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“You will not earn my pity, woman. The king gave you an order, and you will obey.”

“Let me go!” I scream, fighting against the invisible hold. Both hands fly from my dress, and with it, the fabric flutters to the floor, leaving me nearly bare. And when Bea’s slender fingers slip beneath the straps on my shoulders, the chemise falls, and I am exactly that—bare. Completely and totally at the mercy of a man I hate more than the disease ravaging through my body.

He pushes to his feet, and I clamp my eyes shut against tears as my body shivers uncontrollably.

“She’s not overly impressive,” Taranus says, as though I’m not here.

I choke on a sob, trying not to let show how much his words hurt.

“She will do, though. After all, you need her for nothing more than what is inside her body.”

“You believe she will bear me a son?”

“She will bear the rightful king sons aplenty.”


Fingers touch my thigh, and I clamp my teeth together to keep from screaming when my hidden weapon is relieved from my body. “What’s this, then?” Taranus’s voice is colder than the chill of the blade against my cheek.

“The king asked you a question,” the woman snaps.

“He’s not my king.” Pain flares in my shoulder, and I scream now as warmth trickles down my back. Eyes open now, I am greeted with the sadistic smile of the man before me as he holds a blade with my blood staining the silver.

“I am your king. Your owner. I will do with you what I wish, and you will not ever again say a word against me. Do I make myself clear?”

Without response, I glare back at him. “I will never love you.”

He snorts. “I’m going to fuck you, not love you.” He turns away. “As if I could ever love a human. All you need to do is spread your legs and give me access to your pussy. After that, I don’t give a shit what you do.”

I’m not sure what caused this change, what took him from the man who was trying to feign romance to this monster willing to force it, but I imagine it has something to do with the rushed wedding and the woman currently forcing me to remain completely still.

The door opens behind me, and boots thud against the floor as his guard comes to stand beside me. He offers me a once-over then sneers and looks away.

But I don’t.

No, my gaze remains firmly on his face because hanging from his belt loop is the very key I need. And if ever I wanted to get my hands on it, it’s right the hell now.

“I will not run. Please release me.”

The witch does so as soon as Taranus nods to her. I let myself stumble right into the guard, and my fingers quickly relieve him of the key. Risky? Absolutely, given I’m surrounded by enemies, but I have no choice. And years of stealing food to survive have finally paid off when no one pays me any attention.

“I’m so sorry.”

The guard sneers at me but gently sets me back on my feet. “My King, the Elders have arrived.”

“Thank you, Conary. You may go.”

With a nod and another angry glare in my direction, he leaves.

“Dress her and escort her to her room. Be sure to cover that wound. I won’t have anyone gossiping on my wedding day.”

“Yes, My King.”

Taranus grips my arm tightly. “You will obey me,” he reminds me. “Every word. And tonight, you will lie there, silent, as I fuck you.”

“Yes. My. King,” I spit out. If he noticed my angry tone, he paid it no mind because he smiles.

“Good, woman.” He looks me over again and shakes his head. “Facedown. That’s how I want you in my chamber when I get there.”
