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I picked up Nick on my way to Medusa’s Lounge but I still don’t know my way around so it’s a good thing I got Nick to come with. After following his directions we made it to the place and as luck would have it, it’s fifteen minutes from my new apartment. Medusa’s is a remodeled two story building that looks like it’s been here since New York was founded. The red brick building has been painted over in matte black, completely different from the other buildings around it. Though we're in a hipster part of lower Manhattan, this building stands out with a large stylish sign in front that hasthe goddess, Medusa, lounging on a chaise.

“Have you ever been here before?” I ask Nick as we pull up to the curb.

“No, but I've heard of it from time to time. It was opened not that long ago. The owner got a loan from the Renzetti family so he could get this place.” I've heard a few whispers about this family. They're an Italian family that runs the Cosa Nostra here in North America. Supposedly, the boss is a blood thirsty man but Diego says he's a fair guy and rarely shows face unless he's needed for a sit down with the heads of the New York boroughs. I just found out that Johnny's dad is a capo for the boss. Maybe he can help me find out what happened to my sister, since the city can't do shit for me.

A valet comes jogging over as we get out of my car but I stop him before he can climb in. “If I come out and there's a scratch anywhere on this car or even the rims I will break a finger. Got it?” This car is the only thing I have that's worth anything to me so I'll be damned if anything happens to it.

The guy swallows loudly before stuttering out, “Y-yes sir, got it.” He looks like a know-it-all teenager but he’s still as soft as his baby face so I know he hasn't seen the things I have. I may almost be twenty three years old but I feel years older. Plus, he looks like one of those punks that joyrides in cars when he should be parking them so I will keep my word. I let him climb in the car and watch as he pulls away from the curb before turning and walking towards the entrance with Nick.

“Dress code is in order for tonight, sir. I can't let you in.” I look down at my black button up shirt and white bow tie along with my white suspenders and black ripped jeans, paired off with my combat boots. “Oh well! I fucking tried, let's go Nick.” I turn to go back to the valet but Nick addressing the bouncer with an authoritative tone, one that I've never heard him use before, stops me.

“Jefa personally invited us, check the list for Twitch. I'm sure the boss wouldn't be happy to know his personal fighters were barred from entering due to attire.”

Attire?Who the hell is this guy. I bite back my laughter when Nick turns and gives me a wide-eyed look while the bouncer scans through the list. Clearing his throat, the bouncer moves aside and allows us to enter without another word.

The music hits us as we walk in. I didn't think this place would look like a club. The quiet outside suggested a more personal setting but the inside is packed with people. A pretty blonde greets us, “Follow me, gentlemen.” She gives us both a once over before turning and leads us further into the club, past all the people dancing to ‘Your Domino’ by TIEKS, and that's when I see her.

Silver stands above the dance floor in the second level of the club. Her back is to me but I instinctively know it's her. She has a drink in her hand while she sways her hips to the music, making her sequined dress throw off multi colored glimmers as the lights touch her. Her hair is in an updo, showing off the open back of the dress. She has a thin tattoo down her spine that makes my fingers itch to run down the ink. She’s not dancing erotically, just moving her hips but every man around her is as transfixed by her movements as I am. I want to gouge every one of their eyes.

Calm down, asshole.

I pull my eyes from her just as Johnny's booming voice meets my ears.

“Twitch, Nick,buonasera!”Good evening. “Come, there's drinks and women in the VIP section.”

Johnny throws his arms around our shoulders and throws a wink at the greeter girl before steering us to the stairs leading to the second level.

Johnny’s slightly slurred voice yells above the music, “I'm surprised you made it, I owe Jefa two hundred dollars now but don't remind her, yeah?”

I laugh and accept a drink from the waitress. She gives me a flirtatious smile and pretty eyes, giving off the innocent look some guys fall for and although the girl is gorgeous, she's not holding my attention. I turn away, dismissing her immediately but Nick is quick to throw her some charm. The second level is filled with people, some I know and some I don't. This section wraps around the club with four sets of stairs at different locations. There's dark green velvet couches along the walls and luxurious looking coffee tables littered with liquor bottles and ice buckets.

I'm so uncomfortable here. Clubs have never been my scene but then again, I've never been to one seeing as how I've been locked up since I was a kid. I don't know how to relax enough to enjoy the music and company. I've already marked the exits and I continue sweeping my eyes over the crowd to make sure there are no threats nearby while trying to seem unfazed.

“Che cos'è?”What is it?Johnny's question makes me chuckle a little. I guess I'm not pulling off the tranquil look I was going for. I gulp down the drink to loosen myself up a little and grab another. Immediately, I feel the harsh alcohol work it's way into my system, warming my chest. I mentally remind myself that I'm not in juvie anymore and I don't need to be looking over my shoulder.

I shake my head, “Tutto bene, Bones.”All good. I smirk at my use of the nickname he hates just to take the attention off my antisocial ass. Jefa said the nickname was given to him by his mother who always complained that he needed more meat on his bones as a kid. Thus, the nameBones.

“Cazzo!”Shit!“Where'd you hear that name, asshole?” Given his reaction, I've now made it my goal to call him this every day. Besides Silver, whose real name I don't know yet, nicknames are usually given for something embarrassing but it's up to you if you're going to let that bother you.

“I overheard Jefa call you that while talking to Silver.” Just saying her name makes my chest tighten. Johnny starts talking but my attention is drawn to Silver and Jefa. They look like they're arguing about something until Jefa walks away from her and stomps towards us. I nod my head to her when she stops next to us, snagging a leather jacket off the couch

“Sil is pissed and wants to leave, I'm going to drive her home.” She looks frustrated but I have a feeling it's because I'm here. It’s not like I’ve been the nicest person to her.

“I'll leave, this isn't my scene anyway. Tell your pops I stopped by.” I hold out my hand to Bones but Jefa's next words have my back straightening and my blood pumping.

“It's her exwey.”Fool. She bites her lip and looks anywhere but at my eyes. Normally I'd think she's up to something but the wordexhas my mind on one track. I look towards the spot I last saw Silver but she's not there. Searching the crowd, I listen to Jefa and Bones. The latter seems suddenly sober as he puts his drink down.

“That bitch Michael?” He demands, looking around as well.

“Yeah, he showed up and he keeps trying to get her to dance with him, she says he used to get volatile when he drank. I told her I’d have him removed but he ruined her mood.”

My eyes land on Silver. She's off to the side of the dance floor, like she was making her way to the front entrance but there's a guy blocking her path. Immediately I push past people and begin making my way to the first floor. I get to the stairs just as the guy grabs Silver's forearm and pulls her to him. I'm seeing fucking red. This motherfucker is touching someone that doesn't belong to him.

I feel Bones behind me but I rush forward anyway, knocking people out of my way. Silver yanks her arms back and pushes away from the bastard just as I get there, good thing too. I grab the guy by his neck and bicep. He's my height but not as broad as I am and from the preppy look of him, he isn't scrappy at all. I shove him backwards and away from Sil, becoming the unmovable wall between them.

I squeeze his throat and growl, “Hey, fuckface, when a woman says no she meansfucking no. I'll give you one minute to turn around and leave before I drag your ass outside and leave your lifeless body somewhere.” I can't believe I'm holding back. I want nothing more than to kill this piece of shit but I know there's some made men in here who don't need the cops sniffing around. When you're involved withla famiglia, you need to be smart about what fights to pick and what fights you need to be patient about. This is one of those but if he doesn't heed my warning, I'll make good on my threat.

“Who the fuck is this guy, Neviah?” the fuckboy squeaks out past my hand at his pencil neck. Hmm,Neviahis her name. It's as sensual as her. It sounds like an airy breath during sex.
