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All that matters is Ember.

I have to get to Ember.

Her face swims into view despite my attempts to focus on the fight. Pure panic ices through me. What if—sharp pain in my abdomen forces me back to the present, and I stumble backward as a blade is ripped free from my side.

The ancient fae rushes toward me, but I raise my blade. Swinging out at the last moment, I manage to catch his throat, slicing his head clean off. It rolls to the side, and I whirl toward where I last saw the other.

Now, Wally stands, his shoulder dripping with blood.

“What the fuck are they doing here?” I demand.

“I don’t know. In case you missed the memo, I managed to not get trapped in prison alongside the rest of my kind. I’ve been a bit out of touch.”


I spin and race outside as fast as my injury will allow. Wally is right beside me, and the two of us stop just outside the tent.

Every single nerve in my body goes dead silent as I lock gazes with a woman I’d hoped to never see again.

Ailis forces Ember to her knees.

I start forward, but my mate shakes her head. “Oh no, my love, take a step and she dies.” Her gaze shifts to Wally. “Same to you, Ancient. Move, and the girl is dead.”

“What the fuck do you want?”

“What?” Ailis cocks her head to the side. “No greeting for your mate?”

“Mate?” Wally snarls. “What the fuck did you get Ember wrapped up in?”

“Mate,” Ailis repeats. “It feels so damned good to say that aloud. You look good, Rafferty. Truly a perfect presentation of masculinity.”

“Let her go. This has nothing to do with Ember.”

She strokes Ember’s cheek with a sharpened fingernail. “You are wrong, my love. This haseverythingto do with her.”

“It’s okay,” Ember tells me, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’m okay.”

Darkness churns within me, even stronger now than when I discovered the destruction. My blood runs black as it drips from the wound in my side, my gaze narrowing on the woman holding Ember.

It doesn’t matter that destiny deemed her my mate.

That should she die, I will, too.

Because Ailishasto die.

Wally disappears, but Ailis is too fast. Wally rematerializes, a blade in his heart. He stares down at it, eyes widening, and Ailis smiles at him. “I warned you, Ancient.” She rips it free, and he stumbles back, falling to his knees.

“I’m sorry,” he manages to Ember before falling at her feet.

She screams, shutting her eyes tightly and looking away.

I start toward Ailis.

She clicks her tongue. “Learn your place, mate, and perhaps there will be a future for us after all.”

Fae begin to materialize around her, blood streaking their bodies and armor.

“You’re who has been destroying the villages,” I announce, finally piecing together what I was too distracted to see.
