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It's been a little over three years since Barbaric Night and the best shower of my life—not that there was much showering going on. I’ve fought once a month for the first year and signed another two year contract with Diego. This is my last year fighting for him so I’ve been training a new guy to replace me. Next year, I’ll be fighting for myself.

Though Jefa and Johnny have become friends of mine, Silver continues to see me as her nemesis. It's for the best. Avoiding her is impossible though; I run into her at the gym a lot since Johnny is my trainer and her best friend. It's neverawkward though, unless you count all the glares andfuck yousas awkward, then, yeah we’re awkward as hell.

I find those hateful looks and words to be foreplay when it comes to that silver haired vixen. Jefa is usually there too. I've seen her and Johnny whispering about us like a couple of old hens at church, I'm surprised the two haven't devised a plan to hook us up yet.

Of course there’s the one night a year ago, where they both left the gym like assholes. They left Silver there with me as if they honestly thought she would willingly catch a ride with me. Just because she doesn’t have a replacement car yet doesn’t mean she’ll put her pride aside.

I can’t say I blame her though.

“Need a ride?” I asked her that night but as predicted, she ignored me while calling someone on her phone. I remember being so fucking pissed and having to hide the anger as she put the phone to her ear.

“Hi,bello.”Handsome.“It seems I’m without a ride, do you think you can come pick me up and maybe come back to my place?” She asked in a sugar sweet voice while I bit the inside of my cheek, tasting blood.Who the fuck is this guy that she speaks to like a woman about to get fucked?My blood was pumping and I was starting to see red but I acted as though i didn’t give a fuck. Even when she hung up I stayed, of course I made it seem as though hanging outside of 5th Round was part of my nightly routine.

“You can go, I don’t need you to wait around.” Silver said as she lit up a pink cigarette.Roses. The cigarette smelled like roses, just as her mouth tasted that day in the shower.

I said nothing in reply. I waited, I wanted to see this asshole but to my utter surprise it was not a man but a woman who pulled up.

“Have fun with your bello, babe.” I chuckled at her even when she turned and flicked the butt of the cigarette at my chest, sending lit embers everywhere.

Shaking myself of those memories, I push on the gas as the light turns green. My beautiful 1969 Chevelle arrived about a week after my first fight and I've been using it to get me around, though I cringe almost every time I take her out because NYC is most definitely not the place for a big body classic muscle car. I think I'd kill someone if they dented or scratched my baby. For the first time in a long time I can't keep the grin from my face; life has been treating me good.

Instantly I feel guilty.

Anytime I feel a scratch of joy, I feel like I'm betraying my sister. It's why I couldn't give into my desires with Silver. My sister could be anywhere trying to survive while living in a shitty place or worse, she could be dea—Nah, I can't think like that. My sister is alive. She's my father's daughter, she's a fighter. I've gone to almost every agency and city clerk I could find in the phone book but they all tell me the same things.

“I'm sorry, there's no one in the system named Sia Romano.”

It almost killed my spirit but I can't give up.

You have to protect your sister, ragazzo.

“Sì, mamma. I'll find he,.” I say aloud because I always answer my mother. Even her ghost.

My phone ringing brings me back from my mother's memories.

“Ciao?” Hello?

“Cómo estás, Twitch?”How are you, Twitch?I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the screen and see it's Jefa.

“New phone who dis?” I say through a grin because I'm a sarcastic asshole with a sense of humor. Sue me.

“Pendejo.”Idiot. “You know who this is; your boss, bitch.”

I scoff loudly. “Boss? Jefa, if I had known it was you calling I would have pressed ignore. The fuck you want?” Did I mention I'm an asshole? Besides, it's the white haired demon girl, I have to tease her. She’s like a sister to me now.

“I'm sure you would have. Listen, my pop's birthday is coming up this weekend and you haven’t showed up to any of the parties I’ve had for him. This year it’ll be at Medusa’s Lounge.” I can practically hear the pout in her voice.

“Yeah, tell the old man I said happy birthday.” I go to hang up but Jefa's words stop me.

“Fine, I'll make sure Silver goes with a date who can't keep his greedy hands off of her body.” I like Jefa, she's loyal, straight up and will make a great boss one day but I kinda want to strangle her for putting that image in my head. But I don't let it show in my tone.

“Okay. Make sure to tell her I said hello.” I try to hang up a second time but she must have guessed my move.

“Don't you dare hang up, Twitch. I know you like her and I know she likes you. What the fuck is the problem, huh? For three damn years, you guys have been taunting each other like two preschoolers only with a more vibrant vocabulary list.” She takes a deep breath to calm herself. I must say, I've never seen or heard Jefa so serious about something outside of Blanca business. “Listen, Twitch, I'm not inviting you to be her date, in fact this whole conversation got off base. I'm inviting you to my dad's party because he's proud of you. He walks around telling people about you like you're his son or some shit. Make him happy by showing up. If not fine but I'd appreciate it if you did. I'm not going to pull rank and force you to come, I'm simply asking as a friend.”

“Fine. When and what fucking time, Jefa?” Though I want to be mad at her, Jefa's squeals and giggles keep me from letting the words slip from my lips.

Once she rattles off the time and address she gives me a dress code. “Don’t be apanocha, Twitch.”Pussy. “Suit and tie nothing less.” Then she hangs up before I can reply. Fuck that. I never wear that shit. If I'm going to this damn party, I'm going to dress how I want to.
