Page 68 of Pretty Lies

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“But what about you?” Fuck, her sweet voice, so raspy and breathless, almost makes me cave, but I shake my head.

“We don’t have the time, besides, I hear great things about orgasm denial, and I’ll be filling your little flower up tonight.”

I give her a wink as the doors slide open, and the loud bassing music pulses through us. I lead her out toward the bar, nodding my head to a few of the guys from the crew. We get to the bar, people moving over once they see my face, and gesture to the bartender. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Vincenzo and Juny with a couple of girls nearby.

“Be right back, stay put.” I tell Lexi as I pull a stool out for her, gripping a handful of her luscious ass before turning to the boys.

“Got the cleanup crew down in the hole, said you two left a mess down there.” Vincenzo says as he shoos off the pretty blonde on his arm.

Juny’s redhead follows suit, but I don’t speak until they’re out of earshot. Even with the music blaring, I never speak about the business with ears close by.

“Yeah, turns out that wasn’t Alan.” The brothers wear the same look of confusion, their brows pulled together and their lips quirked.

“Well, don’t leave us hanging, who the hell was that prick then?”

I look back at Lexi, finding her speaking with the bartender before replying, “His twin brother. Seems Alan has–had, I mean, a twisted side-kick in his life. Before you do anything else tonight, I want you to send a crew out to Evers Docks and search any boats or yachts nearby. Alan was hiding there when we got his brother. I don’t give a fuck who you gotta silence, I just need this done quickly and quietly, fatto?”

They nod sharply, both of them going from relaxed to business in an instant, “We got it, Luce.”

“Get the hell off of me!” I hear Lexi’s voice.

I spin on my heel and find a man who should have been cut off from alcohol about seven shots ago, trying to pull Lexi with him. His hands slide from her waist to her ass, and my blood boils, my possessive side which lay dormant for as long as I can remember, comes to life in an instant.

I push through people, my eyes on that motherfucker’s hand which grabs my woman’s ass, the same ass that belongs to me! I feel like a fucking caveman screaming,mine! Mine! Mine!

I watch as he pulls her to the dancefloor, and I feel like I’m in one of those fucking dreams where no matter how hard you push yourself, you can’t seem to run fast enough. Lexi fights back, shoving the guy and slapping, but even drunk, the bastard is stronger than her. I shove people aside as I finally get to Lexi’s back and grip the prick’s wrist in my fist, snapping the small bones with my fury.

The asshole let’s Lexi go as he howls in pain, but I grip his wrist tighter, grinding the bones further as he falls to his knees.

“You touched the wrong woman.” I swing my arm in a backhand motion, hitting the fucker square in the face, breaking his nose and jarring my arm in the process. The pain pulsating in my arm has me speaking through gritted teeth, “Next time, I’ll make you choke on your own hand.”

I let him go and stand straight, then send a powerful kick to his chest before fixing my jacket and nodding my head to the bouncers who push through the crowd.

“Get this piece of shit out of here.”

I turn to Lexi and tilt her face up, looking her over to see if I need to go out and kill the motherfucker, but thankfully, I don’t see any marks.

“I’m fine, Luce.” Lexi says, standing on her toes to kiss me. People still watch us like we’re their favorite reality TV show, but I don’t give two fucks. At the very least, it’ll show the rest of these cocksuckers who Lexi belongs to.

“How about that dance?” She says against my lips, weaving her arms over my shoulders and swaying her hips, her mound rubbing against my cock.

There’s nothing sweeter than this woman.Nothing. All my years of being alone and watching failed loves from afar left me grateful I never felt the so-calledsparkorzingfor someone. Even my own parents were a sorry example of true love. I’m sure at some point, my father was good enough for her, but the man he became after I was born was someone I can’t ever picture her falling for. Failed love is all I’ve ever seen. I’ve never personally gone through one because I’ve never given myself to anyone. Sure, I’ve broken a few hearts here and there, but I never intended to. I made who I am and what I want well fucking known to every person I’ve had in my bed. We fuck then fuck off.

My sweet-talk is just a part of the cat and mouse game. Foreplay and nothing more, but some people assumed it meant something more. With Lexi though, she’s always seen through my bullshit, she never reacts the way I think she will, and that’s what drew me to her. That and her beautiful smile that makes me feel like I’ve stared at the sun too long. She’s got a blinding luminescence within her that draws the darkest people to her like a beacon. Like a venus fly trap, she’s all heart and brains wrapped in an enticingly beautiful body, snagging the eyes of every man in the room. Without even trying, she lures you in and traps your heart with each lingering gaze until you’re nothing but a slave to her.

And that is exactly what I am, a slave to my sweetness.

We lose ourselves to the music, our bodies pressed against each other and our eyes connected. She’s beautiful like poetry, with brown eyes that tell more than her words do. She’s more than beauty though, she’s alluring in a way that makes me feel this unrelenting possessiveness over her. Her features are all small, sweet, and elegant. Her brows are straight and unarched, giving them the perfect RBF, but somehow, they’re more expressive than anyone’s I’ve ever seen. They hover over her long black lashes that are still thick even without makeup. Her nose is perfect, not tiny like she’s been under the doctor’s scalpel before, but straight and narrow over her full lips. Somehow she’s always reminded me of a fairy.

She’s a little over a head shorter than me, but I love how small she is. When I first met her, she was thin in a fragile way, but since she’s been in our lives, she’s gained weight, giving her a curvy figure that makes my mouth water every time I touch her.

The need to sink my teeth into her grows more and more with each pulsating beat of the music, so I spin her around and pull her arms up over my neck, dragging my fingers down her arms, skimming the side of her breast and making her shiver. Her nipples press against the fabric of her dress, begging to be plucked and rolled. I grip her hips, digging my fingers into her and grinding my hard shaft in the crack of her ass.

“Fuck, you have me hard as rock, sweetness.”

She moans softly, her head tipping back onto my shoulder before speaking in a rough voice.

“It looks like you’re not the only one.” She grins as my eyes look up from her body and land on Gio’s heated gaze. He stands about fifteen feet away, hidden in the dark against the wall just as I was not so long ago. I remember watching him and Lexi dancing, in practically the same position she and I are in now, and hating myself for coveting what they had.

I wanted it for myself, wanted to have what they had, and I fucking loathed myself for it.

Now though? Losing this would be like losing a lung.

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