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I sneak into Barbarity through the back entrance wearing a white wig and large Gucci sunglasses so that everyone will assume I’m Jefa. It works well, too. Getting into my small yet private gym, I begin doing warm ups. Nothing major, just a few sets of punching bag sit-ups, push-ups, jump rope and other basic workouts. I need to expel some of this energy so I can keep a level head later.

I’ve never been so pumped for a fight before but finding out Popov was responsible for sending an attacker to kill me? Yeah, I’m fucking ready. I’m not only looking to win a fight, I’mlooking for blood. I want Mila’s fucking head on a silver platter. I want to impale the bitch and leave her as an example to anyone who thinks they're strong enough to take me out. Tonight I’m going to make sure the mafiosos of my world know that the Popovsare a family led by a coward and his daughter will be the first to pay for his foolish choice.

I stop my routine when the door opens and Johnny comes through.

“Parla con me fratello,speak to me brother. Is everything set up for my surprise introduction tonight?” Johnny made sure that everyone who works for me would act as though they haven't seen me.

My fight will be the last one of the night so I want everyone to think I didn’t show up. That I punked out from a fight with this broad.

“The enforcers are all ready to take Ruslan, and the Renzetti brothers have been alerted to the attack. My dad wants to take Popov now but he’s standing back to let you handle it how you want but as soon as the fight is over, he wants Popov out of Barbarity territory to make sure he can enact thedisciplinare.” Disciplinary. An act that must have the blessing of the head Cosa Nostra family, the Renzettis. In this case, the crime was committed against me, therefore it was committed against Andino ‘Hangman Renzetti because I am under his Capo.

Looks like war will be declared tonight.

“Okay good. Get your gear so we can spar,” I tell him before taking a drink from my water bottle. Johnny’s chuckling has me confused though. “What the fuck are you giggling for?”

He barks out another round of laughter before answering. “I’m not giggling, you twat. I’m just thinking about how your face looked when Twitch had you blushing like a nun earlier.” He exaggerates how I looked, mouth hanging wide eyes crossed like a fool. I throw my water bottle, nailing him right on the forehead. The combination of the way he was mocking me and the surprise of the water bottle hitting him, his face had me dying. I can’t stop the laughter from spilling. I’m laughing so hard that my stomach hurts and I don’t see him coming at me.

Johnny grabs me from around the waist and tosses me over his shoulder but I know what he’s going to do. This is his M.O as my trainer. Surprise attacks. It keeps me sharp and ready at all times. His tactic during training helped me with my attack earlier because if I hadn’t been trained to expect the unexpected, I would have gotten hurt or worse.

Before Johnny can spin around and slam me down on the mat, I lift up enough to hammer-fist him as hard as I can where his shoulder and neck meet. He lets me go but I keep my hands around his neck and as soon as my feet touch the mat I pull my knee back before bringing it forward to slam into his stomach, but he sees it coming and blocks.

Pulling out of the hold I have on his neck he says, “Alright, that’s enough. You need to save your energy.” He walks over to the mini fridge to get some water just as Jefa walks in. I haven’t told her about the attack yet so she’s completely oblivious to my tension and anxiousness.

“I didn’t know you were here yet, Sil. I didn’t see your car parked outside.” She drops her bags and pulls out everything she needs to clean up any wounds on me later. I trust no one to doctor me, I guess I’m like my mom in that way.

Jefa usually cleans me and Johnny up after our fights so she’ll probably be cleaning Twitch later aswell, nowthat he’s fighting for her pops.

Ignoring the surge of jealousy that hits me at the thought of her hands on him, I tell her about the attack and the destruction of my car.

“What the hell, Silver! Why didn’t you call me? Where is Carlos now? I want to have a moment with him.” Her lovely face has turned a violent shade of red, she’s so pissed.

The only time she gets like this is when someone disrespects her family. It makes me truly grateful to have her as my best friend. She’s wild and crazy, known as Jefa La Loca, she’s a stand up bitch. For the past few years Jefa has been living here in New York so that she could be the front boss for the Blanca Cartel. She runs Diego’s businesses here while he keeps to La Paz so technically I should have told her about the attack right away since Carlos is one of her men but I want to do things my way.

“I didn’t tell you, Jefa, because it was under control. Plus, I want to make a show of it. Tonight, the Popov family thinks they’ve won. They think I’m rotting in my mother’s trunk right now, so let’s keep it that way. When thesepezzi di merda,” Pieces of shit. “are ready to claim the throne here, I’ll make it known what the fuck I’m about—starting with Mila. Today the Popovs declared war, so tonight the first casualty will happen. Mila won’t be leaving here alive.”

The fights have been going on all evening and since these men and women are the best my ring has to offer, most of the fights run long. The fighters who are unwilling to tap out have led to a few T.K.Os but it’s also led to a ferocious crowd.My kind of audience. Perfect for feeding the feral fighters, including myself.

I’ve been pacing and warming up all night; keeping my body loose and lithe. Wrath courses through my veins, not a single minute throughout the evening has tamed my thirst, instead, it’s amped me up more and more. But then my closed-circuit TV shows Twitch and Tanner stepping into the ring. I pull my earbuds out and turn up the volume to listen in on the fight.

Barbarity isn’t legally televised, ESPN won’t be showing this evening on TV, but if you have the right tech-knowhow, you could watch this unfold on the dark web. The criminal world’s version of “cut the cord” gives you unfiltered access to the fight but for me, this is my security camera footage. The only real-time showing of Barbaric night. Even the dark web gets a late viewing of my ring; gotta keep my tracks protected at all times. The FBI watches the dark web too, after all, and though we pay off the right people, there are some assholes looking to earn their stripes by taking me down.

Coming back to the present I sit and watch as Tanner walks over to Twitch. “Good luck tonight, ya bastard.”

Tanner is a good guy, one of the few within the mafia world who is legitimately kind but because of that kindness, if you cross him… Let’s just say he has a Mr. Hyde to his personality.

Twitch’s laughter has my heart speeding up and a flutter go through my stomach. His deep voice makes me feel like I just took a shot of Fireball Liquor; my whole chest is heated. Even through the TV this man has an effect on me. I’m not like most girls who will deny, deny, deny until they’re blue in the face. Yes, I try to keep myself from acknowledging the attraction, but I’m no fool. Twitch is gorgeous and I want him. I may not act on it—hell, I may play hard to get too—but there’s no ignoring these feelings. New as they are to me.

“Good luck to you,bastardo.” Twitch says with an arrogant lift of his chin even as they touch gloves. God, as much as his confidence pissed me off earlier, it’s sexy as hell to see a man back up what he says.

The men separate and go to their sides of the cage. The fight master steps in and announces the fighters and their weights, further reminding me that I put Twitch against our best floor grappler in the men’s division. I hope Tanner doesn’t get him on the ground because looking at Twitch’s bulk I’m certain he will lose.

“Come on Twitch, win me some money.” I say just as Jefa comes in with Johnny.

“You bet on Twitch? After putting him against the Irishman so that he’d lose? Talk about whiplash,” Jefa says with a wink. Yeah, she knows how I feel. I spilled my confused guts to her earlier and much to my dismay Johnny cackled the whole time. I swear, he’s a child.

“Typical women, the confusing creatures. You don’t even know what you want, do you?” He says as he plops down next to me bumping me with his shoulder. I roll my eyes at him.

“Typical men, the meathead brutes.” I laugh when he grabs my thigh, tickling the crap out of me. The big brother that he is, he knows all my tickle spots.
