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Diego set me up in a nice hotel room when we landed and I took advantage of the bed for a few hours. I had plans to go check out the city and get a feel for the land but I haven't been on a plane since I was seven years old so I was exhausted by the time I checked in. Now though, I’m wide awake and feeling better aside from the normal tics I get before a fight.

It’s only five in the afternoon right now which means I only have a couple of hours before the fight. With that in mind, I grab my backpack and head out of my room.Hopefully I’ll find a coffee shop nearby.

As I get to the lobby, the concierge stops me. “Sir, are you Mr. DeLuca?”

I look him up and down before answering. He looks like he wants to run to the back room and lock the door.

“Yeah, that’s me.Che cosa? What’s up?” I look around the room checking everyone out—an unfortunate trait I picked up in juvie. The guy hands me a box with a picture of a smartphone on it.

“Mr. Blanca left this for you. It’s encrypted and ready for use. I took the liberty of adding vital contacts for you including his daughter’s number.” I raise my eyebrows at that.

“I—uh, I have all the contacts for the Blanca crew. I'm Jefe's personal concierge when he’s in town. I was informed that you are also new to the city so if there’s anything you need just give me a call.” I give him a nod while tucking the box into my bag and continue on my way out. I’m always indifferent to people but without coffee, I’m known to be a savage. At least that’s what Lopez always said.

Thinking of Lopez I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the number to her room at the home.

“Luca,mi maravilloso hijo! My wonderful son! How are you?”

She sounds good, like she’s thriving rather than slowly fading like I feared she would. I’m glad my fears were unfounded.

I spot a coffee shop on the corner and head that way as I reply. “I’m good,vecchia, I just wanted to see how you were doing. You’re not hitting on the old men, are you?”

One of the first few times I called her I heard an old man in the background asking for a kiss. Lopez said it was the novella she was watching but I heard her shushing the man even though she covered the phone. I let it go that day because I could hear her embarrassment but every time I call now, I tease her about her “promiscuous ways” as she calls it.

A loud exaggerated scoff comes through the line. “As if these viejos could handle me. They don’t have enough viagra in the world to help these poor men.”

“Gah! I don’t want to hear about that.” I could have gone my whole life happily without that tidbit of information.

I wait until she’s done laughing at my expense and then I tell her I've moved.

“You what? You moved! You didn’t come say goodbye.” She sounds so heartbroken that I have to rub my chest. This lady is the only family I have and I didn’t stop to see her before I left.


“Vecchia, I had no choice but to leave so quickly but I’ll come visit you soon. I’ll be fighting the biggest fight of the year tonight so I had to leave right away.”

I tell her about last night’s fight and Diego but I make it seem as though he’s my manager now. I’m not completely lying to her but it’s not like I can tell her he’s a cartel boss over the phone either. After talking for a few more minutes we hang up so I can order my coffee. As I’m waiting for my coffee to be made my bag starts ringing. I forgot my new phone is in there. Digging the box out and opening it I see a missed call from someone named Johnny. I don’t know him but obviously Diego does. Shrugging it off, I put the phone away. I’ll call him later, right now I need to get back to the hotel and get warmed up for tonight.

Taking my coffee I leave the shop and make my way back to the hotel. There’s not much to see on the walk aside from small retail shops that look expensive as hell so I make a mental note to ask the concierge to help me find a decent apartment to rent.

My new phone begins to ring again so this time I answer it.


“Twitch, this is Johnny. I’m a trainer and was asked by Blanca to help you get ready for tonight. We don’t have a lot of time so if you can get to 5th Round Gym within the hour we can have you warmed up.”

A trainer? I’ve never needed a trainer nor do I want one but I’m fighting in Barbarity so that means I’ll be fighting against someone who has been trained for this. I won’t turn this down.

“Alright I’ll be there.” I hang up without waiting for a reply. The guy sounds like he’s not one for small talk either.

I jog the rest of the way to the hotel and spot a Land Rover parked out front with a guy in a suitstanding bythe passenger door. When he sees me he pushes off the car and opens the door.

“Twitch, I’m here to take you to 5th Round. And I’ll be your personal guard from here on out. Anything you need, you let me know and I’ll take care of it for you.” I already like this guy. He talks like the cholos I use to kick it with in Cali. He’s a big dude with tattoos peeking out from the collar of his suit. We’re total opposites in clothing choicebut oncewe’re in the SUV the speakers blast RUN DMCDown With The Kingand the guy doesn’t bother turning it down… Yeah, he’s my kind of people. We both head bob until we’re pulling into the parking lot of a gym.

The guy turns to me and says, “I’ll be out here when you’re done. Name’s Gabe by the way, my number is in your phone.”

I nod my head and take his offered hand which turns into the handshake I’m used to; a clap that slides into a finger’s grip with the thumbs out then a fist bump. He’s got to be from Cali. As I’m climbing out of the car Gabe reaches into the back seat and hands me a Nike gym bag.

“Forgot. This is yours. It’s all new stuff.” He tries handing it to me but I shake my head.

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