Page 54 of Pretty Lies

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“What do you mean?”

She looks over at Luce, and I follow her sight, watching as he climbs into the driver’s seat of his car without a single glance at our girl. What the fuck?

“I’ve brought so much pain to him, Gio. I need to get away, make it all follow me so you guys can have your regular lives back.”

There’re police officers and hazmat-clad crime scene investigators all over the place, so I tug her arm down the stairs, “Let’s talk in the car.”

She reluctantly follows, and something in my chest gives way to worry that she’s going to run. She’s done it before, when we were still in California and she ran to a whole new state when shit went a little haywire, and I’m not sure if that’s her M.O, but I can’t stop myself from feeling like I’m going to lose her again.

I help her into the passenger seat and begin to walk around the front of my car when detective Julio yells out for me.

I turn and watch him jog over, a wallet card in his gloved hand.

“I found these two in his pocket, and I gotta tell you, Giovanni, I don’t know if I can cover up a family tie to this.”

“What the fuck are you going on about?” I snap as I take the cards from him.

My brows furrow on the identical pictures of Pink on two ID’s. One is from New York, which states Pink’s name to be Gian Esposito which is the name we knew him as, but the other one is from California. It’s more worn than the obviously fake New York one, and it has all my attention, making my mind reel with static like an old TV, my eyes stuck on his surname.

Name:Vacarri, Gian

You got a surprise coming, brother,Pink’s words echo in my head as I stare at the card. The ominous words that made no sense earlier suddenly click.

“Can you do a background check on this name right now?” I ask Detective Julio, showing him the California ID.

“I can do a records search.” He says before whistling for one of the uniformed cops to come over, “Run this name in the system.”

The officer jogs over to his squad vehicle and types in Pink’s information while I speak to Julio, “Listen, we pay you a lot of fucking money to work for us, so you will do everything in your power to keep this shit under wraps, do you understand me?”

His eyes harden at my words, the vein between his brows pulsating as he does his best to keep from saying anything that will have him eating through a straw for the next ten weeks.

“Fine, I’ll make sure this shit is cleaned, but you fucking Hooligans need to pull your end of the agreement and keep this shit from happening in my juridiction.”

I step closer to him, my face only two inches from his as I speak through gritted teeth, “Just fucking do your job, Detective, and I’ll do mine.”

The officer comes back with a scrap of paper in his hands, and I snatch it from him the moment he’s close enough before turning toward my car. I slide into the driver’s seat, putting the car in drive as my mind swirls and wanders to who the fuck Pink -or Gian- really is and who the hell his father could be. As far as I know, Alan has no relatives, none that are alive anyway, but the motherfucker is obviously a pathological liar amongst many other deplorable traits, so who the fuck knows.

“Does the name Gian mean anything to you?” I ask Lexi as I maneuver through the streets.

“No, who is he?”

I hand her Pink’s ID and the information the beat cop wrote down instead of explaining what I barely understand myself.

“What the hell?” She whispers, reading the completely clean record. There’s absolutely nothing on him as far as police records go, not even a speeding ticket, “So Pink is somehow related to you?”

I shrug, my mind coming up with all kinds of reasons why he would have my surname, but none of them make sense, then again, my father was a fucking serial killer so who the fuck knows, right? Right.

“I mean, it’s not like it isn’t possible that Alan fathered another child, but why wouldn’t you know about it?” She asks mostly to herself.

“If that were the case, and Pink is my brother or whatever, he would have been another punching bag for the sadistic motherfucker.” I speak my thoughts out loud.

“It could be a fake ID.” Lexi says after a few minutes, but even that doesn’t seem to fit.

I shake my head, “I don’t know. I’ll do a full search on him when we get home, but for now, I want you with me at all times. I know you were trying to go back to work, but Pink isn’t working alone, and we can’t afford to be caught unaware.”

She’s quiet for a minute, her eyes on the passing scenery outside her window. Her words outside Lucinda’s door come back to me. Of course she’d feel like all of this is her fault, but that’s far from the truth. Convincing her of that is the hurdle though, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get her to see the truth for what it is. The fault lies at Alan’s feet, pure and simple.

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