Page 62 of Pretty Lies

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Jefa’s brows furrow, her eyes bouncing between us in confusion. Same as mine, I’m not sure Lexi knows who her father is if she called him a great man. Don’t get me wrong, I never met the man, but everything I’ve heard about him tells me that it’s true, but for someone who isn’t closely connected to the mafia to call him a great man is a bit odd.

“I’m sorry,” Lexi says when she sees our questioning gaze, “I know your father was a huge crime lord, but even the newspaper declared him a man of the people. He used to take down flesh rings and kill those who sex trafficked through his territories. To me, that makes him a great man no matter how bloody or dirty his hands were.”

She shrugs unapologetically, and I smile at her, kissing her temple. Of course Lexi would see only the good in a man who used to hang the bodies of his enemies on bridges in Mexico. It’s true, he stood up for those weaker and innocent, but the man was as ruthless as they come. Same as his daughter who gives Lexi the softest smile I’ve ever seen on her normally hard face.

“Gracias, hermosa. Come, let’s have a drink while your men go play with the weasel.”

Lexi looks up at me, and I nod to her before kissing her deeply. I know I’ll need her taste before seeing my bastard father, I’ll need her strength to get me through the next hour.

Luce walks up and pulls her to him once I step toward the elevator. He says something into her ear that melts her before kissing her, all while Jefa watches with raised brows. I wonder if she understood the wholeour girlthing as she put it.

She looks over at me, and I give her the same wink she gave Lexi.

Once Luce steps onto the elevator and the doors slide shut, our whole demeanor changes. Blood is in the air, and we’re frenzied for it.

My fist connects with Alan’s face, his blood splattering on the floor as he slumps over the right of the chair he’s strapped to. We’ve been in here questioning the pig, getting weak and vague answers but nothing that will tell us who the hell was with Pink when he tried to kill us. I’ve yet to ask him about Pink’s real identity, nor could I find anything in my search. The guy was a ghost before joining up with the Hooligans a few years ago.

“I’ll ask you one more time, you stupid fuck,” I grab a handful of his sweaty hair and force his swollen eyes to look at me, “Tell me who the fuck you and Pink were working with!”

Alan gurgles and breathes hard, his voice warped and hoarse, “He’s a story.”

“What the fuck does that mean, old man?” Luce asks, flicking his lighter on and off as he leans against the table of torture tools.

I shove Alan away roughly, spitting on the ground at his feet and crossing my arms over my heaving chest. My knuckles ache, and my jaw burns from all my teeth grinding. I’m so fucking done with this piece of shit.

“It means,” Alan coughs, and bloody spit dribbles from his busted lips, “that you’ll need to hear a story before you know who he is.”

I sigh and look up at the ceiling, wishing I could see through all the floors to where Lexi sits in the VIP lounge. I visualize her face to ground me and give me patience before looking back at Alan, “Then fucking tell it or I’ll say fuck it and let Luce burn your face off.”

He coughs and groans, his body covered in sweat, blood, and other bodily fluids. His naked groin is burnt to hell, but the IVs Doc has on him has helped him live through the flames. I just want the damn name so I can put a bullet in his fucking head already. He knows this however, taking his sweet time to speak, stalling so he has more time on this planet.

But there are worse things than death.

I reach behind me and pull the gun from the waistband of my jeans and press the barrel against his kneecap, “Start talking, motherfucker.”

His head continues to hang over his chest, so he sees the gun. Luce huffs in amusement at how quickly the bastard begins talking.

“There was a woman named Elizabeth, a born and bred Sicilian, who came to the United States with her family back in the old days. They were poor, so they married her off to a man who wasn’t rich but had more than they did. He paid for Elizabeth, gave a huge sum for her and they married. His name was Nelo.”

I look back at Luce, who shrugs his shoulders in confusion, his brows furrowed as we listen to Alan tell a story. He doesn’t know that Nelo and Elizabeth are my grandparents, people I’ve never met nor knew much about except that they died long before I was born.

Alan gives a bitter laugh, his head shaking side to side as he looks up at me, “You think you had a dad who was a piece of shit, but you never met your grandfather, boy. Your father was a saint in comparison.”

“Now he’s speaking in third person, fucking great,” Luce says as he lights a cigarette, “c’mon, old man, this ain’t bedtime -well, maybe for you- spit this story out already, we got shit to do.”

Alan sneers at him, his lip curled before he continues, “Nelo and Elizabeth had a marriage that made the devil weep. She was a cattle for breeding, nothing more. She was locked in her room day in and day out, only seeing the sun through the small slate in her boarded up window.”

“This is some Buffalo Bill shit.” I hear Luce grumble, but my attention is on Alan.

“They started out in a small apartment, but Nelo soon worked his way up and eventually created an empire,Vacarri Inc., but he had no heir to leave it all to once he was dead and gone. So, he raped his wife until she was finally pregnant, which was a goddamn miracle considering he beat her anytime her menstrual cycle came in and she was without baby.”

I feel sick to my stomach as I spit, “Looks like the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.”

“You have no idea what he was like, your life was fucking rainbows, you ungrateful little runt!” Alan growls, making me chuckle.

“Your delusions never cease to humor me. You think dear gramps was a nightmare, but you have no idea what you felt like to me. You lived through this bullshit with your own father, and yet you had no problem passing along the same abuse you received? Fuck you, cunt. You’re as equally pathetic as he was.”

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