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As soon as he’s close enough to reach for my neck I grab his right arm and use his momentum to pull him forward while I slip to the side so I can slam my knee straight into his stomach. He grunts and bends forward, all the air leaving his lungs with the impact. I quickly pull up my right arm and slam the back of my elbow onto the base of his neck, knocking him to the ground. I still can’t see who he is but I hear Johnny yelling as he runs toward me from across the gym. I don’t bother looking up, my attention is solely on my attacker.

I land two good kicks to the bastard’s ribs and he tries to avoid my third kick by rolling away. As soon as he’s on his back I jump on him and begin raining down punch after punch until I’m being pulled off the guy. I see it’s not Johnny so I instantly throw my head back to smash the person’s nose but I don’t feel the crunch of cartilage like I thought I would. Instead I hear a deep voice.

“Calmati, Silver. Calm down. It’s me, Twitch.” I slowly let myself relax as Johnny puts my attacker on his stomach and zip ties his hands behind his back. There’s only one person who would benefit from having me hurt or killed today and when I get into the ring with her tonight, I’m going to make sure she regrets every choice she’s made today.

The Popovs are a family of cowards.

“If I let you go, you gonna be a good girl and let us question the bastard?” Twitch’s rumbling voice reminds me that I’m still being held. How I forgot his tattooed arms were around me, I have no clue. I’m soothed though and it’s that thought that has me stiffening all over again.

“If you don’t let me go I’ll make sure you never step foot in my arena again.”

I feel his chest vibrate against my back with his silent laughter and the motion makes my throat tighten up while a fire ignites in my core. What a delicious feeling.

“Don’t be a bitch, Silver. It’s not a good look on you.” He throws my words back at me as he let’s me step from his embrace, letting his fingers glide against my exposed skin at my waist. A shiver runs through me but I won’t admit it to anyone.

I don’t say anything to him, nor do I turn to look at him. The unfamiliar feelings rushing through me are not something I can entertain.

Especially not right now.

Johnny drags my attacker over to the wall ten feet away and rips the ski mask off. I don’t recognize him at all but he doesn’t look like one of the Russians and the smeared blood is hard to see past. Movement from my left has me looking over in time to see Twitch stalking off like he suddenly has somewhere to be.

I’m about to stop him, for all I know they could be in cahoots together, but Johnny’s voice pulls me back to the guy.

“Who are you and why were you trying to get Silver?”

The bloody faced man doesn’t say anything, he just looks between us with his lips folded inward. Johnny suddenly throws an uppercut which lands under the guy’s chin perfectly. My would-be-attacker begins panting, like he’s hyperventilating, as blood flows from his mouth. His teeth must’ve bit into his folded lips.Ouch.

“Who the fuck sent you?” I yell at the piece of shit but instead of answering, he spits a glob of blood and saliva at me, but I anticipated the cliche so I sidestep in time.

Twitch is suddenly there with a silver butterfly knife in one hand and a bottle of water in another. Pouring the latter on the attacker’s face, rinsing the blood off lets us finally see the face beneath it.

He looks vaguely familiar but I can’t pinpoint where from, not until Twitch flips the knife out with a snarl and brings the point up to the guy’s throat.

“Fucking Carlos. Did your uncle send you to do this?” Twitch is practically growling and the wild look in his eye is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. He looks possessed, like a manic without his medication but what makes my blood run cold the most is how calm he is. His eyes are like a wild fire on the loose but his demeanor is scary calm. Like the sociopath he’s been accused of being.

“Who the fuck is his uncle and how do you know him?” Johnny asks, seeing the same thing I’m seeing.

Twitch without his twitches is a dangerous motherfucker.

“His uncle is Diego Blanca and I know him because he said some disrespectful things about Silver on the flight here so I laid the bastard out. Now tell me Carlos, did your uncle send you to attack Silver?”

“Diego would never do that to me.” I say with confidence. That man is like a father to me and his daughter would kill him if he ever hurt me.

“Besides, Diego has been a cartel boss for many years. He didn’t get all that power and hold it for so long by sending simpletons, like this moron, to do his dirty work. This has to be the Russians.” Johnny says as he pulls out his phone but I hold up my hand, stopping him. I know he’s going to call his father, a capo for the Renzettis, but we need to get all the answers first. If this guy really is a Blanca man, it could cause unnecessary trouble between the families.

A guttural cry brings our focus back on Twitch and I see his blade is pushed deep in Carlos’ shoulder, blood soaking the man’s shirt as he screams. I don’t stop him though, I just watch in fascination as Twitch’s wickedly sexy smile lightens up the room even as his words are laced with black sin.

“I never liked you Carlos. I didn’t get a chance to pull your teeth out like I wanted to but maybe now that you’re a fucking turncoat, your uncle will let me expel some of my demons, yeah?” He sounds excited like a kid about to go for ice cream. Twisted, I know, but I can’t help the fluttering in my chest. Giddy with excitement.

“The Popovs came to me! They said they’d kill me if I didn’t do what they wanted. I swear, I swear to you- AHHH!”

Twitch pulls out the knife as he stands. He searches through Carlos’ pockets until he pulls out a phone. I move closer, watching as he flips the phone open and scrolls through the contacts.

Standing so close to Twitch I can’t help but smell his cologne and sweat. It makes my mind go fuzzy, like white noise on an old TV. His natural earthy fragrance is my new favorite smell.

Wait, what? Ah, fuck it. It’s not like I’m going to tell anyone anyway.

I inconspicuously inhale his addictive scent while he pulls up a number Carlos called seven times in the last hour. Twitch calls the number and puts it on mute, then clicks on the speaker. We listen as the line rings twice before a man’s heavily accented voice comes through.
