Page 12 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 6


When I wake up and reach for him I find empty sheets and a cold bed. My face heats with embarrassment from all that I let him do to me yesterday and the ache of having him inside me. I am a hot wet mess of his and my own cum and sweat.

I have never been so open and dirty with someone in my life. I can’t even open my eyes to look at the room when I think about moaning to him that he could use me however he wanted to. Maybe it was the stress of knowing that someone wants to hurt me but I let him have all of me, all the slutty erotic parts of me that I haven't ever shown anyone. I called him daddy for fuck’s sake.

Reality hits me like a cold wave of water as I realize we also didn't use protection and he didn't hang around today for seconds. I fight the voice in my head that says he’s not going to be interested now that he got what he wanted, but it keeps creeping back into my thoughts.

If he wanted to have me again he could have easily woke me up with his big cock already in me but instead, I wake up to cold sheets and harsh reality. I gave him what he wanted, everything he wanted, and now he's not going to chase something that is already so easily had. I roll over and bury my face into the pillow. I was so easy. Again.

I sit up and yank the sheet from the bed and pull it around me toga style. I’m not running and hiding from this rich asshole. I’m going to scream and cry and rant until he doesn't do this to another girl ever again. I don't care who can tell how upset I am.

The heat of my anger burns inside me as I make my way down the stairs and listen so I can tell which room to barge into. I hear his voice talking to someone else and turn to follow it. When I come to a door and look in, he's in the kitchen with another man. One who isn't all that bad on the eyes. He's not as tall as Reyn and doesn’t have the commanding presence Reyn has, but the man is good looking none the less. He is the first one to notice me standing in the doorway and his eyebrow cocks in an inquisitive manner but he doesn't move or say anything.

This guy is laid back and easy where Reyn is hard and stormy. I recognize the differences in the two just before Reyn notices that I am standing behind him. He turns to me and takes in what I have thrown over my nudity to cover myself. If I had known someone other than Reyn and his sister had been in the house I would have gotten dressed before barging in and letting loose on him. Now I was going to have to be careful not to drop my sheet when I was ranting.

"What the hell are you doing?" all of my rage pours out of me and I go pale at the thunderous shout that comes out of Reyn. "GET OUT!"

I turn to run back upstairs but he catches me before I put my foot on the first step. He takes me by the shoulder and the back of the head and pushes me into the living room, kicking the door closed with his foot. My heart races in my chest. I don't think for a moment that Reyn will hurt me but he is pissed off.

"You come walking into a room with another man, NAKED! What the fuck were you thinking?" he rips the sheet out of my hands and bends me over the back of the couch.

"Don't yell at me. If you had been in bed this morning I wouldn't have had to go looking for you," I'm so mad and hurt and wound up that I can't even tell what is coming out of my mouth anymore. "Once you got what you wanted you were quick to leave."

"Is that the problem, baby? Did this pussy need Daddy to fill it up again? All you had to do was ask for it, baby, and it will always be yours," he runs his fingers through my wet folds and my thigh muscles tense with anticipation at being taken by him again. "But now I have to punish you for even daring to show another man what belongs to me."

I hear his zipper slid down and he's taking his cock out. My face is buried in the cushions that make up the back of the couch so I can't see but I can hear him just fine. I feel him, all steely and intense, as he prods my wet hole right before he thrusts all the way in. I turn my head deeper into the couch cushions and let out a scream.

The first of the smacks to my ass cheeks lands not seconds after that. I try to raise myself up so that I can tell him to stop but he takes his hand and pushes me back down. Every time he thrusts into me he spanks me until my body starts to clench up with every smack and strike.

"Did you get scared, baby? Afraid I wasn't going to take care of you and that baby I put in your belly last night?"

His voice is so deep and he grows thicker talking about getting me pregnant. God, I have no idea what kind of person it makes me that I get wetter when he talks about it. He's smacking the cheeks of my ass so hard now that I think I can't take it anymore but at the same time, the pain and pleasure of him ramming his dick into me with every pop on my ass seems to be doing things to me that I can't completely understand.

"Did you wake up and think that I got enough of you? That feeling you ride my dick and suck my fingers was going to be enough for me?" the first tear drops across my face and runs into my hair when he puts words to all my fears. "Did you think I wouldn't want this pussy again knowing that you'll give it to me anytime I want it?" I sob out loud even though I have tried so hard not to let him hear it.

"Get it all out, baby. Let Daddy make it all better," he's stopped smacking me and instead he wraps his arms around me so that the fingers of one hand are strumming across my clit and the other hand is pressing me into the pillows deeper.

"You got to know, baby girl, that I'm not ever leaving you. I won't let you go, ever. I'm going to put a ring on that hand before our baby gets here and you won't ever have to beg for it again. I'll be on you morning, noon, and night," his hand moves down my spine and his thumb grazes over my back hole. I move away from the dirty sensation he's causing but all I do is push into the unyielding back of the couch.

"You just wait until Daddy takes you back here, baby. You'll moan and writhe with how much you want to feel me spill my cum in your pretty ass," he takes his thumb away and holds it to my mouth and without thinking I suck on it.

He pulls it from my mouth with a loud pop and I feel the thumb I helped lube up push against my tight pucker and try to resist.

"Don't tense up, baby. Relax and let Daddy in," I melt at the pop of his thumb going into my most secret place. I can't hold back any longer and cum so hard everything on me tightens up and breaks apart.

I have never let anyone even play with my ass before, but Reyn is working his thumb in and out of it until I think I might go mad from the burning and stretching or of his huge cock filling my pussy up. My juices are running down my inner thighs and I'm going to cum again. I scream into the pillows hoping no one hears me crying out his name over and over again. Both of my holes squeeze up on him and I swear I can feel my convulsions all the way into my chest. Right before I black out from all the exertion, his hot stream unleashes inside me, splashing up against my unprotected womb that probably already holds his child. And cum again, just a little, at the very thought of having a piece of Reyn inside of me growing.

When I regain enough mental stamina to focus again I notice we are back in the bedroom from last night and Reyn's moving around the room. He's going back and forth from dresser to closet and I sit up to find out what he's doing. My clothes are being laid out next to me on the bed.

"How did you..?" I start when he comes back in from the bathroom with a wet wash cloth that he runs between my aching legs. I feel like I spent time riding a horse around. Muscles I forgot I had are aching and telling me I shouldn't have stopped doing yoga last year.

"I went over this morning and packed your stuff up from your room," he is being so gentle with the rag I think he can tell how tender everything is.

"How did you know what room was mine?" he stops cleaning me and looks into my eyes for a moment.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," he stares at me with the most intense eyes I have ever seen.
