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He hands me the long-stemmed wine glass and says, “A few hours ago I believed you had died, yet here you sit. You and your brother are only seven years apart, so I imagine he remembers more than you. I will personally start looking for him. It's possible, if he became a ward of the state, that he'd come back once he aged out of the system. Don't worry,principessa, your presence has given me hope. I'll begin the search tomorrow."

Gavriel appears to be deep in thought but then asks, "Didn't Liliana have a sister? Maybe we could find her and let her know Sia is alive and well."

Andino's stern voice makes me jump a bit. “No. We will not tell anyone who she is. I will personally look for Luca, but this information does not leave this room. We must make sure she and Luca have no enemies before going public. Is that understood?” His voice has gone cold and it sends a shiver through me.

Gavriel stiffens next to me and when I look at him, I see that his eyes have gone cold. The deadly look is frightening, but his words, damn, his words are a promise from the killer himself.

“I will not allow anything to happen to Sia. I'll kill anyone who dares try.” Looking at me, he says, “I promise.”

I swallow hard with a nod but ask, “Why would I have enemies? Were my parents like you all?” He finches a bit like he thought I was clueless to his family’s lifestyle.

“I know you all are, uh,cosa nostra. I got curious when people were posting things about me singing for thefamiglia.”

Looking almost unsure, Gavriel asks, “And that didn’t frighten you off?” He really thought I’d think badly of him? He doesn’t realize that it’s the opposite for me. How could I think wrongly of the only man I've crossed paths with who not only treats me with respect but cares enough to care?

No matter what life he lives or what choices he makes on the daily, I’ll willingly stand with him.

I want to tell him these things, but I feel that I must tell them more about myself before he decides anything about me. “Let me tell you all what frightens me,” I start, turning to look at them all. Even Marco as he walks in and takes a seat.

Taking a deep breath, I stand up. I need to move around to tell my story. “I grew up in children shelters and foster homes, surviving a life no child should ever face. I’ve been beaten down not just by life but by the hands of the very people who are supposed to care for the parentless children, foster parents and child caretakers. I’ve had to defend my body from people who thought it was okay to rape or molest a child.” My voice is shaking, not with tears but rage. I look at each of them and see the same emotion in their eyes and it makes me feel good to have a family who is angry on my behalf. I’m not alone anymore and that thought has me saying my next words with ease.

“I learned quickly how to fight and how to sleep lightly. Once, while in the hospital after my foster parents beat the shit out of me for not taking the trash out, a nurse who knew the story given to him was a lie, gave me my switchblade." I take it out and begin spinning it between my fingers, a soothing habit I’ve picked up over time.

"I was just fifteen years old the first time I used it to protect myself. A male caretaker came into my room after I'd just fallen asleep. I stabbed him repeatedly and felt so scared. Not for what I'd done but because of the deep satisfaction I got seeing my abuser in fear of me. Being on top of the food chain, so to speak. I was afraid I'd lost my last bit of humanity when I smiled at his pain. Maybe I did, maybe not, but I’ve used more than my trusty switchblade to defend myself. Always in defense of myself or someone else. So, my fear is not the blood on your hands or the things you’ve done to others in the name ofla famiglia, no, my fear is to go back to living life alone with no one watching my back.”

I’ve never allowed myself to be so vulnerable, but I had to tell them this because here with them, I feel like I’m with family, a family I don't want to lose. If they turned me away, I don’t think I could survive the heartbreak. My fears are misplaced, though.

Gavriel is the first to speak. “You’ll never have to fight alone again. I made my promise to you,mia bella, and I will keep it until my last breath. I don’t make promises often and when I do, I plan to follow through with it.” Walking over to me, he takes my hands, continuing, “You can trust me. Us.”

Looking at everyone nodding, I believe him. I kiss him on his cheek and tell him, “I know I can.”

“You’re stuck with us now,figlia,”Ziasays whileZiolooks too overcome with anger to speak; he tightly nods.

“I for one, plan to find these fuckers and skin them alive.” Marco’s light voice is brittle, like splintering glass. He looks just as pissed as he sounds.

I truly appreciate that, more than they’ll ever know, but right now I need to know more about these enemies they believe I may have.

Keeping my arm around Gavriel’s waist, I askZio, “So, why do you feel my brother and I may have enemies?”

Clearing his throat, he stands. “It’s nothing but a precaution. Your father was my underboss before he died, but this is a story that needs more time to tell. It’s three in the morning right now, so let’s have Gavriel get you comfortable for the night and we’ll have lunch tomorrow. Martina will check on your friend in the morning as well. Does that sound good,figlia?” Now that he mentioned the hour, I am really tired and I’d like to be alert when he tells me more.

“Yes,Zio. Thank you.” I kiss him andZiagood night and watch them leave the room.

“Carla is sleeping in my room. She didn’t want to stay anywhere else,” Marco says while drinking what looks to be bourbon. “Are we still going back to Temptation to question the dicks who tried to hurt them?” he asks Gavriel.

“Yes. Come,bella, I’ll show you to your room and make sure you have everything you need before leaving.”

Walking out, I note that I’m alone in the hallway, but I can hear Gavriel’s deep voice coming from an open doorway. I can’t understand everything he’s saying, but as I get closer, I can hear a woman's voice saying, "She's going to be fine, Marco, don't stress over it anymore. She just needs sleep and water. She'll have a headache when she wakes up and maybe some nausea, but she'll be fine,figlio."

I hear Carla's voice next. "Thank you, Mrs. Renzetti."

"Non era niente, ragazza. It was nothing. Just get some rest, hmm?" Mrs. Renzetti replies.

Pulling my shoulders back, I enter the room. I see Marco sitting next to a drowsy Carla. She looks better just sleepy as hell. Any other day I would’ve paid more attention to how Marco is staring at her like she’s a bright star in his dark sky, but today my attention is drawn to the regal woman with green eyes standing next to Gavriel.

She’s a sight to behold with an air of dominance about her even though she's all feminine. She has beautiful black hair hanging straight and boldly cut at her chin, with a blush pink top tucked into a high waist pencil skirt and high heels. She looks no older than forty-five years old. When she sees me, she grabs Gavriel's arm with a gasp.

Covering her mouth, I hear her soft voice. “Mio Dio, my God, you look just like her.”

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