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The guards open the door to my office to let Johnny and Gabe through. Behind them is Twitch, smiling like a crazy man with a broken nose and busted eyebrow. I have to hold myself back from slapping that smirk off his face.

This punk ass, James Dean meets Beach Boys motherfucker had me hyperventilating back here. He’s completely reckless when he fights. He could have easily wrapped his legs around Tanner’s to keep him from kicking and bucking.

It’sobvious Twitch is a true street fighter who’s never had any real training but it’s his bull headed attitude that keeps him from fearing his opponents and letting him enter a fight with a steady head. His recklessness throws off the other fighter, as I just witnessed in his fight with Tanner.

I watched the whole thing when I should have been prepping for my own fight, but fuck that, Twitch had me hooked like a drug addict.

Jefa shakes her head at me, “Don’t look so worried, Sil, he’s fine. Johnny, get her ready. Gabe and I will clean up Twitch.”

I try to act like I wasn’t just standing here chewing on my lip like a scared girlfriend, especially when Twitch looks up and gives me a two finger wave with that knowing smirk on his bloody face.

This guy.

His whole face is covered in blood including his hair. His neck and chest are covered in tattoos but I can still see the blood darkening the ink. “Get his nose set and stop that bleeding. There’s ice and Vodka in the fridge.”

“Ya hermana,”Enough sister, “Go get ready, don’t worry about this.” Jefa pulls on some gloves while Gabe puts rolled up gauze in Twitch’s mouth. They move calmly and easily, no frenzy or chaos to be seen.

I guess it’s just me.

Twitch chuckles around the gauze, making me spin around with my cheeks flaming.


I walk over to Johnny who’s getting the kit restocked for my fight. Stopping next to him I take deep breaths trying not to turn back and push Jefa’s hands off Twitch.

He’s not mine.Yet. Fuck my life.

“Tieni la testa dritta, ragazza.”Get your head straight, girl. “You hear me? You’re about to go up against MilafuckingPopov. A bitch who is looking to take your throne,” Johnny says as he checks over my taped hands, inspecting the work I’ve done.

I know he’s right. Twitch is a big boy and he’s been taking care of himself for years, I don’t need to make a fool of myself worrying about him.

I inhale and exhale, clearing my head of Twitch. It’s time to protect my title, my reputation, my motherfucking throne.

“Remember, this bitch had your mom’s car trashed and planned to have you eliminated from the fight tonight by killing you. I’ve seen her walking around out there looking like she’s queen of the castle. Is she? Is she the queen?”

“No. I am,” I say as Johnny rubs my arms, kneading the muscles to get the blood flowing.

“I can’t hear you. Is she the queen?”

“No! I’m the motherfucking queen of this castle!”

“Louder!” He yells in my face, looking like he truly is pissed off and since he’s my best friend, I guarantee he is. Those cowards went to his gym to hurt me. Mila didn’t personally step foot in Renzetti territory but she might as well have. She sent in a connection, someone with ties.

Tonight, she’ll die for it.

“I’m the queen of Barbarity!” I scream in his face, spittle flying and not a single fuck given.

I’m too pumped to care about propriety. Johnny flips my hood up over my head as the fight master calls Mila and I out. It’s not a boxing robe or anything of that nature, It’s a simple black cut off hoodie with the name Barbarity on it but it was a gift from my mother on the day I opened Barbarity’s doors and I wear it to every fight.

Johnny and I stand behind my guards in the shadows, waiting for Mila to step into the ring.

All my life, I’ve fought for what I have now. Everything I’ve accomplished in life was done by determination and force of will. I will never have respect for someone who doesn’t work for what they have. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re born with money, good for you, but you still need to learn the wealth of earning your own dollar.

Hell, the Tanner’s are a rich clan within their own mafia world yet they run businesses. The family’s children work with their hands and minds to make money and build on their empire. Learning the value of earning your own dollar is one of the best lessons a parent can teach their children.

But if you’re someone who has absolutely no understanding of money value?Get the fuck out of my face.

That’s how Mila is; sucking on mommy’s tits with her hand in daddy’s wallet.
