before.”

Taranus beams. “No doubt you have. Humans have their own troubles, do they not?”

“We do.”

“I know it doesn’t seem like it, but by killing Flora, I was saving you. I apologize for the things I said to you in that cell, for throwing you down there in the first place. The truth is, I want a happy life for us, Ember. Lots of children, laughter, and while I know you did not ask for this, I truly believe you can grow to love me.”

I swallow hard, forcing bile back down my throat. “I can’t promise anything.”

He smiles softly. “I know you can’t, my dear Ember. But mark my words, we will be happy. Centuries of joy between us.” He moves past me and toward the door. “There is a bath awaiting you, and a gown will be placed on your bed. We have a ball tonight, my dear. And I want to show you off to my world.”

“Can I have some food?” I ask quickly. “I’m starving.”

“Absolutely.” Taranus smiles. “Anything you desire shall be yours. All you have to do is follow everything I say.”

Oh, I plan to do just that.“Thank you so much.”

* * *

Sneaking aroundin a stark white dress should have been a lot easier.

I duck behind a wall and wait for two maids to hustle past me, while also trying my best to not dump the makeshift cloth baggie full of fresh fruit I pilfered from my room. People are everywhere, rushing around, carrying large vases of flowers, platters of ribbons, and some jars full of sparkly stuff I’m not even going to pretend to understand.

Ball preparations are in full swing, which makes this both easier and harder.

“Ensure Ember is prepared for tonight.” Taranus’s voice echoes through the hall, and I freeze, pressing as far back against the wall as I can get. If he sees me, I can pretend that I’m out for a stroll, needing some fresh air after spending so much time locked away with the horrible brute, Rafferty. However, if he does catch me, my plan will be foiled, and I will, no doubt, be forced to follow him around, a fake smile plastered on my face.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Shall I go fetch her now?”


“Not just yet. She spent quite a bit of time in that cell, let her freshen up for a bit longer. But be sure to fetch her at least an hour prior to our introduction. I wish to prepare her beforehand.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The feminine voice is unknown to me, but soon, their footsteps fade away, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

After peeking around the corner again, I step back out into the hall and slip into the nook that will carry me down the stone steps and into Rafferty’s cell. Why they don’t have a door on this, I’ll never understand, but I can be grateful that it’s one less barrier for me to have to make it through.

Recalling just how dirty it is, I reach down and grip my skirt, pulling it up to above my knees and tying the soft fabric in a tight knot. I’d rather have to explain why it’s wrinkled than why it’s dirty.

Then, with a deep breath, I make the descent.

“Back to torment me again so soon?”

Rafferty’s deep voice reverberates through my body, setting my nerves ablaze and making my hair stand on end. The awareness I feel in his presence—it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. And although being down here was a hellish experience, he’d made me feel safe.

At least, until he’d insulted me in front of the very man who holds my future in his palms.

“Sorry to disappoint,” I say softly, as I step into the firelight.
