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“Carlos,drug, did you finish the job?” Johnny, Twitch and I watch as Carlos practically passes out with fear when the guy on the phone uses the Russian word for friend. It’s not just the endearment that shows Carlos as a liar but it’s the tone the Russian used. He sounds like he’s speaking to an old friend and not someone who’s threatened his life.

“I’m going to let you speak to him. Tell him it’s done but you better make it believable or I’ll open you up right here and now.” Carlos is already nodding before Twitch even finishes his sentence.

Twitch unmutes the phone and holds it to Carlos’ face.

“Aye, compadre! Yeah, it’s done. I trashed the car like you asked.”

“What about the other problem? Did you have trouble getting rid of it?” I stiffen and stare at my fists trying to calm myself before I do something rash like announce that they’ll have to do a lot more than sending a hitman to get rid of me.

“Si, she’s in the trunk of her car like you ordered.”

The man on the phone laughs with real humor. “Moy drug, you’re funny, my friend. Thank you for offering your services. You’ll receive the deposit within the hour and I’ll see you tonight, when my daughter claims the Barbarity throne.” He hangs up before Carlos can say anything.

RuslanfuckingPopov. King of the cowards.

Johnny and Twitch begin beating the shit out of my would-be-assassin but my mind is traveling. They think they’ve gotten an easy win tonight, as if my death would mean Mila could just step in and take my place, fill my shoes.

Ha! That would never happen, even if I had died.

Tonight, I’m going to show up and surprise the hell out of these sniveling little snakes and I know the best way to do it.

“Stop. I want Carlos alive. He’s going to announce my name tonight.”
