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“Enough, children. The fight is going on. Come on Tanner!” I give Jefa the stink eye.

“You bet on Tanner?” I don’t know why I’m surprised, he’s the one she always bets on.

“Don’t get salty on me, Silver. I didn’t know you had the hots for daddy’s new guy. Not my fault you put him against my good luck charm.” That’s what she calls Joseph, like it’s not rude to compare an Irish man to a four leaf clover. Tanner never tells her off though, he doesn’t mind being Jefa’s charm. I think he secretly likes her but it’s Nico ‘the Cold’ Renzetti who has her heart.

Tanner throws a solid kick that Twitch takes to the side of his thigh. Suddenly, it’s like that kick set off a fire in Twitch. He quickly throws two punches at Tanner; one hits his chin while the other hits his shoulder. Twitch continues his assault, relentlessly attacking Tanner and I’m hooked; mesmerized by this man. The way he moves—fast, calculated, and precise—has me slowly standing from my seat while my stomach and core burn.

Damn I want to be out there next to the cage. I want to push my fingers through the chain link fence and watch this warrior go to battle. I can imagine the vibrations his powerful hits send through the ring side seats.

My mouth is dry as I watch his arms shoot out like bullets; target locked, trigger pulled.

My heart is racing as Twitch gets Tanner up against the cage, landing punch after punch on the Irishman. When Tanner continues guarding his face with his gloved hands up, it’s apparent he’s waiting for Twitch to get tired.

“Back off Twitch, save your energy!” I’m yelling at the TV like he can hear me. Instead of listening to me, the asshole continues his assault but then he does something that surprises the shit out of me.

Twitch backs off and drops his arms.

“What the fuck is he doing?” Johnny asks standing up.

“Looks like your guy is giving in, babe.” Jefa says with smug confidence as she stands next to me.

Tanner slowly moves from the cage, dropping his hands just slightly and like a bat out of hell, Twitch moves into action, stunning me further. Have you ever seen those crazy football plays on YouTube where the quarterback acts like a time out has been called but then, as the rivals let their guards down, the quarterback begins running; touchdown before the rivals even begin to make chase? That’s exactly what Twitch just did.

One moment he’s standing in front of Tanner, the next he’s behind him. Twitch wraps his arms around the Irishman and lifts him off the floor, twisting slightly before slamming him down onto his back. The crowd roars so loudly the door rattles against the frame while I grip both Jefa and Johnny’s arms with my taped hands as Twitch crawls over a dazed Tanner. He’s unable to fully mount Tanner though because the Irishman throws a right hook, which Twitch takes to the ribs. Fuck, that hurt me just watching.

The men begin to grapple on the floor; Tanner trying to block the knees and hammer fists coming his way while Twitch is trying to put Tanner into submission. Each man is trying to gain and keep the upper hand and before we know it, the first round comes to an end.

As I let go of the breath I was holding, I watch the men separate and head to their sides of the cage. It’s then that I notice Twitch is bleeding. I knew he had a cut there from a fight previous to this one but I didn’t think it would open so fast.

Fucking hell, Tanner’s Mr Hyde comes out when he sees his opponent bleed.This is going to be a bloody battle.

As if reading my thoughts, Johnny looks at me. “I better get out there. Twitch doesn’t have a coach in his corner besides his guard, and I need to get that cut to stop bleeding or he’ll lose focus trying to wipe blood from his eyes.” Johnny grabs his kit before running out of the room.

“Oh my ovaries! This fight just got insanely hot.” Jefa’s breathy voice cuts through my mind.

“Eyes off,ragazza,”girl, “He’s mine and I don’t share. But yes you’re right, this just got interesting.”

Jefa’s chuckles fade to the background when round two starts.

What did I just sign Twitch up for?
