Page 13 of Lakeside Daddy

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I whisper when I ask him again, "How?"

He pulls me up from the bed.

"I think I should confess something but I want you dressed for when I tell you."

I hurry through my morning routine of brushing my teeth and my hair, dressing quickly. The fact that he is going to tell me something that seems to bother him is causing my anxiety to come up with all sorts of scenarios of what I am going to be told or shown. When I come out of the bathroom he's sitting on the bed waiting for me.

He doesn't say anything but takes my hand in his and leads me through the maze of hallways in his house. Finally, we come to a locked door and when he opens it I see that it's a home office. It’s done in browns and blacks and woods and dark metals that work well with the natural surroundings of the lake and the woods. He goes to the over-stuffed chair behind his desk and reaches for me so that when I come around he can pull me to into his lap.

"I sit here at night and watch you sleep," his voice is a growl in my ear and I am at a loss to understand what he is talking about. "Look out the window," when I do I realize that my bedroom at the lake house is in view of this room. My blinds are open and I can look down at my bed from his lap.

A gasp fills the room and I know that it must have come from me, but my mind is too busy thinking back over all the things I have done in that room since he bought the house next door. I have masturbated almost every night since I stayed at the house and most of those nights I probably neglected to close the blinds or even turn out the lights. I'm not used to someone living in the house next door or even thinking about what my window was facing.

"Oh my God, did you...?"

He tenses up and holds me tighter and I already know his answer.

"Every time. Sometimes I would take my dick out as I watched you play with that little pussy and we would cum together. I know it was wrong to watch you when you didn't know I could see you, but I couldn't look away from you," he pulls me close and I wiggle my butt against his growing erection.

"I’ve not been able to look away ever since I first saw you on your website but I was completely gone when you stepped out of that elevator."

I should probably be mad as hell that he stalked and watched me like some pervert, but the thought of him getting himself off while watching me was turning me on. I hadn't been with anyone in years before last night and I'm aware that I'm not ready to take him again but I can't seem to stop myself.

"No little girl, that pussy isn't ready for me again so soon after the work out I gave it in the living room, but soon. Right now I want you to explore the house, or take a bath and soak that sweet kitty so it’s ready for me, or just relax for the day and wait for me until I'm done with what's waiting in the kitchen."

"What is waiting for you in the kitchen, Reyn? Who was that man?"

I wait for him to answer. A part of me doesn't think he will but he surprises me.

"I would never lie to you or keep something from you, Tracie. That's why I brought you here to show you this and it's why I told you about the tracker on your phone. I wouldn't want you to lie or keep something from me," he looks at me with soft silver eyes that seem to heat everything inside of me, "That's Tom o' Malley, Smiley's son, he thinks he's found something out about the man I'm going to kill."

"Please no," the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. But I have to make him promise not to do anything that will ruin his life. "You have to promise me when you find whoever did this you won't kill them. You have to promise me because you're the type of man that wouldn't ever break a promise."

I feel him tense up and he breaks eye contact with me. I straddle him and grab his face with both of my hands so I can bring his eyes back to mine.

"Please promise me, Reyn. Your sister wouldn't be able to make it without you with her," I reach for anything I think will make him give the promise to me. "I wouldn't be able to make it without my Daddy," the blush heats my cheeks and I can't hold eye contact with him like I want to.

He takes my face in his hands so that both of us are holding each other’s cheeks.

"Well that changes everything doesn't it darlin'," he pulls me close so he can brush his lips against mine, "For you, I'll let him live. But I can't promise the fucker will be able to walk by the time I'm done with him."

"Just don't do anything that gets you taken away from us. Please."

After I leave Reyn, I go to find the room I shared with him last night. The huge bed that we slept on went unnoticed until it didn't have Reyn in it. In fact, if I had to place a bet on whose room this is I would say that it is his and not just a guest room. I go to the dresser and root around in his things finding a little masculine jewelry box on it. When I open it I find each one of the cufflinks I made him nestled lovingly in the soft velvet that cushions the inside of the box and find my mouth curving in a small smile.

I finally go to the bathroom planning to start a bath in the huge tub that sits right in the middle of the room. Before I can turn on the water or even touch the straps of my dress, I hear shouting and crying. I walk out of the bathroom and listen harder. I find my feet moving and my heart racing as I recognize two of the voices shouting and screaming. I hardly ever pray but I find myself saying a silent one hoping that I haven't brought danger to the people that live here.

When I turn the corner Reyn and the other guy are rolling around on the kitchen floor. It looks like they are beating the hell out of one another and I have to take a minute to admire the smaller guy for being able to hold his own against Reyn. I look to Roxy in the corner with tears streaming down her face and a scared look in her eyes.

"Make him stop, Tracie. Please make him stop."

I can't tell her no, not when she looks so pleadingly at me.

"Reyn. Reyn please stop. Reyn. Please come here and stop," I don't think I'm saying it loud enough for the two men to hear and it's pissing me off that they aren't listening or are choosing to ignore me. "Reynald Andrei, you don't ignore me. You stop right now and come here or I'll walk out that door and not come back."

Reyn stops at my shout and the guy on the floor takes a shot at his chin. It's a freebie since he wouldn't have had a shot at getting it through if I hadn't distracted the big oaf.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing? Rolling around like two over grown boys on the playground. Just what in the hell is this about?"
