Page 40 of Pretty Lies

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Pink:The boss ordered us out, but I just wanted to make sure you were good.

My teeth grind at the lie, or at least that’s what this all feels like. I mean the guy could just be running an errand for the Hooligans, but that isn’t the feeling I’m getting from this. Especially when he was talking to someone about what happened in my apartment.

He didn’t get to finish what he was saying before whoever he was speaking interrupted him, but it almost sounded as though he was about to say,before he could find the bugs.

Fifteen minutes go by with nothing happening, until Luce shows up, his hand coming down on my shoulder, but I knew it was him. We may have our moments of fighting, moments where we want to beat the shit out of each other, but you can’t replicate the bond we have.

“Anything?” He asks.

“Nothing yet. Who is with Lexi?” I ask keeping my eyes on Pink.

“Uh, I’m right here.” My head spins at the sound of Lexi’s voice. She has her arms crossed over her chest as she arches a brow at me, daring me to say something about her being here.

In all honesty, I’m glad she’s here, I can’t stomach the thought of her being away from either of us, so I wrap my arm around her and pull her to my side.

“I didn’t see you standing there, short stack,” I tease her, hoping to soothe the sting of my actions earlier. It works, she melts into me, an upturn to the corner of her lips.

Still, I can’tnotapologize for freaking her out.

“I’m sorry.” I don’t elaborate on my sincere apology. I don’t need to because of all people, Lexi knows. She knows better than anyone what it’s like to be us.

“Who is that?” Luce says, his eyes on the man in a trench coat with the collar pulled up straight, “Dude looks like he’s from a black and white crime movie.”

Lexi’s brows furrow, “That kind of looks like the guy who shoulder checked me at the coffee shop not that long ago. Same trench, height, and build. I didn’t think anything of it then, but when I said excuse you, he stilled for a second before continuing out the door. I never saw his face though. It was the same moment I got Maxine’s text that she was going out of town.”

I look at Luce, whose eyes go pitch black at the mention of his sister, and reach out to stop him, but he’s already stepping out of the shadows while pulling up his hoodie and reaching behind his back for the gun tucked into his jeans.

“Luce!” Lexi whispers harshly, but it’s no use, he’s on a one-track mind, but I won’t let him do anything stupid alone. After all, ain’t that was best friends do together, the stupid shit?

“Stay here.” I tell Lexi before passing her one of my guns and skipping out of the alley. I’m not wearing a hoodie, so I just spin around my cap and pull the bill low over my face just as the trench coat guy takes something from Pink’s outstretched hand.

The docks are full of trash and recycle bins, one of which is beside the passenger side of Pink’s car. I can see Luce ducked behind them, so I veer toward the pair behind the trenchcoat guy, making sure I’m not spotted by Pink as I stick to the shadows, which is kind of difficult considering the brightness of the city lights behind me. Still, I manage to get there unseen.

I lean over and try to see what Pink gave to the guy, my heart plummeting when I see the manilla envelope Drake must’ve entrusted him with. I wanna shoot Pink right fucking now for the disloyalty.

“This is all they had?” The man mumbles, but his voice raises the hair on my arms;it’s him!

Pink begins talking, but I’m on autopilot, my mind detaching and showing me everything as though I’m watching it outside of my body.

I stand from my spot, uncaring if I’m seen or not, and pull the trigger, shooting my father in his knee before running up behind him as he falls. Pink throws the car in reverse as Luce shoots, unloading a clip into the windshield, but Pink miraculously still gets away. I wrap my arm around Alan’s neck, my shoulder tightening around my barely healing wound, but I don’t feel anything with this adrenaline rushing through me.

Luce runs up to us, slamming his fist into Alan’s face before headbutting him, effectively breaking my father’s nose just as I did in the airport the day I finally got Lexi.

I throw him to the ground before Luce begins kicking him everywhere he can. His face, chest, groin, making me smile widely when Alan screams and cries. Fuck, this is music to my ears. When he rolls over to guard himself, his breathing gargled, I pull Luce.

“I want him alive, fratello. There’ll be enough time to kill him later.”

Watery laughter spills from Alan, “What’s the matter, boy? Didn’t get to say goodbye to little Maxine?”

I wrap my arms around Luce, who razors and tries to attack him again.

“Shut your worthless mouth, you disgusting pig,” Lexi snarls as she walks over, the gun I gave her aimed at the bastard, “you don’t deserve to say her name.”

Alan grins, his teeth coated in blood, “Maxi–”

His disgrace of Maxine’s name is cut off with his screams when Lexi shoots him in the balls.

“If you want to say her name, I suggest screaming, otherwise your hellish voice won’t penetrate Heaven's boundaries.”
