Page 3 of Lakeside Daddy

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Chapter 2


I let her hang up on me and go back to typing furiously on my computer. She still thinks I'm in the city and miles away from where she is. I should probably tell her that I bought the house next door to her artist friend’s house and, in fact, can look out my office window and into the kitchen where she sits glaring at her phone.

I didn't just buy the house to stalk my lovely prey while she house sits for her friend. I will eventually wear her down and make her accept what is between us and she will want to be close to her friends when we settle. I have never been one to half-ass anything in my life and wanting her is no different. When I want something, I go after it. And I always get what I want.

That's what made me so good at my job in the Special Forces and it’s what makes me so damned successful in my company. I do the same thing I’ve always done, only now in the private sector. I protect. I started out protecting family and moved on to the country and now I protect large firms and think tanks and the information they tend to want kept safe. I'm not sure if my size has led me to be this way or just an innate thing in my DNA that makes it so. When I first saw Tracie I knew I was going to protect her and keep her safe. Someone has to since her family isn't doing a very good job.

Something about this woman has gotten under my skin and won't let go, and I can't have that. The only way I can go on living is if she is being taken care of and watched out for. I didn't know how bad this would be the first time she appeared on my radar.

The first time I even heard her name was at a charity function for the wealthy and elite of the city. I noticed a stunning necklace on a very tall willowy woman who had been trying to catch my eye for months. The necklace was woven out of copper or brass and a tear was nestled in between her very surgically perfected bosom. In fact, the tits almost took away from the beauty of the necklace.

When she offered to take me somewhere private to show me a better view I don't think she knew I was thinking about the necklace the entire time. In a matter of seconds, she had me locked into the home office of our host and was straddling me pushing her fake tits in my face. I allowed it because it got me closer to what I wanted.

"You're necklace is lovely. Who designed it?"

She was moaning and writhing like she was having a great time while trying to dry hump my leg, much like a dog my mother had when I was younger.

"Thank you. I'm not sure who made it," she gasps in between the moaning and writhing.

"Where did you get it?"

She goes still and looks at me finally. Not the millions I have in the bank, or the charm I put out for the company shareholders, but really at me. Deep inside I am not wholly human anymore. Years and years in the military strip that away from you and leave you worn down to the basics that make us human: eat, sleep, reproduce. When you run into a man like me you want to find out where on that scale you are.

"It was a gift. I don't know where it came from."

Something must have alerted her to the fact that she had just locked herself away with a very dangerous man because all of the fake shit stopped dead.

"Don't tell me a girl like you doesn't know where something comes from and how much the cost is? I'm not that stupid."

Yeah, I just called the little gold digging whore out for what she was and I didn't give two shits if she liked it or not. Just like that dog, sometimes you got to pick them up and sit them away from you or else they're just gonna keep humping away because no one ever taught them not to.

"It's by a new designer, Tracie Ann. That's the name of her line," she can't help but take a potshot at the end. "She's young."

As in, too young for me. I stand up and take pleasure in watching the woman land on the floor with her dress hiked up and her tits hanging out. I stoop to put my face in front of hers.

"Don't want to fuck her. Just want to own her company. Thanks for the entertainment. The information seems fresher than the dinner show though."

I take pleasure in her open-mouthed gape and turn to go.

"What the hell? I thought we were going to have sex."

I turn to her and give her a smirk, "I don't eat plastic," and turn to go. The animal inside me is fired up and wanting to know more about this designer who caught my attention from across the room, buried in that pile of fake shit. Remember: eat, sleep, reproduce.

I can't seem to stop myself from looking for her in the fucking glass house next door, even with all I know about her. When she came in I only had the bare basics so I could pitch her an offer to buy her company. By the end of the day, I knew her entire god damn medical history and the last time she had been on a date with anyone.

When I first saw her I admit the animal in me was on high fucking alert. It was looking at the fucking trifecta and it knew it. All I wanted to do was throw her down on that conference table and eat her little pussy until she screamed for more, then I wanted to stick my dick all the way up in her until I touched her fucking womb and put my kid inside her. After that, we could spend time napping and cuddling together until the time came to do it all over again.

She didn't help her cause either when she came off all bratty and told me to go fuck myself. I wanted to throw the girl over my lap and spank her ass until it was as red as her face was when she tried to tell me no. How I let her walk out of my building that day I don't know? She's been burning me up inside from the moment her plump lips formed the word fuck. I have to have her. But she's not ready for what it means to be me and her. She needs time and space and, damn it, I am trying to give that to her.

She comes into the room that she uses as a bedroom when she stays at Ed Dawson's house. I'm ok with them being close friends because I've looked into Ed. He only has eyes for his wife which happens to be Tracie's best friend. He wants no part of my girl and as long as it stays that way we'll be good.

Tracie really doesn't have a clue how the world works. She's not naïve about things, she just hasn't lost all of her innocence and I plan to keep it that way. My point is made when she doesn't close her curtains and starts to undress in front of the window. It never occurs to her that someone might be looking in, watching her while she is at her most vulnerable. I feel the animal in me coil up at the show my woman is putting on for me without even knowing she's doing it.

Yeah, I should look away, or hell, maybe text her so she doesn't do anything she doesn't want someone to see but I don't. Instead, I lean back in my chair and pull my cock out so that I can stroke it while watching what's mine. She slides the bra from her shoulders and lets the material linger on the cusp of her nipples before dropping to the floor.

She cups her own tits and gives them a squeeze before playing with the rosy tips with her fingers, rolling and squeezing the nipples until her lips break open in what I can only imagine is a moan or a sigh. Baby girl is getting all worked up and I can't help but think the phone call we had made her have to rush off to her room to play with herself.
