Page 34 of Pretty Lies

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He wraps the bandage around my finger before lifting it up to kiss it like that will cure the pain. It doesn’t, it only sends my stomach into flips and somersaults like a damn acrobat…that is, until he bites it like an animal, holding my finger between his teeth with a wicked gleam in his eye.

“Ow! Luce! I’m going to bite the crap out of you if you don’t let go.” In all honesty, it doesn’t hurt in the least, but it does send my mind in a lusty direction. I wonder what it would feel like to have his teeth on my nipple.Whoa, calm down, Lex.

I give him my own grin before pinching his ribs, making him growl as he lets go only to quickly yank my arm forward and spin me around. My back crashes against the hard planes of his chest a second before he wraps his cast covered arm around my chest and begins his tickle attack on my ribs, making me squeal and giggle like a maniac.

“Get her legs, G!” Luce yells over my head as Gio enters the kitchen, his call ending sometime during Luce’s unprovoked attack on my poor ribs.

“You better not!” I gasp out as I try in vain to get away. Damn, you’d think I’d have the upper hand against them considering they’re both still healing from their broken bones and gunshot wounds, but that still doesn’t seem to put me on an even playing field with their strength. Especially when they combine it against me.

They have some sort of eye conversation before smiling evilly. Luce supports my upper body while Gio scoops up my legs, both of them ignore my screams as they lay me on the countertop. I try to sit up, my heart racing as they attack me with demonic fingers strumming all my tickle spots. Gio grips my thighs, squeezing both like a monster while Luce goes for my neck. It’s as though they’ve made it their goal to take all my power from me.

“I give! I give!” I shout, bending my knees and wrapping my arms around myself, doing my best to block all the spots from them.

Finally, they stop, both of them chuckling at my heavy breathing and stink eye. I huff and turn away, chuckling to myself.

“No kisses ever again.” I threaten weakly as I sit up, my legs hanging over the counter, but Gio is quick to step between my knees.

He puts his lips a hair’s breadth from mine, his tantalizing scent invading me and fogging my brain.

“If you plan on denying me, I’d choose another way of doing so…your threats only turn me on, baby.”

He grips my hips and yanks me forward, grinding his hard cock against my jean clad pussy, getting me wet instantly. Still, I hold my ground, giving it back to him as well as he gives it.

I wrap my arms around his neck before hooking my ankles above his ass and pulling him closer while Luce leans his hip on the counter. From the corner of my eye, I see him rubbing his thumb against his lips as he watches us.

“I’m finding that I quite like your challenges, Giovanni,” I grind myself to him this time, making him hiss, “they turn me on.”

He tries to capture my lips in a heated kiss, but I turn away before pushing him back, catching him off guard and slipping off the counter. As I exit the kitchen, I turn and walk backwards, “The same goes for you Mr. Rametta.” I blow him a kiss like he did to me my first night back home, chuckling when Gio smacks his shoulder, cursing their decision to tickle me. Luce ignores him, his heated eyes on mine as I turn the corner, and the inferno I feel radiating in my stomach tells me I’ve just challenged the wrong man.

“Here, let me help.” Pink offers as I stand to pick up empty plates around the table. It’s been two hours since Gio and Luce lost their privileges to my kisses, and a few guys from their crew showed up to talk about whatever it was that had Gio barking into the phone earlier.

“Thank you so much,” I smile to Pink as we make our way to the kitchen. He gives me a hesitant smile before ducking his face once more. He’s always been curious to me, shy yet part of a crew that has a vicious reputation on the streets. Perhaps he’s embarrassed of his wicked smile scar that starts at the corner of his mouth and ends near his sideburn. The thick pink jagged scar pulls his mouth up into a constant smirk.

I wonder how he got it.

Of course, asking him that would be completely rude, so I don’t, but I do burn with curiosity every time I see him.

We place the dishes into the sink, before I turn and grab some wine glasses from the rack. The tension I've felt all evening with some of the Hooligan boys here calls for a little wine. The guys seem alright, some I’ve met like Pink and Drake, but these new guys, Vincenzo and Juny, I don’t know well at all.

I’ve seen them before, especially Vincenzo, who looks like your typical pretty Italian boy. He’s got a quick wink for anyone, specifically women, and he always seems to have a toothpick handy because I’ve never seen him without one hanging from the corner of his full lips. Juny is his brother I believe, at least they look related. Is it against the Mafia code to have normal looking men in the crew because these men are ridiculous with their handsomeness. Even Pink with his crazy scarred face looks like he could be a male model for the Mafia calendar or some shit.

Still, their looks aren’t enough to keep me from feeling uncomfortable in their presence.

I don’t exactly know what the tense feeling in the air is about, but for some reason, I feel like they don’t want to talk around me. Too afraid that I’ll shatter if they even speak Alan’s name. They all eye me like I’m on the verge of cracking, even Luce and Gio have a tendency to tip-toe around subjects, and it’s been slowly corroding my ability to hold back my temper.

I roll my eyes and breathe deeply, reminding myself that my guys have only good intentions.

“I’m glad to see you survived, Mrs. Vaccari.” Pink’s voice has me jumping and spinning; I thought he went back to the dining room.

“Sorry,” he gives me a sheepish smile, but something tells me he’s not sorry at all, “I guess you’re still a bit jumpy, huh?”

And there’s the final straw that broke the camel’s back.My eyes narrow as I reach over and open the drawer where the corkscrew sits.


This motherfucker.
